Why does EU want to force on us muslim migrants?

Why does EU want to force on us muslim migrants?


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because they hate white people

Kalergi's plan

they want to dissolve nations

But why

cheap labour for top 1%,mindless consumers, erasers of tradition culture and racial cohesion.
They have to mantain their meme (((debt))) based economy by always growing.


Smart people do, I do too

So much true. I always suspected it.
Also watch this

Because they hate Muslims and force them to go to Poland to suffer.

Honest answer is, if the EU had a distribution system and shitskins were forced to move to shitholes like the V4 countries or baltics, that alone would lead to a massive decline in immigration.

I don't expect slavs to be thinking on a larger scale than what benefits themselves here and now, but now you know why Western Europe has attempted this distribution reform.

>cheap labour for top 1%
They literally just see humans as resource to be expended for their own financial gain.
They are alright with basically tearing families apart by convincing them to dump their children in daycares as early as possible to get access to both parents labor.
They are alright with increasing crime and decreasing standards of living through uncontrolled immigration as long as it depresses the wages.
They are alright with destroying people's savings through shit like QE because it means they can devalue their own debt that they raked up to buy out all valuable property.

They don't even really hide it, just read statements from some of the economically oriented think tanks. It sounds like they are talking about cattle rather than citizens.

They only care about themselves, total psychopaths.

I dunno. It seems to me a possibility that Poles are realistic. Maybe they realize that they are barely scraping bottom as it is and importing a bunch of Arab Muslims is going to sink a nearly sunk boat. Could it be they are just realists trying to save themselves?

>are barely scraping bottom
I wouldn't call it scraping bottom, it's just that we are still developing as a nation

The reason the poles refuse to play along is because they know that the EU always lies.
They are talking about ~1k resettlements right now, which is nothing and could be considered fair in exchange for all the money the EU already pumped into Poland.

But everyone with half a brain knows that this 1k are just to get the foot in the door and create a precedence. The moment they accept the 1k, the EU will start to prepare the next resettlement, where they are expected to take 5k. Then it's 10k, then 30k and so on.

Rule #1 when dealing with the EU is that they will always try to fuck you over, so never believe them when they pretend that this isn't going to go exactly where you predict it to go.

We want your "Lebensraum"!

Why are plumbercucks all of a sudden pretending they don't like refugees?
You fucking went to CAMEROON (no wars, no strife, nothing) and took "refugees" from there, refugee POETS in fact (muh african culture(, who after coming to plumbercuckland gave 2000 women AIDS
Like lmfao, poorland we can't keep up with your role-playing here in the civilized world.

For what? Shitskins? What's next? "Polish" death camps re-opened, this time for muslims?

Oh and you did all of this 10 YEARS before the current year, so well done on that too.
You're sum kinda nigger refugee trail-blazers, you lot.


this is the new slide thread format nice. Thanks dude!

It's this simple. Increase profit, reduce risk.

stay strong polacks!

Siemans, Phillips and Volvo are the biggest players in the european roundtable of industrialists, this is who dictates your future not thier underling mutti. Feels good to escape

Read "Practical Idealism" written by the founder of the EU in 1925. It will answer all your questions about the EU.
Educate yourself and fight back

You must reject Islamic rapefugees at ALL cost. No matter what the EU threatens to do to you, even if they threaten to completely bankrupt your entire country you MUST SAY NO.

"Why do they want to force muslims on us"

Kek, you looks new here, ever heard about jews and their goals ?

The Kalergi plan.

International corporations were a mistake. Makes them too powerful while at the same time ensuring that they'll eventually start acting against your country's interest because they feel no real attachment to it anymore.


Complicated, but it has to do with eradicating Europe, and then reuniting it.

It's true.

The pistonian discount-russian

Source of OPs image?

Why these?
Because humans enjoy power. They live in power, and either want to keep what they have or get more of it, and the fastest way to get it is by using the same systems their predecessors used, which hinge on using the general populace as a lifeless number useful only for transactions. You're not a being nor do you have any rights in the eyes of the lords on their ivory towers. You are workforce, labor, servant, combatant, consumer and pawn.

The "redpilled" poortugalian moorshit

The midget chinkstralian

The {belgian) arabroach betabux

The nigger of europe

The fiddy cent mongrel

t. the German in denial

The plumbercuck flagboy living on foodstamps in burgerstan

Politicians sponsored (bribed) by corporations who gain the most from immigration.
> Artificially high house prices
> Artificially low wages and cheap labour
>More consumerism
> Fits their image
> More competition for everything

The not-even-white pablosito el manleto with a "gf" who definitely did not get bleached on by aryan party-alphas in ibiza over 50 times before turning 14

Multinational corporations want cheap labor. It's the same reason both Democrats and Republicans (90% of them at least) in the US can't/won't fix immigration, because they're all lobbied by the same interest groups (who want that cheap labor).

A hatred of whites isn't the reason for it, only a modifying factor. The primary cause is an overwhelming indifference for whites (and corresponding nations) in the face of profit. White, Arab, Christian, Muslim, it doesn't matter as long as they're cheap, dumb, and profitable.

whats your deal man


******** The Brexit Pill ***********

The overarching plan of the EU globalists when it comes to open-borders is distributing the success of Europeans to third-worlders. They believe this to be the ultimate way to end "racism" (alongside dirt cheap labour and more bodies for taking debts at their banks)

They need the multikulti they promote to reach all corners of white countries. Why? This is the biggest red-pill you will consume and explains a huge amount.

If the UK managed to sustain a significant white majority, away from all the wonders of multikulti, it will be an incredibly strong magnet for successful white Europeans.

Like white-flight in the cities, majority white countries will prosper from huge amounts of Europeans middle/upper classes fleeing their multikulti hell holes.

Their plan only works if everyone is on board. This is why open borders is pushed so hard. This is why all the left establishment are so insistent.

They know that if one country becomes the magnet for successful whites in Europe, it will have a massive advantage. They also know that will eventually raise tensions and lead to war

chupame hobbit

the fucking britpakistani falaffel diarrhea salesman

Poland is very red pilled - they should never accept sandniggers

the bulgarostani gypo human-trafficking "mafia"

it's about creating an imported underclass that will work for the lazy intellectuals

The Kalergi Plan
