Will it though?
eventually. yeah.
Yes, it will.
Be very prepared for some minor phreatic eruption and small lavaflows.
If you are hoping for a major caldera-forming event you will be dissapointed.
are you just moved by current happenings and sept23 prophecy or do have an actual evidence for such apocalyptic statement?
It'll happen on Sunday. The gods demand it.
i've seen so many of these maps.
yellow stone isn't going to erupt.
its going to sink.
and melt.
and it'll just be a giant lake of fire.
Everything else natural has been going batshit, so why not Yellowstone as well.
Eventually, one of these yellowstone threads will line up with the eruption and everyone will lose their mind about meme magic.
So it is written. So it shall come to pass.
>Just too far away to hit california
>the gods
say his name
good one problem less
>Daily fearmongering Yellowstone thread
Geologically, yellow stone is about to blow, geologically, that's still a margin of hundreds of Goddamn years.
Shhh let the retards be
Isn't a supereruption impossible now? I've read it doesn't have enough magma to erupt like it has before. An eruption would be a happening but not a world ender
That's not how meme magic works.
thats not even over yellowstone wtf nigga
>and it'll just be a giant lake of fire.
I'll buy the marshmellows if some other user will get the chocolate and the graham crackers.
>California not in the killzone
What's the point, then?
sure, between now and a couple 10,000 years
keep me posted senpai
Would nuking the Yellowstone area trigger an eruption?
I hope a mighty fucking western wind blows the day it actually explodes. I can't imagine the west coast ever having anything resembling real value.
>dividing labor
looks like someone wants subpar s'mores
America BTFO
how will they ever recover?
Poor Montana, but I thought the government was going to try and drill into it to relieve the pressure, right?
Who cares? Nobody who matters lives in any of those zones.
The Dragon will wake.
Imagine being a supervolcano and edging for so many thousands of years only to suddenly erupt in the biggest longest ecstasy that wipes out all life on the planet.
You bring marshmallows, the woman brings Easter-tier chocolate she found on sale and the nigger will bring a box of saltines he had in his freezer since last decade.
The rock shall sit on the seven hills next week.
more changes of kim chimping out this weekend than this TBHFAMSAN
doubless says it will happen
>not even some shit about the fish leaving
Low energy
Numbers don't matter they just reinforce the notion and confirm what is true.
>doesn't hit California
wtf yellowstone.
Dead meme
If it does it won't be the only thing erupting tbhfam
No it won't. Kek confirms
Meme Yellowstone into the dangerzone anons
Give Kek your energy with sweet digits
Quads says it goes boom in less than three years....
Your mother is a dead meme
Thoth is here
see, nothing to worry about...
Very slowly
Only if youre afraid it will
Same with nukes
Meme magic: perception affects reality
You never have anything to fear ever except 1 thing: fear itself
much earlier than that
Kek Wills it
His will be done, on earth as it is in memes
>Irma landfall
>Continuous stream of happenings
>Eve of 9/11: whothefuckknowswhatmighthappen.swf
If Yellowstone goes pop this will be the comfiest birthday ever desu. Rolling for chaos.
Please archive or screenshot
It was nice knowing you all.
Its a start
Trips or 7s confirm further
I dreamt that it would happen on the 12th of september.
My dreams usually come true.
>didn't reply with "it is written"
>somehow seen as kek prophecy
all of you niggers need the rope.
In a few months maximum a year or two
Just after good ol 9/11
I believe it too it's just too ironic for it not happen
Want it NOW
>When they point out a single potential flaw in a paragraph of fuck you
Oh you
People kind of joke about this but if you look at the history of "super eruptions" (class 7 and 8 if im not mistaken) there is a significant probability that one will happen in our lifetime.
Even a class 7 one would have massive casualties, wreck havoc on Global economy and change History.
Scary shit this super volcano stuff.
Miami looks fairly safe. Quick, before the rush.
My pale ash covered children will have to deal with that not me
>calling a glaring error a 'potential flaw'
Did i strike a nerve?
is there any place in the world comfier than New England
absolutely no habbenings affect us here, so we can just hang out and watch
Not sure how the ash works, but if it's like i think, it's going to be terrible for the US. The midwest covered in ash will mean no more crops, beer, and if live stock are effected, food.
please erupt, make theses wildfires and hurricanes look like child's play
yeah it WILL
but when?
5 maybe 10 billion years
WTF man
It will explode, but this won't do much politically.
God is politically indifferent.
Mexico had an 8.1 last night. Somethings going on with the fault lines for sure
Good time for a daily reminder that we are full; try Israel, oh wait....it's now New Palestine
Can we move the volcano to California?
My trips will cause an eruption next month
mine tomorrow
pls be real, as the massive amount of ashes yellowstone will spew into the atmosphere sunlight would be blocked for a long time very long midnight will occur global temperature will fall down and a second ice age will come and global warming fags will get btfo as i laugh at them as we freeze to death.
>east coast raped by hurricanes
>yellowstone erupts
>north korea launches a nuke
>ISIS attacks
>antifa riots spark a civil war
This is everything that's going to happen on 9/11. Screencap this.
Mine today
top kek
Christ, it's like a domino effect of negative actions.
>only 3 days until the end of the (((USA)))
Does anyone have a fallout map of the US if the norks nuke California?
mine never
unfortunately will not hurt California
Never say never
Eventually. But not while all these other disasters are going on. Yellowstone is a jealous spirit of fire, much like the Hawaiian goddess.
welcome in 2016 slowpoke.
>jealous spirit of fire
What do you mean by this?
Ok, what will happen to US nuke silos and bombs?
Trips if Trump stay president also new ice age soon.