New Black Pigeon

Atheism is dying out, checkmate

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What the fuck? Why is he fucking with our guy TJ?

>our guy

>our guy TJ
If you're about 14

>taking this low energy b8

Haven't watched any of his videos since "look at me, I'm a vegan" one. Did he come out as a civic nationalist yet?

So he finally manned up enough to make another atheist video eh? After the last one he didn't dare speak of atheism for a year and only mentioned it in condescending quick references in otherwise unrelated videos. Probably gonna get BTFO again and then won't make another atheism video for another year.

The Amazing Atheist shoved an banana up his arse with no shame.

weak bait

What video was that? I never saw that one?

i dont even care if atheism is "dying out" im still going to be one

He admits he's bisexual. Why would he have shame about that?