Greeting strangers I'm a shia Muslim arab from iraq sadly there are many misconceptions about us I want to debunk/correct them
>I will answer the questions but it may took sometime
>please ignore shitposters hate post and impolite people I write a name so people can recognise me
>sunni islam isn't the only islam and we are different in many ways
>we don't hate jews atheists or homosexuals and they are welcome here in this thread to ask anything
Ask a shia anything
Ian Long
Julian Phillips
No satan, I will not.
Samuel Anderson
you missed your mark, larper
Samuel Ramirez
>I'm from Iraq
>Uses meme flag to hide where he's really from
Sure thing buddy.
Connor Scott
I'm not a satanic being
Since the talk is about religion I decided to ues Muslim flag Okey I will show it happ
Ryan Peterson
Zoroastrianism will rise again you heretic!
Also when are you guys going to get rid of the headscarfs?
Justin Wood
I'm pretty sure for zoroastrians Shia would be a heathen religion and not a heretic one
Jason Bailey
I wasn't aware there was a difference between those two words.
Isaac Sullivan
No it will not
Only imam wear these scarfs
I have to agree with you
Chase Parker
Zoroastrians are a protected people of the book, like Christians and Jews.