Ashkenazi Jews are basically white

They are just inbred, based on intelligence, with a fraction of their gene pool coming from a Semite ancestor.

If you include Jews as whites then Whites beat Asians.

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everything thats good in a european-jew comes from the european side.

They can be white. All of their mitochondrial DNA is of European origin. However their is not only a racial difference but also a much more important cultural and religious difference. If you have a small or even medium portion of you DNA that's Jewish I don't think that's really a problem. But if your a fucking Jew you need to gtfo

Genetically they cluster closer to Middle Easterners than to Europeans.

No, they are Jewish like Slavs are Slavic not wh*te.

>putting someone who is 100% jewish and anti-white alongside someone who is pro-white and 1.9% jewish (not even a mischling under Nuremberg laws) in order to discredit the pro-white person

This is boring and too obvious. Can't you retards come up with any good tactics for once in your life?

Jews aren't white, they are parasite. Any good parasite as way to make the host think it's not a threat / stay hidden.
If dindus were the leading race, jews would have bred to become the blackest motherfuckers ever.

Filthy disgusting Khazars

Is this how they teach genetics to you toothpaste people? Lol. Maybe the muslims do fit right in in your country. Glad you kept it warm for them!

Jews are basically rats.