Ashkenazi Jews are basically white

They are just inbred, based on intelligence, with a fraction of their gene pool coming from a Semite ancestor.

If you include Jews as whites then Whites beat Asians.

Other urls found in this thread:

everything thats good in a european-jew comes from the european side.

They can be white. All of their mitochondrial DNA is of European origin. However their is not only a racial difference but also a much more important cultural and religious difference. If you have a small or even medium portion of you DNA that's Jewish I don't think that's really a problem. But if your a fucking Jew you need to gtfo

Genetically they cluster closer to Middle Easterners than to Europeans.

No, they are Jewish like Slavs are Slavic not wh*te.

>putting someone who is 100% jewish and anti-white alongside someone who is pro-white and 1.9% jewish (not even a mischling under Nuremberg laws) in order to discredit the pro-white person

This is boring and too obvious. Can't you retards come up with any good tactics for once in your life?

Jews aren't white, they are parasite. Any good parasite as way to make the host think it's not a threat / stay hidden.
If dindus were the leading race, jews would have bred to become the blackest motherfuckers ever.

Filthy disgusting Khazars

Is this how they teach genetics to you toothpaste people? Lol. Maybe the muslims do fit right in in your country. Glad you kept it warm for them!

Jews are basically rats.

Steven Pinker is not anti-white.
Tara McCarthy is 1/8 non-white. Ashkenazi Jews probably have as much European genes as she does.

The thing is when a white man looks at a Jap he sees someone who is different to himself but at the same time very much alike. When both white and nips look at a Jew all they see is a parasite. I have no desire to lump (((them))) in with us.

France is still more than 56% white. But eh ...

>Steven Pinker is not anti-white.

See the above tweet. He's a typical anti-white kike.

No jew is White.

For now. You won't be having kids, but I'm sure Achmed will. Probably with that girl you like. After he gets (forces) her to shave her legs and armpits, obviously.


If Tara lived in Nazi Germany and her white ancestry was German rather than Anglo she would be counted as fully German under Nuremberg laws. Ashkenazi Jews would not. Because they're not white.

My mistake.

He also likes to say that Jews have the highest IQs and are the smartest but everyone else is the same.

He was a full-on Commie in his youth, supposedly. Tells stories about how his grandfather told him to be a good student because he didn't want to end up like the "goyim-kopfs".

He's also your typical Jew academic "superstar"-- i.e., he has his own thing but is mostly known for aggregating and passing judgement on the work of everyone else-- and then popularizing the subject to make shekels on books.

Yes but thats only because they didn't have 23andme technology

Jews might be white passing but they're honorary non whites

>Hitler's method = no jews allowed

Yeah, Hitler's way was better.

No shit. If Ashkenazis are not white then neither are eastern Europeans, as they are the same for the most part.

>being a race realist
>hating Jews cuz they run the world

pick one.

But Hitler allowed people with 1/4 Jew blood or less into his Ubermensch society.
>tfw that means I'd get to live but my cunt of a half kike father would be shoved into the oven where he belongs
Feels good man.

Lel, basically proves in his post that the reason he hates Jews is a parental figure. Probably mad he got called out for being a failure.

...Sorry, what? I hate Jews for plenty of reasons. Kike father is only the tip of the iceberg.

Pretty sure that's the whole iceberg. It's pretty obvious.

What do you mean by this?

You're a NEET who, due to daddy issues, projects his failures onto Jews. Cmon, buddy.

>Anything-berg with a tip
I don't buy it.

How ironic coming from a German


>projects his failures onto Jews
Into the oven you go. You're a fucking retard and manipulative piece of shit. Fuck off, Jew.

True. The male Y-DNA is usually more middle-eastern, but the X-chromosomes are overwhelmingly european in origin.

Ironic, considering modern judaism claims that in order to be a jew one has to be born of a jewish mother, although the Tanakh emphasizes only the male-line (the Abrahamic seed, the levites and their descendants, lineage of king David, etc.)

Still works, we mined most our mountains off.

That's how you know they're not the real Jews.

Does my nose have any jewish features, Sup Forums? I am seriously concerned. I am going to receive my DNA test results in a few months, and I wouldn't like to have jewish genes in my blood.

Feels bad.

Lol dude got it 100% correct it serms

>you are to blame if you are censored
>you are to blame if they take away your media
>you are to blame if they do a myriad of other thousands of things that have a negative effect on you


Not hooked enough. I'd expect Saxon. East Germans have that kind of nose a lot. Be careful where you get a DNA test done though, a lot of the commercial places are on globo-money to make "Europeans were originally black" a peer-reviewed new fact.


i am jewish but i am basically white

Basically white!

>that hooknose


The female line custom was probably created to keep it in the family at stop the men from fucking outside the tribe.

Looks solidly British or Slav. Don't see anything Jewish about it.

Jew here.

Fuck off. I'll continue marking down "Caucasian" on my forms and "passing" for white but literally none of us want to be lumped in with the kind of losers and hicks that would make a "white inclusion" list.

It's kinda funny that you lot constantly denigrate black people for having an overall lower IQ spread - we think you're all retards. Not genetically, but because your cultures value nothing but garbage.

umm excuse me sweetie

>"In racialist discourse, especially that of post-Enlightenment Western scientists and writers, a Roman nose (in an individual or a people) has been characterized as a marker of beauty and nobility"

Somewhat white in terms of the body, but hollow and full of evil in terms of the soul

Why does your "redpill" have random ass interns or guest writers in it to try prove a conspiracy? Lol. An intern is a global elite? That seems like stretching it... and some of these people aren't even showing up when I search them. Lol

Slavs are white you brainlet

Kill yourself you ugly kike.

If you use genetesting services, you give them right on your DNA ownership. Also here are some coicidences that really make you think:
- The CEO of 23andme genetesting company (((Anne Wojcicki))) is the sister of CEO of YouTube (((Susan Wojcicki))) and was formerly married to the cofounder of Google (((Sergey Brin))). And we all know how caring those companies are for their users privacy

"Daddy why don't you love me?!? REEE"

If you don't look like a young Michael Caine, Peter O'Toole, TE Lawrence or Basil Rathbone, you probably aren't white sorry.

some blacks are ok, not many, but some

sheriff black man and doctor black man come to mind

Some jews are ok, I can't think of any, but I'm sure there are some.

>your cultures value nothing but garbage

Good thing we've got you fine folks to sell it to us.

>slavs are white


LOL...I am sure it is jewanon, I am sure it is....

Ashkenazi Jews are white. No matter what anyone ever says, I always consider every native European who is not a Muslim to be 'white'. At the same time though, I think that each of the major groups of European people (like Germanics and Slavs, for example) should breed only within their own group to preserve the genetic constitution of that group. I even consider Finns, Hungarians and Estonians to be white due to their cultural heritage (despite their mongoloid origins). I also consider Armenians and Georgians to be white (even though they are geographically in Asia, they are still culturally European). I am an advocate of a big, diverse (REAL diversity, not kike-enforced 'diversity'), united European family. We are stronger and better together. Even though Ashkenazi Jews are white, they need to stop their kikery or else they'll be sent back to the oven.

I completely agree with you.

Jews are white but cash in on minority benefits. Devilish

Please, the cesspool of white cultural values is the doing of your own people, not the immigrant reform Jews.

We value family, education, pragmatism, and diplomacy. That's why we "seem" to do better than white trash. That's why we can actually pull ourselves up the social food chain. We support one another and incentivize learning and improvement. We're also big fans of critical thinking, and hebrew schools since the end of WWII have been teaching critical thinking and anti-propaganda skills.

Meanwhile you gentiles fucking hate education in general, hate the idea of teaching critical thinking skills (muh parental authority!), want your kids out of your lives at 18, are more than willing to put yourselves up on a cross over minor grievances, and value stubbornness over diplomacy.

That wasn't us. That's all you.

if your a straya cunt join antipod

I second this motion. I personally do not find "white" peoples too interesting to hang around with since most are average IQ retards that are turbo normies who love thier niggerball, football and are massive nigger lovers. I do like the fact that most people think of you as "white" though such that you're never singled out. The average white can't tell a jew for their jewish features so I blend right in.

I also just love sitting in class and watching them furiously take notes and try super hard to do their best but still get a C when all I do is show up and ace it. Its like watching hopeless little fish swim against the current. They'll still end up wage cucking for me haha

not with that nose you're not

No one gives a shit what a mutt like you thinks about anything.

Fuck off with your "white" concepts born from your status as a colony where the only thing in common your mixed people have is the colour of your skin.

>Ashkenazi Jews are white
Flag checks out

"White" is a very vague term. For most it means western Europeans with a Christian background. Jews arnt white just like how gypsies arnt white. They are all Caucasian though.

>we think you're all retards. Not genetically, but because your cultures value nothing but garbage.

Isn't the rate of interracial Jewish marriage crazily high (at the very least in the USA)?

Unless the vast majority of those cases in question are marriages with an East Asian partner (I'm not even considering Hispanic/black, but they would constitute a presumably negligible percentage of the total), then this would imply that your statement is hogwash.

If you give me a moment I can probably find the statistic.

A strong work-ethic is nothing to shun. That fish may seem weak now, but by virtue of his labour he will grow stronger, and when stronger currents pass he may very well overcome the supposedly stronger amongst him.

Stoicism and determination is one of the cornerstones of Japanese culture, and can be accredited to their unparalleled work ethic and fighting spirit (bushido). The fact that whites are beginning to imitate them (whether knowingly or not) is nothing but good news.

Also how old are you? I doubt you just happen to be in your final year of schooling, unless you're in college.

"white" is purely an amerimutt and other anglo-colony concept where the people living there are so mixed with european and native/ african people that they can only attach to the only superficial commonality they have which is the tone of their skin.

Meanwhile a german or a pole or a spaniard to me is a german/pole/spaniard first and foremost while the colour of their skin is just one aspect of what makes a german/pole/spaniard etc.

> but because your cultures value nothing but garbage.
Actually that would be your kind. You push it. You're in charge of every sector of our society. Who's pushing the filth? That would be the Jew shit brick. Snakes. Filth. Inbred. Swine.
We were doing really well before you sick pieces of shit filtered into our society. No we were. THINK about it, if you're little pubey haired mass you called a head can.

Fuck off, Mongol scum. You and your ilk are not welcome here.

No-one cares. Fuck off, Finngol.

>Isn't the rate of interracial Jewish marriage crazily high
Yes, just over 50% IIRC.

>Unless the vast majority of those cases in question are marriages with an East Asian partner
This is anecdotal, but jewish men tend to prefer asian women and jewish women tend to prefer black men.

We're Jews so we figure out how to get what we want.

>strong work ethic
>white people
o i m laffin

problem is they see themselves only as white if it fits their agenda

> try super hard to do their best but still get a C
Yes because all white people make Cs! Only Jews make As. Shut the fuck up you inbred little cunt.
> I do like the fact that most people think of you as "white" though such that you're never singled out.
You think that's not changing? You're becoming public enemy number one due to dribble like you just spewed openly. We're figuring you out real fast. Hey, based on past history? What do you think is gonna happen then? I wonder how smug you'll be when we're shoving you along in a line again. Bitch.

Your culture sucks and it's your fault.

Abo intellect

Your poison is killing your own. Jewish population in the US has shrunk from 3% to just 2% in a few short years. Your Jew women LOVE the nigger dick insanely. And love to breed outside their race and marry non Jews. Up to 50% of them. I wonder why?
If half my women were fucking other guys? I wouldn't be so smug. And if I was the one pushing filth and degeneracy on a society? I wouldn't blame them for it.

White is shorthand for a branch of humans that share the same genes. Living on the other side of the world doesn't change that.

We're 92% white, unlike Finland which is 0% white. Abos aren't even a threat like niggers and Muslims, they're too stupid to be a threat. Now go back to sucking Russian cock like you usually do.

You talk like reform jews give a shit about racial purity or this strange war of population numbers you stormfronters play. I just want to slam asian pussy and my sister wants dat mandingo dick.

You know who cares about racial purity?

People who look like this.

Okay. But when that kind of thinking is taken to too much of an extreme, many white people die. Race is real, borders dividing a race are a social construct.

Interesting because that guy looks like a modern day Jew. :)

I don't necessarily hold the belief that white people having a strong work ethic - it was '' who established this as a premise of his/her argument. I simply worked with his/her terms.

Anyhow, I'm not certain how you would quantify work ethic. I suppose you could try and determine it by number of total work hours, but this doesn't necessarily equate to the vigour of said work. Maybe number of over-time work hours?

If you can provide me with proof of your counter-claim I'll accept it (mind you, I'm not assuming either case to be true at this stage).

>long face
>round bulbous downturned nose with no point
>pale with no facial hair
>"looks like a jew"
Have...have you literally never seen a jew before?


Do they worship the Demiurge as their Lord?

Then they are Jews, and they are of their father the Devil.

Your thoughts have no relation to your skin color

>We're 92% white
Way to keep drumming up the point I was making.

>unlike Finland which is 0% white
If you had a brain you would know that matters not to me, nor what you think about who is "white" or not fucking mutt.

>Abos aren't even a threat like niggers and Muslims, they're too stupid to be a threat.
I bet that's what your abo grandmother said while your geltic-german-spaghettinigger grandfather bred with her.
>Now go back to sucking Russian cock like you usually do.
lel, thats your job anglomutt

Looks a lot like him to me.
Facial features are EXTREMELY close if you look.

Thanks for proving your mutt status. Still doesn't change the fact that the guy next to you has a completely different set of heritage and all you guys have in common is the tone of your skin.

There are strong ties with race and political belief.

Therefore to state that there is no 'relation' is false.

I think you mean to say 'causation', or 'causal relationship'.

If you still think wars start because of that then you played right into the hands of the jews.

Steven Pinker

user I think you might be face blind

Nope. The chins, mouths, nose, all similar. You're just not half as intelligent as you like to think.

Political beliefs are learned or indoctrinated.

Well duh, they are the offspring of the white man.

>It is written in Genesis: "The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. and the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. By these were the Isles of the Gentile divided in their lands everyone after his tongue, after their families, in their nations." (Gen 10:2-5)

posers arent even semites

Everything you need to know! The truth about jews: