WW2 Footage

Okay, am I missing out on something? How is it that WW2 documentaries, footage in general, etc have all the epic sounds of vehicles, guns, bombs all that jazz yet you NEVER hear any men? Yelling orders, screaming in agony, etc is never heard. Just

>Pakow, BOOM

But you never hear the men. Am I out of the loop on something, pol?

Also, I find it funny that POWs from the German side (that I noticed) always seemed to be in alright spirits when marching, smiling directly at the cameras sometimes. I mean yeah, they are at war and are tough as shit but man, they really don't give a fuck. Thats bad ass

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>what's propaganda

I'm gonna guess most of it was recorded with no sound and it was added in post.

What I figured, but I wanted to ask.

My great grandfather fought on the russian front in ww1 than he was put in pow camp. He got back alive. During ww2 he was put in working camp since he spoke german and was good at tayloring. This lead to random soldiers and officers asking him to repair their uniforms/wifes clothes etc.
He never talked about attrocities, infact he said they were all suffering and that the german guards probably had it worse.

Example, guards missing the next day due to being assigned to eastern front, fathers getting letters about their sons being KIA etc.


That was mind shattering.

First the news reel footage was silent and the sounds were added later to create atmosphere.

Second the German POW's were smiling because they managed to survive the war ( little did they know that over 1 million of them would die of disease and starvation in allied detention.)

This, it was tough enough lugging around the xbox huge cameras they had, sound recording equipment would have been more trouble than it was worth

Yeah I've been watching a lot of videos lately and now that you guys are mentioning post production (I do and should feel retarded for not thinking this on my own) it makes sense.

I also think the allies were fucking evil. They tried Germans and executed them for war crimes whereas the allies committed far more atrocities.

I get it, life ain't fair but what the allies and Russians did was fucking disgusting, while pointing the finger and punishing others pretending only they are the ones guilty.

The German POWS were smiling because they surrendered to Americans and British soldiers instead of fucking communist savages who'd have them killed or sent to gulags while raping their wives. God bless Walther Wenck!

>what the allies and Russians did was fucking disgusting
10/10 woud repeat 2bh

Le ebin trole

If Germans would surrender to USSR they knew they would end up as russian POWs or even worse.
Majority of photos of German POWs are from western front. But when you look at german POWs from e.g stalingrad no one is laughing, they just want to die.

Nah, i really would. Modern Germans deserve it even more.

That flame trooper would turn out to be one of the silent ones who never talks about it. The one younfind sitting quietly in the corner - not because he has nothing to say but because he's trapped in 1945 burning men alive and now it's all he can remember.

>they just want to die.
Unfortunately some of them didn't

This. There was next to never a soundman with the camera man.

>little did they know that over 1 million of them would die of disease and starvation in allied detention
Germans were in literal summer camps in UK and USA doing fuck all, working crops or going to movies
Definitely they had it better than Soviet pows in their death camps

I would not want to be a flametrooper man. Holy shit.

the german POWS were smiling when captured by americans because they knew nothing bad would happen to them and they would be fed better than when they were not captured,lol.

You wouldn't want to be one because carrying a flamethrower makes you a priority target for the enemy. American flamers in the Pacific had very high casualty rates

I figured they were just smiling to be goofy. A lot of those men lived in and were used to shit conditions so I don't think many complained much.

Eh, everyone's different I suppose.

Germos killed 3 million of the 5.7 million Soviet pows in their care, Soviets killed about 1 million pows from a total of 5 1/2 million-ish troops captured from all the axis nations that took part in the eastern front.

The victors make the rules u little pussy

talk shit, get hit

mmm good shit

Looking for the "what if" in my post, can't find. I also said life ain't fair and insinuated that the Victor's get to do what they want.

Seems you are the retard here sir

>summer camps
>sleep on the ground without shelter under rains
>get 1500 calories rations (60% calories defeciet)
Is this famous soveit young pioneers summer camps?

The guy who carries the flamethrower for the squad must be a salty bastard...