Black Pill Thread
No hope allowed
Post all your Black Pills
Black Pill Thread
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Anarchy can never work with black people
Mankind will never improve. Only continue to slip into barbarism and this is basically the last global society. Things will continue to get infinitely worse until blood runs in the streets as the norm and the entire world is a giant favela with a few gated towers for the rich cunts destroying everything.
The white race is doomed.
There is no right wing surge in western countries. It's all decided already how things go. You don't change thinks by voting, and Trump is already controlled. If he isn't, he'd get shot like Reagan did as a warning. Reagan tried to go against the elite too at first.
Even if society begins to improve, the deep state will force Armageddon's hand through black project technologies. You and I won't be part of the 500,000 to survive.
Most of gen y and z and X women are whores.
Even if trump fixes certain things, other stuff won't be fixed or way later in our lifetime.
yes it can
you just need the right type of anarchy
Sup Forums is where losers congregate to project their flaws and insecurities onto the rest of the world. This is evident from the culture of almost every board. Normal interactions are shunned and replacing them are accusations of "autism" and cheap insults designed to extract "kek"s from the anonymous ocean of permavirgins and wizards. Mental illnesses and personality disorders are the norm here. From the schizophrenic ramblings of /x/ to the racial pseudoscience of Sup Forums, no board is free from the jibbering idiocy of a certain class of self-appointed intelligentsia. I hate you all.
I wish this happens desu
child porn exists that is filmed like a brazzers scene. Good luck ever faping again
I should have never entered this thread.
wow HD cameras exist and pedophiles have access to them????? NO!
>It doesn't matter what you achieve in this life because even history will be a thing of the past thanks to the inevitable heat death of the universe
This is why I always laugh at tryhards who think being successful is everything. Death is the ultimate equalizer; worms can't see any difference between a hobo and a rich billionaire.
wrong. the rich have massive crypts which stand the test of time.
Fags are gay
Yeah dead people ya SHITE ideology will never work
Yet, here you are, you disgusting commie.
losers who decide elections and who are a global political and cultural force the mainstream are desperately trying to co-opt
okay salty lefty kid
>brazzer makes cp
How will these crypts survive when the sun has swallowed earth after it becomes a red giant?
In the future no one will be pure white unless you use gene editing to remove negroid genes and form a secluded community somewhere.
This is why more belgrano's need to be sunk
I wish all the filthy commies in the world just dropped dead. Scum.
The median global IQ will drop a full standard deviation within the next two generations
I'm a nihilist Morty!!! (that was a Rick and Morty reference xD) pickle riiiiick!!
Blackpill with a slight bit of bittersweet hope at the end
It's time to stop talking and start shooting these freaks.
it's true, but it also a merit
We are witnessing the steady downfall of society as we know it.
Choke on your Blackpill.
The Redpill tastes better.
We still have hope, its the Divine Spark of Spirit in us.
Human caused climate change is real but it is also unstoppable now that the permafrost is thawing, and nonlinear feedback loops will make humanity extinct by 2100.
There is no free will.
Live has no objective purpose.
Humanity will cease to exist within 3 million years if not the next 10,000.
Traps are indeed, gay.
he isn't wrong
I refuse to believe this, I still think 99% of CP is probably just old weird camcorder shit from the 90s and 00s and that anyone who makes modern shit gets caught
-Filleds with gaslighting sociopaths who dont have a limit to personal insults and attacks and dont understand what a debate is or how it works
-Paid shill campaigns going on 24/7.Lefties think they're talking to normal Americans.
-Millions of Redditora supported a candidate who could never win, when she lost..they doubled down to guarantee another loss in 2020
-Severely out of touch with reality to the point of borderline schizophrenia
-If you question anything you get banned by schizophrenic moderators who believe Russian agents are posting 24/7 on /Worldnews and /t_d.
>Believes Reddit is a free speech website. Banning people who disagree and setting up a dangerous echo chamber is totally fine.
>Sup Forums are mentally ill
Cute chart, now show the other 5 billion years
I sincerely hope they all die in a fire for what they've done to their son.
This will make 9/10 people want to literally smash their computer with a hammer
They will regret it when Jesus sends them to Hell.
> Blacks
> Buying things
See that? That's Earth's natural climate state. 10 degrees C above where we are right now. And that's exactly where we are headed now that the feedback loops have kicked in and taken the reins from us. We can't stop this anymore, and we can not survive on hothouse Earth.
Like a snowball rolling down a hill, we may have started this runaway effect but we no longer have the power to stop it.
- Psycopath redditors will snoop through your post history to gather ammunition for a fraudulent debate filled with personal attacks and lies. In the rare cases that they do argue facts, they choose websites like snopes and cnn as a source.
Anyone who promotes child sexuality should be executed.
>you are never ever going to find it
We should set up a small society with the singular purpose of conquering the world once civilization falls, foundation style
>you are all mentally-ill virgin edgelords
>I hate you all indiscriminately and irrationally nothin personnel kid
I wish that fucking slut died. CUNT. The rage is unbearable, I'd kill her with my own hands.
Go ahead. Keep repeating the same mistakes, human garbage.
>Lol niggers don't buy anything
>duhh rick and morty so edgy ha nihilists r so dum ha ha
Except its true, get over your life meaning nothing and just make yourself comfy in the meantime
Can all these kids really have gender dysphoria? It's a very rare disease, it's almost more believable that something else is going on...
What if we put it in the craddle of civilization, for good auspices?
There's just too many problems in the world. You and I are both aware of what they are. The sheer magnitude of them combined guarantees a massive happening, and such happenings typically involve war of some sort that get bigger each time. One could say we're at a tipping point now.
Live each day like it's your last anons
Fucking degenerates. I fucking hate those Hollywood motherfuckers with a burning passion.
u wanna hear a fckd up truth, most of this kids will grow up to be serial killers. Most psycopaths suffered this kind of childhoods, moms forcing their kids to be of different sex fcks all their minds up from early development which is very important and chapes ones life. Take into account that most kids dont really want this, they arent mature enough to make this type of decisions, they probably want it now but few years ahead they wished they didn't
shits fucked brehs
>implying I would want to wake up
You guys need to settle down. You're going to wear a hole through this meme.
There is literally no difference between a boy saying he wants to be a girl and him saying he wants to be a cat and his idiot mother forcing surgery on him. Both should be tried for felonies.
Thats not a black pill unless you dont care enough about the goat fuckers and let them run rampant
Take the children away, god damn. She herself should have died in the fire the absolute degenerate.
>please wake up
i dont know how
Technological Systems are a parasitic egregore that hijacked human evolution in our pre-history. Technological "progress" simply indicates how much human energy and resources are dedicated to it's growth. This parasite will continue to grow until it sucks our species dry and finally reaches maturity, at which point our dying act as a species will be to launch it into space, ostensibly to seed the stars with our genes as a last ditch bid to avoid extinction, in reality to spread it's spores to other worlds.
Come on, you can't blame someone for not going into a burning house. Instinct will kick in for most people and simply not allow you to do it. This is really a bad example of degeneracy
I read magazines like Time, Economist, MIT tech review and every day I see technology being manipulated to cause Evil and inequality.
1. Genetic Engineering is or will soon allow the elite to develop superhumans thanks to CRISPR
2. Artificial intelligence is making business decisions and gathers mass intelligence over the populace. If it's capabilities are enhanced, it will be able to predict each person's actions and maybe could perform sophisticated social engineering.
This is why I'm taking the Brown pill (Buddhism) to escape from this Orwellian society.
white gave birth to altruism which in turn created civilization, it's also the exact thing that will kill whites and subsequent civilization.
you can see how niggers see a lack of altruism as intelligence and superiority.
Women's equality is wrong but necessary.
t. Nigger
>white gave birth to altruism which in turn created civilization
This isn't just a misunderstanding of history. This is an outright fucking lie. And it's a very typical lie of white men. Altruism exists in other species. It existed before primates, let alone humans.
The white race will eventually be outbred. Your descendants will eventually fuck brown people.
It's the difference between just waiting and keeping yourself busy.
It's like a bet, its like spending that extra dime to see if you can beat someone else's high score.
yes dumbass, altruism is a static value of a 0 or 1.
b-b-b--bbut they have altruism too!
yeah, how much nigger?
Yes, Britain was very altruistic when they introduced opium, war, and famine to China. White man's burden is not altruistic, it's a poor attempt at justifying imperialism.