these have been flying over head all morning, they flying relatively low compared to other helicopters i have seen around here. Any idea what type of heli it is?
These have been flying over head all morning...
that's a p-51
Chinook. Transport helo.
CH-47 chinook. Nothing special pal.
It it used for moving lots of gear or people
Chinook see them all the time here in north london. It's very dystopian when 3 of them fly over
its proper. ame is "shithook"
if you are seeing them, your gov is up to no good, of that you can be sure
>Any idea what type of heli it is?
God damn children. How can you have never have seen a Chinook before?
Chinook. They're used for transporting cargo. You can fit a Humvee in there.
fuck off back to le reddit faggot
thanks for the info anons. there are several bases around here, so air traffic isnt anything new, but i hadnt seen these. At least two sets of three have flow by this morning.
All good. We have them fly over my base all day. Usually just transport but sometimes we use them for aid.
That's an O3-A orion. user get out of your house they know.
That must be how they'r transporting the kids.
Baby tier helicopter, that's what.
flown in a chinook its cold up there
A whirliegig.
like been inside a washing machine
yeah chinooks are an awesome machine. I fucking love the sound they make when they fly overhead.
it kinda shook the house. you could definitely feel they were close. i always love the hum when helicopters are in the distance
C-46 let me guess you live near the hudson river NJ side or near NYC?
neg. far from it. pic related