I absolutely fucking despise all muslims and islam in general, but he problem is that im only half white and half arab myself. I hate my skin and feel like shit.
Every now and then i see a bystander who looks at me weirdly and probably thinks "oh look another mudslime piece of shit" even though im not.
What should i do Sup Forums?
Eli Thompson
convert to Christianity, claim you're ethnic Christian despite brown skin. they do exist
Luis Sanchez
Forgot to mention that i'm already christian. I just hate how i'm very often judged as a fucking muslim due to my skin color. I don't blame those who judge me though, most arabs in my country are muslims and are acting like fucking idiots.
Cameron Brooks
Be strong and live your life bro. I'm white and can be assimilated with a lot of degenerates too.
Jaxon Lee
shitty situation honestly. a true example of where prejudice does exist. I really don't know what to say. Just hang around a lot of your white friends or something
Evan Rodriguez
Maybe you should shave clean, and wear more civilized clothes instead of desert robes?
Jace Nelson
What is your country? We have a massive amount of right nutjob hardliners here. Unless you do the weird clothing, beard etc, I don't think there's a problem.
Brayden Foster
Are you half shit-tier Arab? Because half white half upper class sandnigger can usually pass for white.
Hudson Cooper
Thanks man I don't wanna tell exactly because of the fear of someone i know seeing this thread, but somewhere in Scandinavia. I don't really get what you mean by shit-tier Arab, but i guess i'm not the most stereotypical looking migrant man since i'm (thankfully) atleast half white and always shave my beard.
Owen Anderson
1/4 nigger, 3/4 white here... (1 grandma black, 1 white and both grandpas white)
Everyone back in portugal calls me indian as a joke, or assume im a favela immigrant until they hear my accent and so figure out i just have a bit of black in me.
I live in London, and everyone here assumes im a sandnigger arab, or pakistani or some caveman afghan and sometimes random strangers start speaking to me in urdu or pashtu. Sometimes they say im south american or mexican. Rarely some people say i look turk, greek or italian. When i used to be in school here in London my friends were polish (still are), our accents when speaking was unintelligible to most other students and they thought we were speaking polish and so used to ask me if i was polish gypsy.
At least you are still half arab, so people are half right about you being arab, but wrong about you being a mudslime. When it comes to me, they are wrong to all their assumptions. How do I deal with it? Ignore it. Doesn't bother me anymore as it used to and when someone speakes to me in some durka durka language i tell them straight "I don't speak buga buga language" or "I don't know monkey language", if they get offended i tell them they should learn how to tell the difference in facial features of a person, not the skin colours and to start the conversation in the official language in this country.