New Black Pigeon

Atheism is dying out, checkmate

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What the fuck? Why is he fucking with our guy TJ?

>our guy

>our guy TJ
If you're about 14

>taking this low energy b8

Haven't watched any of his videos since "look at me, I'm a vegan" one. Did he come out as a civic nationalist yet?

So he finally manned up enough to make another atheist video eh? After the last one he didn't dare speak of atheism for a year and only mentioned it in condescending quick references in otherwise unrelated videos. Probably gonna get BTFO again and then won't make another atheism video for another year.

The Amazing Atheist shoved an banana up his arse with no shame.

weak bait

What video was that? I never saw that one?

i dont even care if atheism is "dying out" im still going to be one

He admits he's bisexual. Why would he have shame about that?

Stop posting your shit here; subscribing does the job.

B-but why won't you let popularity dictate your lifestyle?

>He admits he's bisexual. Why would he have shame about that?

Sort yourself out you fat pig. Do you really think shoving a banana up your ass. Filming it and then scolding your micropenis is not shameful?

I realize you can't get any views anymore but nice try.

Look at yourself you disgusting pig. Sort yourself out.

wow his dick is like tiny

alt-lite will soon be the new fedoras

I'll let you in on a secret. I'm not TJ. Also he still gets around 100k views per video. Seems pretty comfy to me.

>when you become vegetarian your shit doesn't stink


and so the cycle continues

because i dont

So as far as we know he likes wearing women's underwear and likes shoving bananas up his ass- anything else

im not religious at all but i'm seriously considering joining a church

It looks very stuppy.

He also takes it up the ass from heroin addicts. The man is a perfect representation of an atheist and the nihilism it brings.

Sure TJ whatever you say. Might want to loose a few hundred pounds though. Maybe use a shovel instead of bananas?

What a fucking faggot.
> I don't like Atheists, therefore, God exists >Atheists are smug, therefore, God exists
>Atheists are probably fat, therefore, God exists
>Atheists by and large, live with their parent, therefore, God exists
>Atheists occasionally also are leftists, therefore, God exists
>Atheists may or may not wear a particular kind of hat, therefore, God exists

He didn't say any of that

Jesus F-fing Christ
he should be called Amazing Degenerate

Are those McCulay Culkin and Edward Furlong? Honestly pedo victims age so bad that I can't even tell.

>A disgusting orangutan shoves a banana up his ass. Therefore, god exists

You can't reason with these faggots. They have been brainwashed so hard they are in eternal denial

He is the most quintessential example of a degenerate. And a cautionary tale on the slippery slope of morality and the end result of a disgusting rejection of traditionalism.

This is one of his heroin prostitutes I assume. Smaller and therefore his micropenis might be felt when shoved in the boys ass.

They are banana man their indoctrinated.

It's not like you're trying to reason with anyone.

Just goes to show how stupid humanity is.

The bible in the modern age is hollywood. The same regions of the brain stimulated by a mass are activated by films and music. Its a free market of bizarre mutant-whore gods.

Atheism is destructive and a dead end


I think The Amazing Atheist convinced me to be christian again with his shenanigans

I think The Amazing Atheist convinced me to be christian again with his shenanigans ...

>Atheism is declining world wide
>Whites are declining world wide
>Niggers, spics, and Arabs are the most religious groups that all breed like rabbits

Based black pidgeon speaks! Better a religious west with no white people than an atheist one with white people!

You do realize I was talking about people like you right?
You can't reason with people having "faith" as their core ideology

But this is a totally valid argument. While christians are rewarded with happy white families, atheists are punished with shitty, humiliating, painful lives.

>While christians are rewarded with happy white families, atheists are punished with shitty, humiliating, painful lives.
Top lmao nigger, source this shit

Atheists can't smile and have kids? TJ is all atheists, he's a fedora atheist.

People who don't have faith as their core ideology end up voting for inept socialist faggot clowns and end up putting the final nail in the coffin to an already devastated country.
Syriza fags will get the rope first.

This, but atheists will never understand it.

Somehow you linked voting for socialist parties with atheism. We all know who voted for Syrizatards and it's 50+ year old religious retards, a.k.a. the cancer of this country. Do you disagree?

>Somehow you linked voting for socialist parties with atheism
That's because and overwhelming majority of atheists vote left.

This thing he is cuddling with is actually a she (FtM transgender).

Now the million dollar question is: Which is more degenerate, fucking a mentally ill FtM transgender or fucking a man?

70% of atheists in America vote Democrat. That's quite a leap from "Majority of atheists are socialists". Unless you can provide a source of course

You made the point for me. Of those 70% another majority were for Bernie (aka socialism) in US.

Even if you had a source for that claim you still can't extrapolate it to "Majority of atheists vote for socialism"

>"Majority of atheists vote for socialism"
Good think I literally did not make that point you fucking retard.
>That's because and overwhelming majority of atheists vote left.

Let me rephrase. You can't say "socialism and atheism are correlated" unless you provide a source

>You can't say "socialism and atheism are correlated" unless you provide a source
>70% of atheists in America vote Democrat.

Yes exactly, just because american atheists tend to vote democrat doesn't mean atheists all over the world tend to vote socialist, is that too hard for your tiny bird brain to understand?

Wait, were you under the assumption that the politics and voting trends of anywhere other than the US were important?

Nice meme

As an Atheist, it genuinely baffles me that more people believe in a sky daddy if the statistics are true. Is this a mechanism to combat Islam or something? A war on who can indoctrinate who? I was raised as a Roman Catholic, should I continue larping as one?

atheists dont even know hats, its a tribly

The guy is literally Sup Forums incarnate. He shares just about every opinion we post here.

>Did he come out as a civic nationalist yet?

Note the timestamp

You might aswell, tons of European "Christians" are atheists, which inflates Christianity's population. On a frequent basis I run into some European who thinks following Christian tradition but not believing in it- somehow makes them Christian.

Also, you would lead the church to demonizing faster, atheists have nothing to contribute to Christianity other than posing and ruining the religion more than it already is.

diminishing not demonizing*

Yea check out the cosplay.

>That strap on in the corner

The strawman attacks on atheism I find are similar to SJW attacks on us. Beware, we have Jews in our midst who would like to discredit atheism.

>Is this a mechanism to combat Islam or something? A war on who can indoctrinate who?

That's probably exactly what it is. People in places like these like the idea of being le ebin neo-Crusader.

Atheists are those who refuse to grab a gun in the middle of the war.
Atheism is not about not believing in God, it's an excuse to attack western Christians, atheists never dare to say a bad thing about Islam or Judaism.
Jews fear white Christians, because white Christians families produce numerous descendants.
Jews love irreligious, because western atheists promote genre bastardization, feminism, LGBT values on kids and normalization of immorality in society, all while they don't produce any children.
Religion is more powerful than law, our present situation is orchestrated by religions (Jews and Islamization), and that happened because Europe has weakened it's religious strength.
The biggest advocate and president of American atheists is a JEW.
Jews fear western religion because religion produce strong willed people unlike atheism.
Good times create weak men and good times produce atheists.
Religious people always tend to conservationism while Atheists always tend to be anti-patriotic liberals, and people who are conservative value culture and traditions unlike atheists who are the ones who say there is no such thing as white culture.
Modern art and architecture is also related to the lack of religious and cultural morals.

What's the point of Larping as a jew worshiper? All you're doing is drive more people under the thumb of zionism.

You can say the same thing about New York Jews.

This entire post is fucking stupid. Atheists are always the first people to attack Islam whereas those European christians are bending over to get a dick in their asses.

Hey, did you know that the first feminist organization started as a christian women's organization?

They are not real Christians. Only LARPers on Sup Forums are real Christians.

"On a frequent basis I run into some European who thinks following Christian tradition but not believing in it- somehow makes them Christian."

This is me desu. Open Roman Catholic, closet Atheist. Same applies to some of my friends too. I still have Christmas dinner and participate in other Catholic traditions just for fun. As an excuse the get the family together etc.

Although had I been born and not raised a Roman Catholic, I would have never known about these traditions that are actually quite nice.

Did my "desu" turn into desu?

your desu was always desu tbqh

fucking newfag

>posts on Sup Forums for 10 hrs straight


All your posts are retarded, moron atheist.

>t. tgay


Hooooly shit. What a warped fat inhuman FREAK.
I need a shower

My mom says that there is nothing worse than a Jew who lost his religious faith

out of all those youtube celebs black pigeon is the most based
>that cunt is on here quite often
>hiding behind his nippon flag

The funny part is that in 1st world countries it is only growing. The total percentage of atheists is getting smaller because all christniggers are having 20 children

99% of jews are atheist though

>low IQ people reproduce the most
>low IQ people are religious
>atheism is on the decline
really made me think, obviously people are just 'waking up and finding jezuz', it couldn't actually be that peasants in third world countries who have lots of children keep spreading their bullshit beliefs around

Does he hate Jews?

>run by a literal anti-white Jewess (check her Twitter) who pumps out articles about trannies and how white people should never breed

So, it's "dying" to some people because it's not edgy anymore? Good, I don't want to be associated with that stereotype. I simply just don't believe but I wouldn't go on a rant with a fedora on.


The Islamistation of Christian countries started with secularism

The most Islamkönigin country in Europe is Poland, coincidentally the most religious

Implying that atheism is in opposition to Islam is completely moronic
Not only does it contradict objective reality world devolopments but nothing can't be in opposition to seomthing by definition

After the decimation of Christianity as state religion in European countries Islam is now the fastest religion in the world
Good job Fedoras
You ((((masters)))) are so proud

>this is what (((Christians))) actually believe
*tips menorah*

Something funny about edgy and smug BPG gloating over the edgy and smug atheists losing ground.

If so much of u hate him so much who the fuck still giving him money

I'm still an atheists whether it "dies out" or not. those people just want to be edgy.

No argument strawman
Kill yourself.

>implying you had an argument
>implying your shit is anything other than pilpul
gas yourself, kike wannabe

Still no arguments, monkey buzzworder atheist.

>still never had an argument
come on out from behind that meme flag Schlomo