Due to the shutdown of The Daily stormer will we eventually be shutdown?!
Fate of Sup Forums and Sup Forums
No, and we have had these threads at least daily since it happened.
I fucking pray for that every day, just so I can get my life back.
I hope so.
I hope. I want to be free again.
if Sup Forums were to get Shut Down, everyone here on Sup Forums and /x/ would spread around the Internet like a Wild Fire and spread Redpills like never before.
Red pill containment would be breached
I can't speak for this entire website, but I am sure that if this board got shut down, that there is an "understanding" among all the anons to spread as much truth as possible after the shut down. The elites don't want that, so hopefully they just let us shit post in peace.
And got removed almost immediately. Only this time you have no where to bitch about it
Are you retarded? How many chans are there? Forget hot wheels tho. It's shit
if this site gets shut down I will burn down as many government buildings as possible
if they catch me I will sing the horst wessel song non stop.
never interfere with my autism
this post was satire
Almost all the other chans bans you on sight for being a stupid fuck neo nazi. In their pol boards they wordfilter niggers and kikes to something else. 420 instabans anyone that uses nigger.
Get fucked koala fucker.
eventually OP yes, it will be. it survived this round of attacks, but when the next big alt-right happening occurs, it will be the excuse they need to come after this place
eventually someone who has posted something here will go out and murder some nigger, or accidentally kill some nigger, it won't really matter. there will be a narrative and there will be the headlines "Sup Forums poster murders innocent 23 yr old black baby" and they will say "WE CAN NO LONGER ALLOW THIS SORT OF HATE SPEECH TO CONTINUE!" and so they will shut Sup Forums down. they'll get everyone eventually. can't beat the joo, unfortunately.
screen cap this if you want. it might be a mexican, or an illegal, or a dreamer, or a jew instead of a nigger, but essentially this will be the narrative.
we COULD beat the joo easy, if white people wanted to stand up and defend themselves, or at . least casually throw their allegiances in with their own race when they went to the voting booths the way other races do, but that has never happened. and it never will happen. so we cannot and won't win.
Well that's handy, because I'm not a larping pusbucket and actually adolf specific board culture
See, I did it again. Faggot
Opening the flood gates for the massive autists pushing anti jew, diversity, destroying your nation and freedom would be a massive problem. There are some relentless and passionate people here and giving them a challenge might be beneficial for us.
I welcome such a move from them.
Just had to state it for the record, eh Fritz? Never know when Herr Merkel is watching
Speak english wombat cuntlicker
This isnt your abo reserve area fucking seppo
>tfw the last bastion of free speech on the internet is a vietnamese basket weaving forum
this site is satire newfag
Pol needs to die for its leftism
Not if you become left-wing on time.
I'm just marking what is satire and what is not
germans have their problems with understanding humor, I dont want to upset some poor Staatschützer (who most likely can't even understand english)
You need to up your bants or show your Canadian flag maggot. Summer is meant to be over
It wouldn't do any good. Sup Forums is just the altar the damned pray on. There would be a Sup Forums.io up within minutes. Besides that shutting it down doesn't make the people here go away or stop shitting up the internet. There are a dozen other chans and a hundred other websites that would get flooded with shitposters. It'd be a fucking nightmare. Better to keep us contained here where they can annoy us with captchas that take 500 fucking clicks.
Calling you a koala fucker isnt banter. I was merely stating a fact. Fuck off from my board and go back to fucking more koalas.
Daily Stormer is not down... just the version you're used to.
The mayor of Atlanta said, and i quote,"Get fucked, kikes."
Man, the pirate bay is still active.
please don't nuke our containment website or else
Fucking koalas takes skill, stealth and cunning. They live in rather tall trees, alert each other to wandering koala rapists, ( koalas seldom give consent) and have formidable claws that discourage casual koala rapists. We are a small cadre,and call ourselves the green leaf berets.
We are green. We are eucalypts. Expoct us
Sup Forums is the most popular site among the neo nazis to regroup and plan their raids. If it got taken down they will scatter for months desperately trying to find a place to centralize. If they can centralize that is otherwise they all got bored of it and ditch the movement for good.
neo-nazis are too pussies to occupy their views on facebook.
They are trying their best to rid the internet of piracy, which reminds me, time to check in on torrentfreak
>hasn't heard about Gab
we got backup plans for backup plans nigger
and the daily stormer is back up, different addy, if you should be there, you'll find it
"Almost " . You said right , almost , not all . Now fuck off to reddit you fucking leaf
if Sup Forums was gone i would have no one to talk to because everyone i know in real life is unloyal pieces of shit
At this point Sup Forums is so subverted and overrun it's nothing to gain from shutting it down
>has actually heard of gab
And it's fucked, isn't it?
>using kike platform to bitch about kikes
> nothing's going to happen boys, amirite. Free speech and shiet
Fuck facebook, it bans conservative views.
My point precisely chaim. I'm down to 3 socks. And only use them for concern trolling
nope, don't let (((them))) get to you. It's not "Facebook" ready. But it's getting there.
In this day and age, pockets of dissent don't get shut down, they get compromised and taken over by alphabet agencies.
>Lets you get unfettered access to their location, names, addresses, etc, as well as letting you build a more complete profile of each and every dissenter through what they post
>Allows you to corrupt and turn the dissenters into people who spend all their time arguing and doing nothing of import
>attracts more potential dissenters for monitoring and disruption
Sup Forums being shut down would be the good thing. As it stands now, we're an alphabet agency antfarm and I'm going to guess the vast majority of posts here are now automated (personas managed by one or more analysts) or being made by a team of analysts (again using managed persona software) to act as hundreds or thousands of users.
Internet 'activism'/political organization never succeeds because it is always noticed and always subverted by the state before it can do any harm to it.
I like these flags.
It seems to be triggering the communists and liberal drones infesting this board.
We can just access through ip directly, problem solved
CNN is Israeli owned.
They will shutdown only after getting IPs and naming those address, AFTER DRUMPF is gone.
CNN (SJWs) is reporting bad stuff about Israel all the time. get ur facts straight.
Sup Forums is for fucking faggots.
Get a life loser homofucks.
>final boss of the internet
My fact was that CNN is Israeli owned.
They work for the diaspora jew narrative, not for local news.
Both pro-jew and both promote jewish narratives, but to different publics and for different goals.
>Pol needs to die for its leftism
we're not the ones causing migration and terrorism, we're not the ones stealing tax money, we're not the ones in control of our own culture, retard
>Not if you become left-wing on time.
We might as well stand in the middle of the street exposing our asshole, with a big neon arrow pointing down the asscrack, with the text please rape me dear refugees
>this flag
>dare i say it.. infinity.. chan..
Sup Forums is an example of Diversity. if they shut this down they are against Diversity, hence anyone can call them out as biased.
by the way, something I wanted to post since a long time:
>FUCK YOU daily stormer idiots
>FUCK YOU KKK friends
>FUCK YOU meme flag users (guess who's hiding ...)
>FUCK YOU leftypol
>FUCK YOU idiots with poor education
>FUCK YOU idiots in general
>FUCK YOU bastards agitating here
>FUCK YOU cunts posting blacked pics here
>FUCK YOU Trump voters
>FUCK YOU Hillary voters
>FUCK YOU underage faggots
>FUCK YOU people who follow a certain narrative because they don't have their own values
>FUCK YOU if you can't cook your own food from scratch
>FUCK YOU if you don't understand and apply the principle of antifragility
Sup Forums owns its domain and servers so we won't have any issues unless the law comes.
If Sup Forums goes down then the rest of the internet becomes Sup Forums.
Big companies tried to make the Pirate Bay lose its .org domain, but they failed. Since Sup Forums's domain isn't registered through GoDaddy or google, I strongly doubt it will lose it.
Since Sup Forums is using cloudflare the hosting is unknown, so they host can't throw them out. And cloudflare has no reason to throw them out either.
fuk u globalist pig
I'm happy with them closing Sup Forums. As long as I have /lit/, /x/ & /tg/ I am happy.
>implying that you won't look for another Sup Forums
Sup Forums is already /theirgoy/. Notice how the janitor recruitment did not include this board, and how your ip is logged with every post you make here.
Sup Forums is too mainstream, it isn't going anywhere without a lot of people being made aware of the illusion of choice given to us in the West.
oh, I forgott
>FUCK YOU globalists
why would they shut down Sup Forums, it's 95% lowIQ non-whites cuckposting and role-playing
an online controlled opposition of sorts
>IP is logged
so what, Sup Forums uses ssl and tor NOT
Oh goody. Whose IP did they just log?
have you noticed the mod who is clearly an agitator? maybe someone or an org made a deal with Goot so that they can plant their agitators here to mess with peoples minds
> messing with anons mind
Le ocean of piss maymay