Where do you stand on legalising prostitution and brothels in particular?

Where do you stand on legalising prostitution and brothels in particular?

Literally no reason not to.
It'd be safer for all parties involved and large amounts of tax revenue.

It seems to be working fine here for the most part. As it stands you'll generally find a dozen of brothels or massage parlors in every suburb. We do still have a lot of illegal establishments.

Prostitution & brothels are bad
Illegal prostitution & brothels are much worse.
So yes, legalise it.

Main benefit would be not tax revenue per-se, but diverting money flow from organized crime into general econmy

Go to new zealand you faggot i know you want to get fucked at the bon ton

Fornication is a sin, we need to hang the pimps and arrest all prostitutes, allow the jail guards to use harsh punishment against them

meh, prostitution is legal here as long as the hooker pays appropiate tax and shit, theres not even alot of people who know this. Its illegal to whore out someone else though.

This is a sinful tax, are we going to tax people for murderi their children too? We shouldn't encourage degenerate behaviour

>Busty blonde in stockings is $65
>Nigger with nappy hair is $75

This image makes no sense. Can the blonde not suck a dick or something?

>Where do you stand on legalising prostitution and brothels in particular?

well at least your mother could make an honest living.

The problem is that even in legal areas human trafficking is common.

It being illegal causes more problems than it solves. My area is littered with escorts, strip clubs that do extras and massage parlors that do more than massage despite it being illegal. Then on top of it you have large trafficking rings pulling these women over from Eastern Europe and SE Asia where they are more or less indentured servants that suck cock instead of scrubbing floors. Best part? All this happens while the Federal and state govts don't make a dime in taxes on it. If we can't enforce the laws, we might as well legalize the industry and profit off of it while doing something to protect these foreign women from these crime syndicates.

Exchanging money for goods or service. Two consenting parties. Why would I care. Its not like im going to get into a relationship with a prostitute and im probably not going to visit one myself, the negative view of prostitution by most people is enough to stop all but the most determined degenerate whores, so if anything prostitution should be promoted to weed out whores and leave the remaining good girls behind who are relationship material.

Doesn't violate the NAP.

criminals could clean their money through brothels pretty easy as it is a service without a physical remnant as proof


If that's the case then why couldnt they use any service based company.

well they could, i am for the legalisation of brothels i just think that there is a potential threat of criminals exploiting that

Arrest the escorts and put them into the insane asylum
Shut down strip clubs hang the owners
At the border if any smugglers are found just shoot them on the spot

God doesn't consent

Go nuts. Worked for us.

you know how people say prostitution is the oldest profession? that isnt really true, in the oldest account of prostitution the "prostitutes" werent getting paid
i cant remember off the top of my head where it was but it was a religious thing and all young women were expected to spend some time as a prostitute, then the men would pay the temple to spend time with them.
it was seen as a pious act and the girls who didnt do it would be looked down upon.
i think it was a greek island

The Greeks were one of the worst people in history, they worshipped little boys and raped them

>legalise with register for prostitutes and customers
>wait 5 years
>gas everyone on the list

should be legal + regulated
it would reduce ppl trafficking, abuse, adn other crimes
and who gives a shit what consensual transaction 2 consenting adults agree to? As long as no one is injured, the law shouldn't interfrere

I find them to be a pacifying thing in society. For me I may stop in to a brothel if I find I have some time to kill or I have a long lunch in an unusual area. It allows me to keep focused on other things.

>Where do you stand on legalising prostitution and brothels in particular?
... it's illegal?

Not here but for many, burgers in particular


>burgers in particular

In most places, sure, but there's a legal brothel on our soil too. Legalize it I say.

I'm 29 years old. I'm setting aside some money for a trip to a place where this is legal. So at 30 I will finally lose my virginity. I hear after you have sex you start thinking and acting like an adult. Which I really need to start doing, I still feel like a 14 year old.

WTF you fat cunt how is sex for money = killing children for fun?

I was only aware of the famous brothel in Nevada and their call girls. I imagine with tinder and craigslist it's happening much more under the table.

Be careful, you seem like the type who could get addicted.

Strong Trips.

lmao prostitution is already legal here (and is regulated by the government).

Brothels seems like a 3-star apartment for sex.

>legalize this
>the women with great bodies default to being whores
>men can legally find a prostitute on any street corner and 'pimping' businesses will flourish
>trashy average females realize they can no longer win a man by only offering sex, since they can get sex at any street corner
>average women adapt to offer better home maintenance and less hostile personalities
>good men still turn down any and every prostitute and now has many more quality women to pick from as a result

This is the answer...

You're going to have your heart broken with all that idealism you've got going on.

Sex is ok, but it's nothing special. You're not going to get some sort of life changing revelation when you bust your first nut in a woman, except for the fact that at that point you've probably wasted other, better opportunities to get laid that don't involve you paying for it outright.

There are places where it's legal. I know it is in Las Vegas.

I live in Portland which has the most stripclubs per capita in the US, or something. But let's not act like stripclubs arent basically brothels as I hear it often isn't very easy to pay a stripper to come back to your place after she's off for sex, or even get a handjob/bj in the VIP room during private dances

I personally don't really care if it's legal or not. I don't go to strip clubs, and I won't go to brothels. But they are legal in certain places in the US

What brothels have this pricing policy where it's different for different girls? Never seen this. Been to brothels dozens of times

>turning down a prostitute

m8 I dated a girl who worked in a brothel for a few months, one of the women with great bodies you described. If you're hedonistic it's pretty much the best decision you can make in your life.

I had sex for the first time at 17. When it was over I thought 'that was it?' I asked my gf what she thought and she thought the same thing.

Sex (orgasm really) is sort of like a drug you always have access to. It floods your brain with dopamine for a second. But then, like all floorings of dopamine, it depends on how you achieve it. Doing drugs to be happy is obviously wrong, but practicing painting or playing a sport to be happy is obviously natural and okay.

So people try to control you by making you lustful and want to use your 'orgasm drug' if you will. Don't fall for it. Save it for someone special, your wife, do the orgasm drug the right way.

Legal here and I see no problems in that

It often isn't very difficult***

Makes me cringe, but I think prosecuting people who engage in it is much worse

>Makes me cringe

I'm totally for it, I personnally can't stand the feminist hypocrisy on the question here (abortion is fine but prostitution is not).

It was in Corinthe, in an aphrodite temple however sacred prostitutin comes from mesopotamia and it's far older than ancient Greece.

Brothels were a strong part of traditionnal society.
Basically young horny men went there until they got married.

Personal tastes - I wouldn't be comfortable with myself if I had to pay money for sex. I'm not even fond of hook ups because there's usually always some price to pay.
Doesn't mean I think it should be illegal.

No opposition here. It'll definatly create more jobs for people with no other real skills, if nothing else.

Prostitution, sex work is the oldest profession in history. Legalize it, give them equal rights and let them pay taxes.

Legalize it. Make it a business and make sure the owners have a stock that aren't filled with women with venereal diseases.

I don't particularly mind it too much here. But I wish there was more variety of girls. Places like backpage are just filled to the brim with photo-shopped Asians.

One of things I do like is the mandatory testing (more so brothels).

The nigger is "exotic"

Fair enough on both statements. I still hit up tinder, the clubs, friends and that on top of going to the brothel. None of it comes cheap, I basically can't afford anything else beyond utility and good bye to saving.

>New source of tax revenue
>Taking business out of the black market
>More personal liberty
>BTFOing roasties and feminists
I see nothing wrong here.

Jungle fever probably

>It was in Corinthe, in an aphrodite temple however sacred prostitutin comes from mesopotamia and it's far older than ancient Greece.
cool, thanks.

>Prostitution is legal.
>Beothels certified by government is legal.
>Fully verified Virginity test is legal
Check mate feminism

Wow australia is so filthy

Good goyim

Legalize it, tax it, regulate it. By doing that you've just saved a whole bunch of problems regarding prostitution and organized crime. The only reason to be against it is for religious/moral reasons but it's extremely weak compared to the benefits you get from legalizing it.

Id argue that something like a farmer is the worlds oldest profession, someone has to be able to trade something with the prostitute after all.

>something like a farmer is the worlds oldest profession

Hunter-gatherer tribes predate agricultural groups across the board. Farmer most certainly is not the oldest profession.

In basic economics class u would have heard abt barter system. What they talked about was goods. They dont include services such as prostitution, or even hair cut. But I doubt this. Someone would have had urge to get his hair cut and have sex and wanted to barter. If this happened then whoever understood the capitalization of prostitution would have been very rich.

Oh yeah? BFTO families as well then. What would you do if you make ur wife upset and goes on to serve as prostitute. You have on one side divorce and alimony and on the other side whore wife and degenrate children.
Hold on. I know the solution.
>Artificial womb

I'm going to a brothel tomorrow, I'm going for 1hr because after you come once you can give harder and longer the next time

Prostitution should be legal and regulated, prohibition doesn't work and ends up creating black markets and human traficking.

I think it should be legal.
Additionally, every woman should be drafted to serve at a brothel once she's 18 for half a year or more, like men do with the military.

I think it would increase the general happiness levels of the population by thousandfold.
We'd be one step closer to an ideal society.

>sensibly suggests regulation

>virtually eliminating the only non-drug revenue from criminals

You're headed for bitter disappointment. But if it is so important to you, you should of gotten it out of your system years ago. Do it faggot and then be miserable that you wasted so many years of your youth obsessing about sex.

t. someone who lost it at 25

do you think criminals only make money from prostitution and drugs? you should watch less films for real

its already legal

>>The problem is that even in legal areas human trafficking is common.

Oh really? Show me the citations on human trafficking in the counties in Nevada that have legal prostitution.

Just because the Netherlands and other places with legal whores end up with problems with human trafficking doesn't mean it has to happen. It all depends on the implementation, regulation enforcement, etc.