Power Level Reveal Stories Thread

>Be redpilled
>Go to college English 101
>See on syllabus the required reading is "How to be a Muslim Male(for racists)
>Teacher asks, why do you think you're here?
>Raise hand
>"Because clearly you want to lie to us and brainwash us with cultural Marxism to benefit the Zionists"
>Say how muslims aren't a race, and by saying they are it's an example of cultural marxism
>Teacher blows up, has a talk with me where I just ask her not to lie, and how I will tell people about this
>Kicks me out of class
>In Math my teacher is cool, send him some Jared Taylor
>Two "Diversity Officers" show up the next day, basically say that I'm not allowed to have freedom of speech, send me to 2 therapists who basically confirm that I have a right to free of speech and won't even perform a psychological evaluation like they were instructed to
>One "Diversity Officer" say's he's a cop, I question why he's not in favor of my freedom of speech
>The other just keeps fucking with me, not allowing me to register for classes, sending me to a new therapist who basically just tells me I have wrong think need to walk on eggshells around them
>Have to say what I want to say in a way that "doesn't offend them"
So I'm probably just going to go the UCLA about this cause they're threatening to kick me out.
Freedom of speech is absolute, if their ideology was so great, they wouldn't have to lie.
Furthermore, since my ideology is so great, I have ascended to a Super Saiyan. Only non Super Saiyans had to hide their power level on Namek. Now that I've gone Super Saiyan, I'm gonna make Frieza my bitch.

Godspeed, OP.

God is on your side

and so is pol do you have email of the teacher, clasmates social profiles ?

Take it to TheFire.org if you think they're doing weird shit against speech.

drop the fuck out of that shit

oof jesus christ OP you're not a fuckin anime/japanese Superman.

Look, i get it, we live in an age where liberals have created a dystopia on college campuses and several other environments with their egalitarianism and postmodernist hypocritical diversity "everyone is equal (but some are more equal than others)" bullshit.

But you're not gonna win these kinds of battles with them- i'm telling ya.

Your "power level" is memed like Goku shit, but really it's more like Tony Soprano. Tell folks you're in "waste management" not the fuckin mob.
I'll say it more plainly, we gotta operate in secret and anonymity because these cunts got positions over us. We don't win with the head on approach on their home turf. Just how it is.
Being redpilled, it's like we're a couple of 'wise guys' pissing in their fruit punch when they look the other way and smile when they get another cup. You tell them what they wanna hear in one hand-- you take their wallet, their watch, their phone, w/e with the other. Just a metaphor in case you're wondering. We did this shit for the election already. We told these cunts what they wanted to hear, climbed in that poll booth, and voted Trump's boot right up their lilly asses.

Cut it out with the raging bull tactics, kid. You're useless to "us" if you don't make yourself into a successful example-- and that means being able to be undercover enough to get that shitty piece of paper they give you after 4 years of suffering the liberal campus. The moment you start revealing your power level is the moment they get to throw all the shit they've stacked in their favor against you. Don't be a detriment to yourself. Learn to keep your cool-- and then fuck 'em where it counts and hurts the most without any blow back on you. That's how a pro does it.
Professional redpillers don't need the credit, they just need their sweet, sweet liberal tears and despair.

Sup Forums is not your blog
there is no way you can back that story
Sup Forums is 18years+

That's rather underhanded for an honour bound Samurai like me. I'm going in full force, I'll never give up!!
I'll take as much shit they can throw, if it doesn't kill me, it will only make me stronger!
I am a true noblemen, born to rule and decipher.


At the very least you can cause a larger, more powerful shitstorm by not burning yourself at both ends.

Oh so what you are saying is that you are extremely autistic and had a massive spergout.