Reminder to stop Supporting Sinn Féin
>Muh Che Guevara
>Muh Palestine
>Muh Fairness and equality
>Muh anti-racism, anti-sexism anti-phobias
>Muh Marxism
Get the fuck out of here with that
Reminder to stop Supporting Sinn Féin
>Muh Che Guevara
>Muh Palestine
>Muh Fairness and equality
>Muh anti-racism, anti-sexism anti-phobias
>Muh Marxism
Get the fuck out of here with that
>implying the irish have time between their guiness and potato soup to learn to read
You sweet summer child
Absolutely Subverted
Irish nationalism and republicanism are different things. Nationalism is simply a love of one's country and its people and culture. Irish nationalism would include things such as learning Irish or playing Gaelic football. Republicanism is the idea that we should have a 32 county (socialist) republic and that is where the leftist shit comes into play. That and the costs incurred with reunification (taxes are high enough here already, never mind subsidising the North's bloated public sector) are why I don't support republicanism
Piece of shit internet wont let me post anything
Wrong and right
Irish republicanism is not Nationalism but you can be a republican for Nationalist reasons
Irish republicanism is simply to support independence from Brits by a republic. There for a united Ireland is apart of the republican agenda.
You do not have to be a socialist or nationalist to be a republican.
As long as you want a united Ireland for what ever motive.
The movement has been tooken over by socialists through sinn shite.
Sinn Féin Are Republican but seemingly NOT for a nationalist cause. Beyond me why.
How is Sinn Fein either nationalistic or republican? SF recently supported a demonstration in Dublin against the "muhsoggyknee", "racism" and of course "homophobia" of the evil Irishmen which included an angry denunciation of your own fucking people by a recently arrived hideous African sowbeast. Please explain in terms of national liberation how exchanging submission to London with submission to Berlin is a material improvement? Ireland's economic policy is now decided in Frankfurt well before any Paddies get wind of it.
How are your daughter's new immigrant friends treating her? I've heard they're quite friendly.
There needs to be a new Irish nationalism based in ethnonationalism and nothing else. The Irish are easy to get on board with that.
Spot on
And thankfully its already on the rise!
I doubt there's any Irish anons here who support Sinn Fein the cult of victimhood that it is. Sinn Fein are fucking cancer and anyone with a triple digit IQ can see right through them and what they're all about.
You'd be surprised!
I had a few arguments on Éire/pol/ with an user in denial about them.
This and me seeing Palestine and Che Guevara flegs around the town today is what brought me to make this thread.
Check out this blog from a former Republican.
Ireland's place is alongside Britain
As an ally maybe, but you can fuck off with your UK
Lot of underage Irish anons who haven't a clue.
If I seen a Palestinian flag and I could tear it down I would. So sick of Irish people virtue signalling about that fucking place. A hotel in Donegal was on the recieving end of intimidation from low IQ Republican types during the summer because they flew a union jack for British guests staying there and Sinn Fein and their retard supporters kicked up a fuss bit the same retards were flying a Palestinian flag from council building a town in Donegal during the summer and signalling their virtue and reinforcing their own insane sense of victimhood by associating Ireland and Irish people with Palestinians. Pathetic.
>Ireland is a worthy ally to Britain
Don't make me laugh mate.
> Adams and McGuinness will go to their graves as patriots; their funerals attended by tens of thousands. Sinn Féin and their supporters will stand by gravesides as orators declare them modern Ireland’s Wolfetone and Emmet. In truth, they are the Lundy’s of our people. The Gaelic race has never before produced a generation as wilfully treacherous as this one and never one as dangerous and able as this band of frauds. Future generations growing up in the multicultural dystopia they championed and helped bring about will curse their memory.
please tell me that is shopped
I am sorry
I can't truthfully say that
It's a pretty good blog some good articles there. Wish more people would speak out and redpill the people about Sinn Fein. The youth wing of Sinn Fein are more Marxist than Republican and the local SF youth FB page for my county is full of SJW bullshit and posts about BLM and Mandela and Castro etc... Sinn Fein needs to be destroyed.
Good oul Yuri
How can you be Nationalistic and Antifa?
Where's that?
> The youth wing of Sinn Fein are more Marxist than Republican and the local SF youth FB page for my county is full of SJW bullshit and posts about BLM and Mandela and Castro etc
I think up here in the north this Marxist filth is catching up with the youth slowly. Its mostly virtue signalling 16-25 year old women. I feel like the young men here are more true Nationalists for the most part.
You're agreeing with a Brit against SF. You're a fucking traitor and a retard. Go lick Thatcher's boots some more, you fucktard. The UPI would have you killed for a teague in a second if they could.
kys pro fag, pro lgbt, pro anti nationalist, pro abortion, Pro marxist multicult scum
Ulster folk are generally based and the menfolk pretty nationalistic. It's mainly the middle class youth who are falling for the Marxism meme and are flocking to Sinn Fein. I read about a dispute between working class youths and Sinn Fein over a bonfire in the bogside a couple weeks ago and there was people in the comments sections of the news calling Sinn Fein traitors and such. I think the working class people will wake up soon to Sinn Fein and their nandy pandy faggotry about equality and Marxism.
The IRA saw themselves as freedom fighters, fighting actual social injustices.
People larping as freedom fighters fighting imagined social injustices are going to hero worship them all day.
It's you whos the traitor and retard if you support fag Fein. That Brit is a fellow Ulsterman too you fucking underage faggot. Go back to sharing cringey Sinn Fein memes of fb you fucking gimp.
I reckon NP will do fierce well up here.
It must had been the troubles and the last centuries that kept real nationalism alive here. When you have an opposing culture and people you will naturally be more nationalistic.
>800 years of fighting the British to bend over for boat niggers
> That Brit is a fellow Ulsterman too
Ehhhh.... Well they are better than any nigger or paki i will give em that
>800 years of fighting the British
Maybe about 30 years of fighting in total.
>Mmmmmm. Muslim-dick. Yum yum yum yum yum.
You're gross.
>>Muh Palestine
Oh my goodness, Irish republicans don't suck Zionist cock like the DUP and English, oh no.
My family has supported Sinn Féin since Arthur Griffith, and will continue to do so.
The person he thinks is a Brit is a northerner/Ulsterman.
Irish people don't need to support either side in that conflict and it's completely irrelevant to us. I don't give a single fuck about either side and wouldn't be too sad if they annihilated eachother.
Are you not smart enough to form your own opinions so you go and support the same party as your cuck grandfather and father? Your probably one of those spastics from Dublin too with an Anglo surname who says " wah gow'in to get de nort of Oirland back" and Brits out niggers in.
You don't get it. They virtue signal palestine for their refugee influx agenda, and that is for multi-racial and multi-cultural motives.
I would not support Israel for what they are doing but ffs what has this got to do with republicanism?
I am sick of their pathetic pandering.
> My family has supported Sinn Féin since Arthur Griffith, and will continue to do so
The Sinn Féin voter of the future
>Why do you vote Sinn Féin if they are not Nationaliat and you are?
>Cauws maye fawmleh ohwlwehs voted sinn féin duhr du duhrrrr
Virtue signalling for oppressed people around the world validates their own sense of victimhood. Sinn Fein is all about the feel feels.
Irish people are the Argentinians of Europe.