Quit Complaining

Quit crying about degeneracy. Quit crying about your Jewish masters. Quit crying about how expensive everything is. Quit crying about population replacement, the death of our culture all of it.

Quit crying and do something about it.

Quit weed and porn. Read the books your ancestors wrote. Learn the religion of your fathers. Worship your God, and He alone shall you serve. Quit chasing money and glory. Move to a smaller community where everything is cheaper and you can be self sufficient. Grow your own food. Repair your own home. Get a wife and have lots of children. Quit buying from stores run by globalist Jews. Buy local.

The world isn't going to change overnight, and it will never change unless you become what you want the world to be. Quit complaining, get off your ass and live as children of God.

Pic related, that's the man who saw the degeneracy of Rome and is responsible for rebuilding Europe, St. Benedict.

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Buy gold. Buy hard assets. It won't make you rich overnight, but you don't have high time preference, do you?

Quit chasing Tinder whores. Get yourself a wife who doesn't believe in divorce, go to Mass with her. You should be there anyway.

Your religion brings you beliefs, routines and rules. That is a good thing to have in life (most often).
But to actually believe in a divine creature made by Jews many thousands of years ago, modified and improved by a kind, but mentally disturbed wood carpenter two millenials ago, exploited by so many power institutions ever since, that I just can not do even if I wanted to.

doing my part
redpilling the everloving fuck out of my girlfriend (went from being hesitant on kids to wanting 3) and trying to create a stable home life

you'd be surprised how much the average normie is yearning for some form of logos without even understanding that. I manage to get some pretty leftist ideologues thinking on some serious shit, I urge others to do the same

The Jews made a God whom they killed and whom they think is boiling in excrement?

There is no one, NO ONE, whom Jews hate more than Jesus.

What's your angle on triggering lefties?

get to the moral heart of any argument and clearly explain how your values are formed around wanting to make a good society because thats good for people

I got into it with someone recently about DACA, I'd love to tell them about how having poorly enforced borders is bad law enforcement practice, but that would just make me sound harsh, so I pose it in a way we can agree on
DACA makes illegals a taxable unrepresented class, like modern day slaves
I undrstand what that does to the economy and the society at large, and lefties know they must fight slavery at all costs
the argument ended cause we agreed it was a bad program, simple as that

shut up and burn in hell you fucking kike, anons great uprising when ?

You mean go exactly where the Jews think Jesus is?

My normie leftist friends think "humanity" is more important than economics or facts. NYC is hopeless. Really Depressing

Demons are actually good guys.
God-Demiurge-Yahweh-Allah is the true enemy.

m8, ~15% of women 18-22 are marriage material, according to statistics. Those are terrible odds.

Your NYC friends are all Jews.

Target your efforts in churches. You're not going to find your wife on an app or in a bar.

I've never gone to a bar in my life, and I'm not searching for women on Tinder. With regard to Churches, I've tried them with no luck.

I live in a town that is considered to be among the Top 5 most Conservative cities in the U.S. it's also notoriously full of hardline Evangelicals. I started with Churches that fit that bill, and tried the Youth and Young Adult groups. After no luck with a few of those, I tried a few Catholic Churches (Which were far too heavily Hispanic for my tastes).

Every girl I spoke to, got a number from, or ended up taking out ended up the same way:
>But user, I thought I was in love with him
>"Hate the sin, not the sinner!"
>God forgives, you should too!
>:Let he who is without sin..."

I just posted this in another thread, but it's super disheartening to see just how many non-virgins are running around presenting them as being remotely respectable people in Church. Even worse that they sincerely expect me to somehow look past the fact that they're used goods and love them anyway.

I'm not swearing women off yet, user, but it's a truly fucking horrible situation out there. I'm considering an Orthodox Church currently, but I really don't have high hopes for that, either.

Find a traditional Catholic parish, FSSP if you can. You'll see an obvious difference.

How do I allow the light of the heavenly father shine on me? I want to give up the vices of pornographt but I never last more than a few days.

Confession, Holy Water, Rosary, fasting.

I agree. What we really need or what would at least be a huge help is if we could bring back traditional morality and traditional gender roles. Deep down this is what everyone wants.

Wjy fasting?

Teaches you to not submit to desires of the flesh.

Remember that the Father wants you to be like Christ, to be made into a God in the image of the son

Do you have any theological resources on the benefits of fasting? I'd like to read up on it.


Indeed I do.

I have a degree in math. I can make stats say literally anything I want. Find a good conservative woman and you'll be ok.

My wife had a far from perfect life before I met her. We've been married for ten years and have four kids and want more. You're ignoring the teachings of Jesus by being judgemental against those women.

Stats can be used to make any point; however, honest, heavily-scrutinized stats still paint a much more clear picture. The fact remains that previous partner count is predictive of likelihood to cheat and divorce. There's some evidence coming from neurology that suggests promiscuity erodes the chemical reactions in the brain responsible for pair-bonding and love (think the Law of Diminishing Returns meets Neurochemicals).

Beyond that, I'm repulsed by women who aren't virgins. I legitimately feel disgusted by them as people any time I find myself on the road to a relationship with one. I'm not going to assume more risk, for a person that I have such strong feelings of revulsion towards.

Beyond that, they've ignored the teachings of Jesus by being whores, so I guess that puts us at 0 and 0.

Did Jesus teach that we're irredeemable after we sin? Was St. Mary Magdalene condemned?

I know the stats too, and I trust them, but repentance is possible. If not for the possibility of forgiveness we would all be condemned.

> I'm repulsed by women who aren't virgins.

Enjoy being single forever then.

Any good books on st Benedict?

Great advice, user. Yes, this is how the leftists took control of western civilization in the 60s and began opening up the doors for mass immigration and geographic replacement. They moved to small communities where things were cheaper, they did repair work on their houses, and they purchased goods from local stores.

They definitely didn't launch an invasion and conquest of all levels of power, going into the press, entertainment, schools, government, media and technology.

Not, don't do that. Get as far away from the battlefields of information, money, and technology as possible, because these things have no power in 2017. No, go to a quiet farm community, go to church and grow some tomatoes.

>the degeneracy of Rome
isn't America/western Europe the new Rome? Maybe the degeneracy there has reached critical levels and should just let die

Relevant video youtube.com/watch?v=CTuNsMTM_vw

These people are destroying themselves. Don't play their game. We have to play to our strengths, low time preference. Ultimately we will win. If we fight them on their turf, we're done.

That's the point. It is going to die. What do you do when you have a dying body part that, if left attached, will kill the entire body? You cut it off.

Preferable to marrying someone I resent on every level.

No, but she should have been. Honestly, subjects like this are why I envy the Muslims for what they have sometimes. I'm reminded of that alleged Hitler quote, where he's presumably privately wishing that Islam had been the religion of the German people. I never understood it when I was younger, but it does make some degree of sense now. Of course, Islam is still backwards across the board, and far too intertwined with Arab culture to ever be of proper use, but I do admire their stance on sexuality, even if there are problems and it isn't always properly enforced (ie, bestiality, not punishing male infidelity, allowing multiple wives, etc.)

Beyond that though, I have no desire to forgive someone who I find myself actively hating. That's simply not the basis for a healthy relationship.

Saint good goy

It's not their turf, it's our turf. It's the only
turf. Information, capital, technology- this is where power lies in the modern world, and none of us will likely live to see the day, if it even comes again, when power lies in land and the bodys of men. 5% of Google stock is worth more than every square mile of Idaho. We literally saw and total collapse of a superpower nation in 1991. And what happened? People didn't go back to bartering chickens and arranging marriages between their children in deals for cattle- everything just worked kind of shittily for a while, and power disparities that existed before the collapse were simply amplified- the rich were richer and the poor were poorer.

It won't be them that suffer if you decide to retreat and let them win; when every western country is 30% white it will be all of us, and our descendants, who suffer.

Imagine if decades ago, when Barack Obama's political career was beginning in the terrorist Bill Ayer's living room, Ayers had turned to him and said "You know Barry? Forget this whole Columbia University and Senate thing. You and Michelle should find a nice cabin out in the mountains somewhere and learn woodworking, that what will really get this Socialist revolution going".

Imagine if every right-wing man who had ever wanted to "get away from it all"
and move out to some isolated countryside had instead moved to
the heart of Manhattan, or Washington
D.C. Dupont Circle, the most exclusive neighborhood in DC, has a population only of a few tens of thousands- imagine if all the pro-white people collecting in Northern Idaho had moved there instead. It would fundamentally alter control of the capital's politics overnight. Imagine if instead of right-wingers learning to farm and repair pipes, they had learned to code, to practice constitutional law, to govern.

You don't take power by running as far away from power as possible. Our enemies are not superhuman, they're just people. And when peoples enemies are coming toward them, when they are
making incursions inside their territory, when they are behind their front lines, rather than being harmless and pacified far away from it , people get nervous, people get angry, and people make mistakes.

You're too high time preference. How are you going to beat them with democracy? You can't. All of the biggest political donors are Jews. We can't beat them until we take away their power. Getting away from their institutions is the only way to deprive them of power.

The solution is far simpler than a bunch of ideological bullshit. These neckbeards just need to stop watching porn on the Internet, throw their game machines and computers in a dumpster, and go outside and talk to people. Problem solved. (Well, maybe a shrink would help with the hostility, a scrip for an SSRI and a nofap boot camp.) Fuck the screaming for conservative values. It's not the world's responsibility to keep degeneracy away from you, it's yours. You are not a strong or capable human being until you can walk through a room full of whiskey, weed, pills, pussy and power and go out the other side.

You can't beat them with democracy, you can only beat them with power. There's very little of it to be found repairing roof tiles in Nebraska. Absolutely there should must be parallel institutions for technology, information, and commerce- none of OPs awful, horrendous advice addressed any of that. It's the exact opposite- ceding a full monopoly to their institutions on all of those categories.

You can spend 50 years slowly building up a white community, bonding with traditionalist right-leaning families and raising your children together, establishing and supporting local businesses- as long as the levers of power lie with your enemies they can, and will, erase 50 years of progress in 5 weeks with Section 8 housing.

There's no section 8 if whites build their own powerful institutions. Using Jewish institutions is suicide

>tfw priests here don't give confessions any more

That or they're just really busy.

Also, how do I into fast?

Skip a meal here or there. Drink water instead of things you like

On a personal level, I agree with this. I spent a LONG time living a life of complete indulgence, and it really does do things to your core sense of self. Its all "fun" until it isn't, and that is a hard change to make. Its much easier to ignore that voice and continue with the shitshow. Cultivating enough inner resolve to not only resist those temptations, but to ultimately destroy the temptation in the first place, is hard work.

Habit once formed is hard to break.