Why does Sup Forums think Japan is more Aryan than Korea?

Let's look at the facts:

1. South Korea is a Christian majority country, a critical criteria for acceptance by white people. Japan is a hodgepodge of Shinto and Buddhism. They worship animals and penises. Paganism is rampant in Japan.

2. Koreans are far more likely to have traditional families and are racist as fuck so race mixing is very frowned upon. Japanese men, on the other hand, refuse to come out of their bedrooms and have anime girlfriends. Japanese population is declining at an alarming rate.

3. Koreans are far more likely to vote Republican and stand by the 2nd Amendment as illustrated by Rooftop Koreans. In fact, out of all Asian-Americans, Koreans are by far the most conservative.

4. Korean men have mandatory military service. Japanese men do not.

5. Samsung is the only company in the world that is preventing Apple from taking over the world.

6. Koreans make the best non-US movies these days. KPop, K-Drama, and Korean food is globally popular.

7. Korea does not make porn. Japan is a degenerate sludge-pool of the most deviant, aberrant, disgusting porn that exists on earth. Even worse than Germans who are the roll-models of degeneracy.

Given all these factors, why does Sup Forums still identify with Japan rather than Korea? Is it because most of Sup Forums is basement dwelling NEETS who worship the anime girlfriend?

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because it's gene poll more isolated than those chukchas

Because you, op, are Faggot. The end

careful OP you're gonna get retards talking about some dumbshit cult now and ignoring the actual country to talk about it's minority feminist counterparts.

That is not true for all Nips. Some northern Nips have more pure Altaic genes, but most Japs are on par with Koreans in terms of Altaic and Tai-Kadai genes. What's most important is the lack of Austronesian gene in both Gooks and Nips. It is this gene that makes shit Asians like the chinks and jungle Asians.

then lesser fame and banter is to blame.

The 'cult' thing is completely misunderstood by the West. It's shamanism that's part of Korean culture, but very few people take it seriously. It's just superstition like Horoscopes or palm reading.

What about how you're all so fucking retarded you think you'll suffocate in a room with a fan?

What like white people don't have superstitions? Like black cat across the path? Walking under ladders? Stepping on cracks on the sidewalk?

Well since i've never even fucking heard of 2 of those and the other is entirely reasonable as a simple safety protocol (people on ladders drop shit) i'd say you're talking out of your arse mate.

You've never heard of those because you're probably Aussie Abbo larping as a white man.

Korea jumped off the degeneracy cliff faster than we could. Japan has resisted degeneracy.

I dont know, but please leave my k-pop alone!

Give me an example of how Korea jumped off the degeneracy cliff?

Japan has had contact with western countries for a much longer period. Also, after WW2 many westerners (men) came to Japan married Jap women and had half-white half-japanese kids.

Thus, many Japanese today are half or quarter or at least some percentage white.

South-Koreans on the other hand have less caucasian blood and use much more plastic surgery to look less mongoloid.

Korean men

Japanese men

You forgot T. Kim that SK:
Was just recently ruled by a fairy goddess cult.
Literally half a nation
Too cucked to even take on a fat slob to the north who's armed with cold war era weapons, a half-starved army and a couple of nuclear firecrackers.

Look, I know you're pissed because Japan has repeatedly blown you guys the fuck out throughout history. But just get over it, k?

Its because Japan created anime.


Cool tattoo

>Its because Japan created anime.

Thus proving my point. Most of Sup Forums are weeaboos.


Japan has repeatedly blown up Korea throughout history? You really don't know history do you?

Japan had its ass handed to them by the Koreans for thousands of years. It was only after Japan whored itself to the white man for their weapons that Japan managed to take Korea and the rest of Asia.

Read about how 13 Korean ships sunk 133 Japanese ships en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yi_Sun-sin

Watch the movie: imdb.com/title/tt3541262/?ref_=nv_sr_1

And the division of Korea is a direct result of the cold war between the US and USSR after WW2. It's ironic that the peaceful people of Korea have been made to pay the ultimate price in the war between capitalism and communism.