We wuz sailboats (British/Anglo hate thread)

Eighteen months of watching these British spergs act like niggers on this board.

Who the fuck invited them to the New Right? I've been part of the New Right for 12 years now. It was never about "Saving Britain". The topic of Britain never even came up. The New Right has nothing to do with these faggots in England. Infact, it is the complete opposite. The New Right developed out of an opposition against the Anglosphere / Jewish Liberal Order.

Who the fuck are these so called British "populist". There's no such thing. What they are is the crying spergs screaming out in pain as the New Right crushed their Jewish / Anglo empire around the world.

Put the British in the dirt.

The usa is like our retarded down syndrome kid.

England has suffered from globalism far more than your country has. Why do you think the Brexit vote went the way it did?

Fuck off, numpty.

Ah, against the anglosphere, from...an American...the biggest and currently most prominent country in the anglosphere...riiiiight.

What the fuck are you even talking about nigger?

>mexican detected

More like a mut that should of been put down a long time ago

Every thinking individual hates the brits.
They are behind every subversion (Sykes–Picot Agreement).
Maybe they are related to the jews, i definetly know i hate them with passion.

>a mut that should of been put down a long time ago
England went full retard and created a rabid pitbull on steroids, you couldn't even kill it before 1776, now it only obeys its jew master. Good job dad

The Brtis are related to Jews at this point in history. The Jews have completely replaced the WASP. That was the plan all along. Now we're seeing the WASP sperg out. All because of his own treachery. These Anglos were always the low-tier niggers of Europe. That is why the Jews selected them 300 years ago to "build a jewish sail-boat empire". The Jews used the Anglos as their island niggers. Now that the Jews have hi-tech globalism they no longer need their pet Anglos to sail their sailboats. Jews can just use UAV's and automation.

Look at how these Anglo-Saxons act on this board. They act the same way Jews do. Pure Jewish hatred for every European.

Anglos have extremely low IQ. If you actually read what they write, it's never anything intelligent. It's all middle-school tier faggotry. They think they're "winning" by talking child like shit on the internet. It's retarded.

Then they claim to be "Conservatives" and "Nazi's". What in the actual fuck? This British anglos are not Nazi's. They're all a bunch of NeoCon, Tory, Jewish LARPing faggots.

Kick these British out of the New European Right Movement.

What the fuck is an Englishman?

>divide and conquor
Who is the jew here?


"To have to wear someday the cap of the Red Army would be an awful perspective. This is not a reason to have the desire to spend the rest of our life living on a diet of hamburgers in Broolyn's] surroundings."

Alain de Benoist

>Pure Jewish hatred for every European
Nothing Jewish about it

Interesting picture to go with that post considering Hitler's views towards Britain.

The New Right is not British. Get the fuck out of our movement.

>England has suffered from globalism far more than your country has.
>Creates a (((commonwealth)) of African Nations.
>Complains about Africans

God damn Anglo-Saxons are retarded.

>New Right is not British. Get the fuck out of our movement
>implying Nigel didn't prime /pol for the Trump train

>doesn't know johnathon bowden
Gtfo lefty fag with your div-con

All of these canned Anglo responses are the equivalent of yelling antisemitism by the Jews.

You have no argument. Deep down you know you're the cancer of Europe.

>You have no argument
And you spewing GTFO is an argument, sure schlomo

>>implying Nigel didn't prime /pol for the Trump train

Holy fuck... you actually came right out and said it. I can't believe it. I've been talking about this for 18 months now. How these British faggots honestly believe they started this entire thing with Trump. How god damn delusional.... I can't even.

Nigel and the Brits have complete co-opted American Populism and the New Right. The Brits didn't start anything.

American Populism and the New Right came our of direct opposition to Toryism and Neo-Conservatism. It is a political force in direct confrontation against the British Elite and it's Liberal Globalist Commonwealth. It's been gaining political momentum post the 9/11 attack. It has resulted in the election of Donald Trump.

What the fuck are you talking about? The New Right has nothing to do with "Saving the British!", "Save Israel!"

You are nothing but a Neoconservative trying to hi-jack American Populism.

Fuck the British. Fuck Israel.

>Be Anglo-Saxon
>Give the Jews everything they dreamed
>Suck Jewish cock for 300 years (since the days of Cromwell)
>Oy vey, you're a Jew!

Your anglo ancestors and your current anglo leaders are kikes. Get that through your retarded anglo head.

>British faggots honestly believe they started this entire thing with Trump
Nigel has been popular with /pol for years you idiot, well before Trump was even on the radar. How fucking new are you? His trashing of the EU parliament dates back to around 2004-5, and peaked in 2014-15. How fucking new are you faggot?

>your current anglo leaders are kikes
And your's aren't, have a burger before you collapse

>Anglo/Brits believe this whole thing is all about saving England and Israel.
Nigel Farage invented the New Right? What the fuck are you talking about. He was just some guy that popped up here and there during EU talks. People laughed for a few minutes and paid no attention to it.

The New Right started in America after 2001. It's actually the a revitalized "Old Right", or "Paleo Conservatism".

The American Old Right and Paleo Conservatism is in direct opposition to British Toryism, British Conservatism.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're a fucking anglo-canadian retard.

>And your's aren't
Because..... those people..... are.... anglo-americans...... doing... the bidding.... of....... the..... (((anglosphere)))

America is a Jewish play thing, go fuck yourself you 56% white, disgusting nigger.

>Nigel Farage invented the New Right?
I did not even suggest that. BTW Nigel 'pop-up' in 1999. You are just trying to be an argumentative faggot. Fuck off nigger

America is not German, you retarded fucking wannabe Aryan faggot. The United States's culture is based of ours. You are just a fucking retarded larper.

>Predictable (((anglo-sperg)))
Everything that is Jewish in America comes from the WASP.

You are an idiot.

Fuck off Spic.

Okay, wannabe German. I'm pro gun though, my father actually campaigned against the banning of firearms in the UK, also, I and many Englishmen are Nationalists and imperialists, some of the most red pilled people on earth are Englishmen.

You like to claim us so you're relevant, otherwise you would be a collection of islands and nothing.

Fact of the matter is, the greatest american stock is the german and irish. And we do not like anglos despite speaking your language, america is not yours and we see what the anglo-jew world order has brough us nothing but disaster. Our own WASP elite sold us out too. The anglo and jew must be excised from western civilization


Not a spic. I'm White... something you'll never be.

>Using divide and conquer tactics against Dad
You have to go back.

CNN and MSNBC are run by Jews, not Anglos, and the Trump administration has clearly sold out to the Jews.

Piss off burger clap
>New Right was a UK-based pan-European nationalist, the conservative revolutionary think tank founded by the nationalists Troy Southgate and Jonathan Bowden. It had little influence.
It was unrelated to the wider British and American usage of the term New Right (the ideologies of neoconservatism and neo-liberalism) and is directly inspired by the French Nouvelle Droite and the broader European New Right.[1]
It defined itself as follows: "We are opposed to liberalism, democracy, and egalitarianism and fight to restore the eternal values and principles that have become submerged beneath the corrosive tsunami of the modern world." [2] However other UK groups had long campaigned on these objectives, such as the Conservative Monday Club, the Western Goals Institute, the Conservative Democratic Alliance, and the Traditional Britain Group.
It was launched on 16 January 2005 at a meeting in central London. This followed an initial meeting the previous month, in which it was described as a "dynamic and strictly metapolitical group [that] seeks to unite the disparate strands of the British Right and get everybody pulling in the same direction".[3]
New Right published a journal, New Imperium.[4]

> "I have dirty blonde hair, so I am pure German"
You're a fucking retarded faggot, with an unreasonable hatred for other whites, the average Englishmen's IQ is 5 points higher the average American, you are fuckng mixed ethnicity crypto-kikes that happily destroyed one of the true uprisings of the European people. Your culture is fake and grotesque. Also, you are a new right civic faggot. Your original post made no fucking sense, what even is the "new right" to you? It's a meaningless term.

What the fuck is with this "divide and conquer". These anglo-spergs have said this for 18 months now.

Let me get this straight once and for all. Ok, so if Americans don't go along with the (((anglosphere))) and (((Israel is our greatest ally))) then we are supposedly trying to divide and conquer.

The level of insane twisting of history to even come to this logic is out of this world. I can't even process it......................

Anglos = Jews
This is the only explanation for their insane non-logic and alternative history.

The New Right is not British.

Why is it that whenever WW2 comes up it's our fault and only our fault? Also, friendly fire.

Fucking right.


You're a real world retard.

t. some subversive cunt
what the fuck is "the new right"?
was the "alt right" not faggoty enough for you?

>WW2 comes up it's our fault and only our fault?
Because you should have back Hitler and ended the Soviets early. Japan need the nuking though

>Aryan faggot
>Anglokike shows it's true colors
It's ours now you retarded faggot anglo-saxon "liberal" degenerate. British Toryism is nothing but global Jewish faggotry on steroids.

The WASP is dead in America. Anglo-Saxons have no power other than sperged out tabloid newspapers like CNN and MSNBC.

Trumps Administration has ZERO anglo-saxons. You're dead already. The United States is not your country and never will be. You filthy anti-White anglokike.

It's the Russian's fault too, they were slaves to the kike too, but Hitler could have defeated the Russians if the United States hadn't got involved. And now if you look at the United States it is clear that it completely under Jewish control. The US had no reason to go to Germany other than Japan being allied with them, but they did anyway.

Thanks for the insightful thread you dirty kike

>global Jewish faggotry on steroids
You just describe your own country idiot

At least we can build CATOBAR, "dad."

>what the fuck is "the new right"?

See what I mean? these anglokikes have no idea what they're talking about.

Clearly you are mentally retarded, like your average inbred, mixed ethnic American because I didn't call Aryans faggots, I called you a faggot for LARPing and being a wannabe that would lie about the ethnicity of your people.

oh look another divide and conquer thread

>Hating Anglos
>In an Anglo country
You can fuck off right back to Mexico, Paco.
Or are you some kind of plastic paddy? Maybe a 100% pure """German-American?"""

>Calls others kikes
wew lad

Germany declared war on us, and before hand we were only shipping weapons to the commonwealth.

>we can build CATOBAR, "dad."
They can, they were just to poor to put a nuke powered carrier out to sea. Their nuke subs took priority. Either that or they have a serious burger shortage combined with a leach called the EU

You're some shitskin cunt playing with fools.

>oh look another divide and conquer thread
Implying the New Right is here to save (((England))) and Israel.

Fuck off anglokike. Take your neoconservatism (toryism) with you.

feelsgood being superior to this Mexican burrito stuffing niglet

Kill yourself, you don't have a European Homeland, stay over there in your mixed race Jewish controlled cesspool. The New right barely exists, only the alt-right, and the alt right is friendly with anglos, the "new right" is just civic nationalist bullshit created by the likes of Kike Cernovich.

You're some anglokike trying to divide and conquer the American New Right and European Populism.

You've been thoroughly BTFO ITT, your blood sugar must be low by now, have a Big-Glup soda

the new right is made up of british people you retard KEK making a lot of assumptions their aren't you pedro

>mixed race Jewish controlled cesspool
Come again?

The United States had been pushing for war with Germany, it knew what it was doing by shipping weapons and supplies to Germany's enemy, the US would have stepped in eventually anyway, Hitler had no choice.

>Be (((British)))
>Be (((Anglo)))
Try to hi-jack the American New Right and European Populism.

>>pic related

I like you, I detest Anglos.
Welcome to the team.

Bongs are anti-european who jumped boats like rats as soon as they had the chance

I will miss them even though they hate us

92% white with a 67% white capital vs 56% white with 43% white capital, I wonder which one is Jewish controlled.

Everyone already knows Turks hate Pakis. Your statement is redundant.

All I care about is white autonomy, whereas you're attempting to seed division between white communities due to being a blatant shill.
>im not even anglo

We saved you buck toothed fuckers in WW2......
Still haven't figured out why

>Trumps Administration has ZERO anglo-saxons.
Out of 16 Trump Cabinet members, 7 (44%) are anglos even though they make up only 8% of the population, including the Vice President and Secretary of State. Trump himself also has Scottish ancestry.

Oh look another anglokike sperg acting like a nigger. What a shocker.

I'm exposing how much of an insecure kike you are. Thanks for going along.

hi-jack? we have been here at the very start you dense beaner hahaha

Not necessarily, while Roosevelt and the government wanted war the average American didn't. If Hitler had denounced the Pearl Harbor attack it would have been politically impossible to declare war on Germany.

Haha! bro... I can destroy these low IQ anglos with ease. I've done it for 18 months. They're all fucking kikes and retarded.

Wew lad, back to Brit/pol!

>>dedicates whole thread about his insecurity's around anglo

yeah he sure is insecure mate

Which is nothing too new, hope you have maximal success.

>insecure anglokike
You are the cancer upon the White Race.



>I've been part of the New Right for 12 years now.
>New Right
>12 years

...apparently not that "New" lol

you are literally a mongoloid trying to act as an American and showing his insecurity's you are literally the cancer that is killing America and no matter what a mongrel says about the british I still hope America and Britain can become better so once again fuck your divide and conquer bullshit paco

The Arab and the Spic have formed and alliance. I knew this day would come.

>german and irish so great

History teaches otherwise, son.

>as the New Right crushed their Jewish / Anglo empire around the world.
what did he mean by this?

The britbongs should check themselves before they wreck themselves.

he was doing this shit in 1999 you spastic

You sound like an anglokike trying to divide and conquer western populism.

>german and irish so great
>another anglokike exposed
This is why I do these threads. So we can reveal the true nature of the (((anglo-saxon))). The British ethos is not White.

>whines about globalism
you fuckers opened pandora's box for some sheckels, and made all of the white world suffer for it.

Right, so... around 12 years ago is when the American New Right started gaining a lot of traction. By traction I'm referring to the millions of Americans in the 'Alternative News' demographics. You seem lost. Have you paid attention the last 100 years?

The New Right = Revitalized Old Right

I mean, I can't make it simpler. if you don't understand, then you're not part of the Trump movement in any type of considerable way. You might as well just be on of these sperg anglo/brit/kikes who think this Populist Movement is all about (((England))) and (((Israel))) which is completely incorrect.

Teasucker please, Churchill tried to Play out his Relations to the Americans with all he had got, he first wanted 50 Destroyers, lending the Americans some Caribbean Ports in return, then he wanted them to go further and managed to make Roosevelt declare the "Shoot-At-Sight"-Order and it was not nessecary and resulted in German Submarines assaulting some Coastal Areas of the US.

This was not to most populations interest,large parts were German, the Irish proabablydidn't want to Support Britain and Italians too, Blacks and Spics were not to decide, so 76% of the Population wanted the Country to stay out of the war,everyone except the Anglos and Jews, even "Americans" (English calling themseleves like that") were mostly against it, but as we know Theodor D. Roosevelt was identifying himself as "English".

The German-American Bund Held a speech in New York calling FDR "Rosenfeld".

Hitler wrote a second book after "Mein Kampf", he there stated that as he was a WW1 Veteran sees, that war with America must be prevented until Russia was conquered (1941 was planned) and the Brits and Americans could be engaged (1942 or later).

He had a choice, only that he could obviously not Play out his Relations as much as Churchill, the Germans had Diplomats in the US until they occupied Greenland and annexed it from Denmark temporarily.

Only to end up being a coward (see ) Your (((people))) are a fucking joke.
