The normies dilemma
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I said in the other thread, we should amplify her message.
Putting the dilemma in these clear terms will quickly lead most white people to conclude the obvious: Only one of these groups are actually your friends.
>"i'll be sitting this one out, and bitching about it, tehee!"
That is the function of women, though.... building social cohesion.
the point is most will sit on the fence until they are forced to pick a side.
totally agree, we need to start memeing that non-whites don't like us
You do understand that most people do not even dare to speak out for white interests like, not being enslaved or exterminated.
Also take note that child protective services could take away your children if you hold such views.
Do you understand the kind of risk she has to deal with right now, not only some day in the future when a group of feral primitives come for you.
Danny Duchamp did a video touching on something like this too. The ending is really good as well.
is this the only real feminist that tends to get posted on the chins in a favorable light or is this someone completely different?
suprised she wasn't the one who wrote Kill All Normies. Shes been at the ground level, her and Molymeme before trump got elected.
They're supposed to know their way around an oven.
ehh. Men are better cooks than women in my experience.
Women only consistently outdo men when it comes to talk talk type shit.
that ending though
She's leaving it a bit late.
Doubt I'd run to protect her.
If she can make it pas no mans land on her own, I'd probably let her stay.
>alt right are reactionaries
Actually no, YOU modernist democratic faggots are the reactionaries. We are the long term thousands of years trend in humanity.
Agreed, lets all do a bump before continuing the discussion
it's never too late
At the very least she's followed the train of thought to its logical conclusion, and posted about it online - revealing her identity in the process. More than can be said for most.
and you're never white enough amirite?
And why do you operate with the assumption that you deserve friends?
I mean, you did attempt to exterminate and enslave these people time and time again. If we're lucky, they'll think that death is enough of a punishment for us.
This. There is nothing wrong with uniting and standing by your race, specially if doing so can resolve these social issues as peacefully as possible. If you weren't with us before the bullets started flying I want nothing to do with you. Let the niggers clean you from the gene pool so your descendants don't create the same problem another 100 years from now.
Your self-loathing really shines through in this post.
Oh, I'm not self-loathing, I'm fighting for justice. You right wingers are merely fighting for yourselves.
Bitches plan is fucked.
She doesn't realize we're not "coming to protect you" from nonwhites.
We're going to siege the cities and letting everyone in them starve and kill eachother, including whites.
Have a nice day getting assraped by a roving gang of niggers and Mexicans.
we are going to save you from yourself if you like it or not
Indulge me, how do you think you're going to received by these other ethnic groups once white people have been exterminated? What is your quality of life like? I'm genuinely curious.
>I'm fighting for justice
What is justice?
I'll have a brown kid and my kid will be accepted.
And are you in the picture or were you killed with the others?
>fighting for yourselves
Justice is always selfish cause it's subjective. Justice to me is burning every far-left university to the ground and publicly executing every leftist professor as an example. Then putting every slant flag faggot in a camp where they are used as forced labor for producing American flags that will fly at the rebuilt universities where free exchange of opinions is encouraged. That's my idea of justice.
I dunno about you faggots, but I'm saving every bit of white blood I can.
I don't give a shit if you "contributed", I give a shit if you're part of my family, no matter how wayward you are.
I'll stand for the prodigal sons.
You really think the mixeds won't be next on the blame list after the whites ?
I don't care, honestly. Everybody dies. My family matters more than I do.
we will need the numbers when it comes to it anyway
But people usually live before they die
I have lived enough. Drank a lot, fucked a lot, traveled a lot, tried almost everything there is to try... Now I'm getting married and it's my kids' turn.
She is the farthest thing from a feminist
You sir, have honor.
>implying she will get to pick once the day comes
Hi, FBI.
Shit man I piss and moan on here but I don't post stuff like that on social media. I keep my views low profile as I'm hoping many white indivudals are doing.
Kind of like one big sleeper cell.
Women are capable of deciding for themse-
1 - That's actually a reasonable position : she claims to not pick a side in a way which clearly shows she did.
2 - For the cucks who think "lel it's a womyn", Karen Straughan is a female MRA and was triggerig feminists since the time most of you were atheist edgelords or fedora libertarians.
It's pretty clear to anyone who isnt a moron she has picked a side.
The wider point is we should be pushing for more of this
You're confusing reactionaries with progressives
>attempt to exterminate
Oh boy, if only that were true. Btw, African tribes enslaved other Africans. Jews bought them from Africans and sold them to Anglo plantation owners in the South.
Pretty good video overall, the last 5 minutes were fun.
punishing someone for the sins of their ancestors isn't justice
Enjoy watching them die, I guess
She's talking publicly. What are u doing?
Many Antifa members were raised by single mothers who were dependent on welfare so it's somewhat ironic that you paint a picture where your offspring gets the same.
You should listen to thisThese "people" aren't interested in improving their lives. It's a movement based on pure resentment. Once all the whites are gone, and their lives are still shit, and they still have to deal with the 3rd world living conditions they create, they're going to come after the next most successful group. Anywhere there is a disparity they will identify an oppressor group and an oppressed group. Successful light brown kids of white ancestry will be next on the chopping block. There already is incredible doscrimination towards "light skinned" blacks writhing the black community. Your kid will get bullied for not being black enough if you but him into a black school.
God I want to motorboat Karen's tits so bad
The mixed kids will be hated more than the whites for being the child of an evil white and a traitor brown
I love you dad
Her tits are old and gross now but they were probably nice 30 years ago
Everyone did. Whites were the ones that put a stop to it. The marine corp got most of its traditions destroying slavery in the Barbary coast. The Turks stopped slave raids under gunpoint from the Brits. Be its also ended slavery in many colonies that had it before they arrived.
White people did bad shit, but it was the same bad shot everyone else had been doing. Whites just held themselves to a higher standard once the industrial revolution kicked off.
Name one brown/black country without ethnic violence.
Ethnic separation happens every single time. It's genetic. The humane answer is listening to the proverb that high fences make good neighbors.
>tfw to intelligent to have a stance on anything
Why do we need to meme it? It's blatantly fucking obvious
You're overestimating the intelligence of the majority.
isn't that "girl" an sjw or just some random commenter? why would she think she would be protected on the day of reckoning?
Fairweather Faggots are the worst.
yea fuck prophylactic measures lets just allow everything to descend into predictable chaos and then flip a coin for our survival
>heal the racial divide
Too late for that now.
Nice try schlomo. You're not white.
Things like when blacks chimped out over the ACLU posting a picture of a white baby with the caption of "This is the future the ACLU wants" (it was supposed to be about free speech) woke up a lot of normies
Ignoring her "le both sides are bad" equivocation at the end, she articulates this idea very very well. This is worth repeating and spreading.
You dont get to pick a side.This is not a romantic movie.
>heal the racial divide
Is usually code word for getting whites to shut up as they get demographically replaced and telling non-whites not to be so upfront about it
Spot on. Liberals tend to use it.
Imagine hating your life this much.
"I-I had my f-fun, it's okay if I get killed for the cause".
Leaving your children fatherless, but I guess you're trying to be consistent with your own upbringing. And look what that bred. A suicidal moron who would rather die for his political cause than survive for his children.
Right now unfortunately you do and the easy one to pick is the one that cucks and acts as an ally to non-whites in the fight against us
By the time that happens whites will be a minority.
Justice for who? Shitskins? They can fight for themselves, you loser. Get a job.
Ah, so you're mentally ill. Gotcha. There was a time in history where people like you were thrown in loony bins, so that you wouldn't upset the balance of society. I miss those times.
It is already happening in South Africa
Isn't that literally what was going on with average non Nazi-party member Germans in the 30s? Scary how much history rhymes.
There won't be a white mob coming to protect you
This guy gets it. The problem with shitskins, especially niggers, has always been themselves. It has nothing to do with white people.
This is basically my mother's opinion, sit on the fence until they colored mobs start killing white people en masse then join the white nationalists team.
That's already happening, though. Do these people even keep up with the news? I guess not. Not unless it's being spewed at them through a television.
Most of you would probably enjoy her videos. She's about as redpilled as a normie could be.
You cant ally in a race war.
tell that to the left
>She hasn't read Chapter 31 of the Turner Diaries.
>what are they reacting to?
Brainlet woman confirmed.
Redpill me on chapter 31 of the Turner Diaries.
I dont have to.Natural selection is what mankind needs,desperately needs.
You've answered your own question. Most normies, if anything, watch the news on tv, then immediately forget about it being preoccupied with the next episode of Game of Thrones. Meanwhile real life Game of Thrones is playing out in Syria but that's not cool because it doesn't have dragons or incest. People are always impressed that I'm up to date yet it's a bleak compliment because that implies most either don't care enough.
Always pick anger over apathy
I'll pick logic over anger and apathy,thanks
I'd rail the shit out of that dyke while she smokes 6 packs of cigarettes.
Social cohesion for their family first though.
You're right. Losing your self-control is for the dumb and I don't want to count you or I to that group.
Syria doesn't have incest
logic and reason can be driven by anger
this is not what reactionary means 2bh
Logic is not a substitute, these emotions that the Belgian is describing are actually the result of logical conclusions he made.
Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.