What is the most accurate political meme comic of all time and why is it this one?
14YES 88no
I do agree with this. The far right needs to understand that part of the reason that the left made so much ground was because of optics and now they're losing ground because they're showing bad optics with antifa and BLM. Gotta do baby steps.
Point well taken, even choosing to name oneself "far right" is a mistake.
It's important to always overcome any kind of stale image people have of you, both as an individual and a part of a collective. Neo Nazi larpers are like Chinese people going around "ching chong"ing and acting retarded because "they'll call you an uncultured yellow chink anyway".
"I blew up the twin towers because fuck it I'm Arab, and they'll call me a terrorist anyway".
Wake up stormies, stop helping antiwhites!
Jews playing both sides again.
Obviously the fat tattoed neo-nazis are controlled opposition and cancer. But then you have people dismissing the JQ along with the retards.
Like your picture, "NAME THE JOO". Controlled opposition at work.
ryan whats up
>Jews playing both sides again.
>But then you have people dismissing the JQ
I'm not anti-JQ, but the retarded stormcucks who constantly want to talk about jews MORE MORE MORE are a problem
They think "Naming the Jew" automatically makes someone based, for instance. "NAME DA JOO" makes antisemitism look stupid. We need to show people it's smart.
For example a lot of times civic nationalists get told to "name the Jew" by stormies when the civic nationalist doesn't even understand the JQ to begin with.
It becomes a real issue. People who want nationalism to be 99% focusing on Hitler, WW2 and joooz bring us all down and only help the enemy.
except it's right fucking retard, the word nazi is so freely thrown around that completely PC beta cucks get called nazis at this point. If you aren't getting called a nazi you're probably a faggot, time to head to san fran and lube up kiddo
You're not transparent at all.
>giving a shit what the left calls us
they will call us Nazis even if we support open borders, they will call us Nazis just because we're white. stop giving a shit what cucks think. While I agree that sometimes we need to tone down/reframe our message to convince willing normalfags, we should never compromise our message.
Also your little comic is gay as fuck, op
This is now a hitler thread
I'm not concerned about being called a Nazi, I'm concerned about the openminded people who I might be able to reach seeing that the people calling me "Nazi hater waycist KKK" are full of shit.
I'm 100% on board with the JQ, ya faggot. I can make fun of stupid people who rant about Jews without being pro-Jew.
DA JOOOOOZ talk just makes anti-Jew opinions look dumb
it's not about what the left thinks, you idiot, it's about what openminded normie white Americans think. We have no reason to have Hitler as part of our worldview, to begin with, it's not compromising for a White person to support their race without reference to Hitler.
They don't understand white nationalist views of Hitler and the 14/88 thing. They just assume if you mention Hitler positively that you're either stupid, or evil. Keep your message simple
Stormies BTFO
these posts are now "I have no argument so here's some fuhrerposting"
normies see you as the same thing. "the 14 words" is actually much more of an embarrassment than skinheads who are usually just prison gangs.
>they keep calling me a Nazi so I guess I'll just become a Nazi
>they keep calling me a faggot so I guess I'll just start sucking dicks
I never posted any "arguments", faggot. Kill yourself self important kike. Your posts are not worth reading, so I will dump Hitler.
and now he's dead
If you like Adolf Hitler simply because he attacked Jews you are a fool. Many men were able to talk rationally in Britain about Jewish power and influence before Hitler, like G. K. Chesterton, Hilaire Beloc, and Sir Oswald Mosley; but because he indiscriminately and fanatically persecuted all Jews on the basis of race, instead of singling out individuals who were actual traitors to Germany, he created nothing but sympathy for them; and the death-blow to any rational discourse about the matter was his starting of the ruinous and devastating Second World War, which tainted anything even remotely to do with Hitler's ideology by association. It was because of Hitler's actions that even a man like Enoch Powell, who had fought the Nazis, was vilified as a Nazi for simply suggesting a halt to immigration and a scheme of voluntary repatriation in 1968.
Wow, really?
Mein nigger
he's still dead
how in the literal fuck can you say that?
You're very full of shit. I can't even imagine a possible way to make your post make any sense.
pretty much this, the Nazi shit is so mindless, and it ultimately doesn't help anyone but the left
t. dumbass who is incapable of anything constructive or serious
Also PS Hitler was a highly intelligent man, not a shitposting monkey like you. Sad.
this post is sadly pretty effing accurate, also reminder to everyone that making the JQ totally Hitlercentric helps give the Jews even more sympathy
In rabbinical Judaism they teach that all non Jews are goyim, or cattle in Hebrew. And that Jews are undoibtly superior. It is their job to shape and mold us into whatever society they see fit. And then they cry when we strike back
No one but low IQ troglodytes focuses on just Hitlers anti-Jewry rhetoric. His stances on social and economic growth were the hallmarks his platform and that of the NSDAP.
how can you say "the 14 words" with a straight face? you sound like a mental retard to anyone unfamiliar with your memes. it's an internet meme like transgenderism.
No one cares for your baitposting faggot. Neck yourself. Your argument is a comic strip, congratulations.
>No one but low IQ troglodytes focuses on just Hitlers anti-Jewry rhetoric.
great, this will change the last 40 years of narrative
OK, so what? The worst Jews are atheists, anyway, who don't believe the Torah and Talmud. You're just being an idiot.
Also, "goyim" just means "nations". It's a slur because Jews traditionally are anti-gentile, but "goyim" doesn't mean cattle. That's a stormfag myth. (And I know some Jewish fucks treat al nonjews like cattle, depending, whatever).
So much dumbposting sometimes. Let's just tell the truth about Jews. It's not all pretty, but the over-the-top anti-Jew posting makes it look like Jews are the good guys. They're not.
many such cases
The 14 is symbolic of the need to defend our people and preserve their existence. So cry moar.
What does 88 stand for, please tell me.
>The 14 is symbolic of the need to defend our people and preserve their existence. So cry moar.
you're the one crying you fucking faggot. i'm sympathetic to your cause but you sound like a weak little baby.
okay idiot, whatever you say, because no one agrees with me and might post what they think
it's all "bait" - fuckin' idiot
you tell me
"There is a Jewish problem; there is certainly a Jewish culture; and I am inclined to think that it really was too prevalent in Germany. For here we have the Hitlerites themselves, in plain words, saying they are a Chosen Race. Where could they have got that notion? Where could they even have got that phrase, except from the Jews. Hitlerism is almost entirely of Jewish origin." - G. K. Chesterton
I am asking the person making the critique, are you all of a sudden incapable of articulating your position?
>he doesn't hail victory
the critique is poor performance, politics is about persuasion
NS being tied to white identity is a leftwing victory, and Goebbels would probably behead you stormfags for being such pathetic and godawful propagandists.
>he doesn't understand the need to hide his power level
Oh he's an idiot!
Tell me what the 88 stands for and stop diverting, kike.
>stops responding when challenged
Wew lad the kikery afoot in this thread!
I think it is telling that I have never met a polite or intelligent Nazi in all my time on the internet. What I mean by that is that most of them are capable only either of regurgitating propaganda from TGSNT, or posting coarse and vulgar one-line insults to anybody who disagrees with them, like "go and kill yourself Kike." I never met a Nazi who was polite, a gentleman, well-read, who was simply willing to debate in a rational manner and who was candid- and fair-minded and open to the truth. It is simply an endless repetition of this tedious sort of nonsense. But then the Nazis themselves came to power on the backs of the degenerate brownshirts, promoted censorship and jailing of political dissidents, and cared nothing for any culture which did not either indirectly or directly support their ideology; so why am I even surprised? I think there are some sincere people who fall into the ideology, owing to the terrible condition the West is in at the moment, but then eventually climb their way out; but many appear to embrace it simply as a way of making themselves feel superior to others without actually having to accomplish anything themselves, and giving themselves carte blanche to behave like monsters
>So much american nazi-larpers who think National-Socialism was white nationalist movement and not Pan-Germanic one.
I cringe every time.
That quote does not support your point though.
>all the nazis on Sup Forums are mean
Wow really? People on Sup Forums are mean!?
My viewpoint is that amerimutts interpreted Hitler's ideology as white nationalist one which it never was.
Rockwell in his autistic rage made it a white identity movement so the news would high light him and give attention to his opinions.
Tell me, amerimutt. Are you German?
Pic is George Lincoln Rockwell. He didn't believe in hiding his association with national socialsim, because regardless of the argument NatSoc is defensible. There will always be the idiots who make a movement look bad, however it doesn't mean that the movement itself is bad. If you want the white race to survive, NatSoc is the only option.
I said "the internet," not Sup Forums, but to be quite honest with you if Naziism were a respectable philosophy then it would conduct itself respectably even under the cloak of anonymity. I deny (for example) that anybody is a true Christian who would cruelly and wantonly insult people even on a place like this.
You're personifying on idea. NatSoc cannot conduct itself respectably because it is not a self.
Cool. Remind us how successful he was again? How successful his party was? And that was even at a time when niggers were still seen as chimps. But I'm sure the only thing we're missing are some classy suits. Totally makes more sense to drag up a brand that's been synonymous with evil for closer to a century just so people can LARP than it is to simply keep the ideological precepts but rebrand it completely and give it a veneer of political legitimacy and actually make some progress for once.
How successful would he have been if he didn't use Nazi iconography? This is a useless argument because it can't be proven if his success, or lack thereof was the direct result of his association with Nazism.
I really enjoyed this comic. Sorry about the stormcuck aussie in this thread, there was a lot of inbreeding of the irish criminals who founded their country. Are Irish white? You can decide for yourself.
The reason we cannot abandon National Socialism and Hitler is because spreading the truth about him and his movement is the easiest way to break Jewish control. Once you realize the greatest supervillain in history that you were raised to hate was actually a hero, you can no longer trust the (((narrative))) again.
All I am saying is that it is telling that I never yet met with even a single adherent to Naziism who appeared to be a sincere truth-seeker and capable of treating opponents with a modicum of respect. Granted increasingly fewer people of any stripe of political view are the same way, and an enormous number of modern leftists are no better.
Sir Oswald Mosley spoke about Jewish influence and power; he was fervently opposed to the war with Germany, supported freedom of speech, democratic elections, was opposed to immigration: why not adhere to him? You are never going to get the public to agree that Adolf Hitler was a hero. Only the most fanatic devotee to the falsehoods of TGSNT and Nazi revisionist history could ever think so. Even G. K. Chesterton, who spoke about Jewish power, was horrified by his persecutions of Jews long before the war even began. His reputation is irredeemable. But all Mosley did was was give everything he had to prevent that war in which 25 million Europeans were killed. I will never understand this unflagging obsession with Hitler and Hitler alone just because he hated Jews.
Then that should not be used to discredit the actual NatSoc. I don't know how you define sincere truth seeking, but i've never met anyone who wasn't a NatSoc who was a sincere truth seeker.
Here is just one small example: Every Nazi I have ever spoken to who asserted the "Rothschild libel" that Lord Rothschild "bought Britain after Waterloo," probably because they heard it on The Money Masters or The American Dream on Youtube, and then had it pointed out to them that this was simply a fabrication first baselessly asserted in a political pamphlet written in 1847, has unceremoniously dismissed the evidence out of hand and called it a "Kike lie" every single time. Not a single point is ever conceded to the enemy. Whatever is fashionable in the current Nazi Zeitgeist of belief is always unflaggingly asserted to be true. Fabricated quotations, like the one about Churchill being determined to "destroy Germany" are endlessly dragged up and repeated, even when it is demonstrably pointed out that they are fake.
Again, that should not be used to discredit actual NatSoc. If it were somehow to discredit the foundational precepts, I would remind you that Mein Kampf, and White Power lay out the very reasons why such lies are necessary, and beneficial to the movement. If the people are engrossed in jewish lies, because they are susceptible to lies, than lies may be a useful and necessary tool for the movement.
Realpolitik of that sort is the exactly the reason why Hitler ultimately fell. When you give up a belief in asserting truth for the sake of truth and goodness for the sake of goodness, you begin to idolize power and brute force alone, and that then leads you into making very foolish decisions. The irony of the philosophy of Utilitarianism is that it defeats its own object.
This conversation has gone out of my pay grade. I wish I knew enough about any of that to continue.