Remember how Bane (Iranian Kurdistan village) erupted in protests some days ago? Well, it never stopped, in fact, today there where demonstrations in Sanandaj (the capital of Iranian Kurdistan). And other cities, and a neighboring Kurd dominated province.
***Happening Iranian Kurdish uprising spreading from Bane!****
Other urls found in this thread:
First for FUCK K*RDS
This girl will be caught, raped and killed by Muslims. She is from bane, the small town it started in.
Another city.
I don't get it, if she hate Iran, why doesn't she just leave?
unlike nigbama trump will likely make this a revolution
>oy vey it's a (((spontaneous revolution))) goy
>nothing to see here
People demonstrate outside of Kurdistan too. Laborers demonstrated outside of the parliament in Teheran today.
not happening
Thanks دکتر
fake gas attacks when?
Looks like America is going to have to save K*rds from percicution again.
Sunday will never be the same
Because Kurds lived in that area for centuries and it's their homeland.
"Regime police firing on peaceful protestors" when?
Oh, another Arab Springs again ey?
Btw, update on ongoing "protests":
-Philippines since last year
-Myanmar weeks ago
-Iran just yesterday
It's always a color protest.
Thought I had a Trump one
This is a big fucking deal guys. Kurds in turkey syria iraq have been fighting for a long time and the kurdish homeland spans into iran. Things could easily spiral out of control.
think of why the USA supports the kurds so heavily (fighting isis my ass we arm isis) could it be that the USA is trying to create a kurdish state by creating a proxy war with Iran and Turkey?
Kurds are retarded. They expect to separate from Iran,Iraq,Syrian and turkey, that is 4 fucking countries in case you're wondering, and except those countries to go with their delusions willingly.
If you don't reply to this comment with "Fuck Kurds", your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Fuck Kurds
What's this one gonna be, satan-monkey? The Yellow Revolution?
Reminder that this has been the end goal of americans supporting the kurds in syria and iraq the whole time. They want to create civil war in Iran
Where is based Ruptly with that /comfy/ stream?
they are savage people who inhabited mountains, it's not their homeland. they were bandit raiders and mercenaries sometimes. never managed to create a state even though they were always crowded
(((they))) have been trying for a k*rdistan for the last 100 years. it's the last step before greater israel. turkey and iran must fall for that to happen. shitty ar*b countries are already taken care off
don't worry i have one
Arab and Persian sand nigger cavemen BTFO, Jewish and Kurd alliance FTW.
lol looks fake. nothing on iran twitter and look who claims to speak for the opposition, mek and the shah's monarchist party.
they'd have less of a chance than a takfiri communist in the us
Iran will become Americas new greatest ally, nobody likes the communist kurds
Wait, you don't get to bring friends
is this what it really was?
one thing you can always count on with iranian opposition groups is they lie about everything.
even stupid lies that anyone could check in a minute google search
Literally a front for the MeK terrorist group.
I can see it now, obama gave iran $4 bln and nuclear weapons
why does he wear the mask?
Anchor and Journalist at Kurdistan24| news writer & reporter at Eastern Kurdistan desk K24| working on News & reports about Kurdistan, Iran, and Human Rights
Sup Forums should support Kurds because a lot of them are NORDIC, therefore racially MORE WORTH THAN FOR AN EXAMPLE "GREEK" SUBHUMANS.
this women is a real patriot
>syrian failed boys let s try with iran
im a typical burger with no education, but i though iran was shia and hated sunni isis? i thought the royal guard who put that down extra quick?
trump should demand to visit n korean bases
yeah they don't like the sunni extremist because they teach the shia are heretics
the royal guard is history since 1979
it's about time the CIA did something useful.
>all these ignorant ameritards trying to potray this as "le based uprising against mudslimes xDDDDD"
K*rds are Sunni Muslims, they are Iranian peoples also but they still chimp out against iran for some reason
All K*rds want is gibs but they also like to cry about "muh independence" and "we wuz sultanz n shieet"
In their 6 gorillion years of existance, they have achieved nothing but boast about being ancient even though they harass actual ancient groups like the Assyrians and there only achievement is some shitty autonomous sultanates in the Ottoman Empire and Iran
The only notable k*rd who has achieved anything was saladin, and he was enriched in turkish and arabic culture so he wasn't a k*rdrat
k*rds are the niggers of the middle east, and thats saying something
>they are savage people who inhabited mountains, it's not their homeland. they were bandit raiders and mercenaries sometimes. never managed to create a state even though they were always crowded
Its funny how much hate the Muslim world gives to the Kurds given That it was Saladin ( a Kurd) who toppled the crusader kingdom in the holy land
fuck kurds, fuck all these rats to hell
just think - retards from all over the world made their way to Kurds and died "helping" them fight ISIS. I even think a few /k/ idiots actually went and died lol
lol for france?
Fuck Kurds and fuck you.
shouldn't nato be bombing france for harboring terrorist groups? what about sanctions? wtf/
Saladin descends from one of the companions of Muhammad. He was Arab.
Filthy disgusting k*rds
us is harboring mek terrorist at camp liberty in iraq
iran has a kurd problem
imagine if other countries were conspiring to put a cult in charge of your country
how fucking evil is that
>could it be that the USA is trying to create a kurdish state by creating a proxy war with Iran and Turkey?
Far more likely the US or (((another state))) has secretly promised the kurds a state if they rise up against Iran. In reality the kurds will simply be expendable idiots used by the (((puppet masters))) who's plan all along was to take the Iranian leadership out and replace it with a more compliant one.
Oh look, a t*rk. Stay mad about superior cultures
>All those blonde hairs
Oh wait. Why should I care?
I could see why iran would want nukes.
the us oligarchy is insane
they probably won't renegotiate
wasn't Iran a green revolution he last time they tried this a few years ago. I just remember the video of the girl who took a bullet to the chest lyng on te ground and bleeding ou.
nigga, they already are like the Israelis or the Israelis would have blown them the fuck up already
Soon, thousands of years of waiting for this. :)
Fuck Kurds
came here to post this
Have (((they))) started the fire ?
Have they started the fire?
I blame obama
#Israel strikes deep in #Syria, said to hit military facility | @AP
Hahaha they're going to get rekd and it won't make the news.
This, fucking K*rds are scum of the earth. Kurdistan never existed and thus Kurds don't exist either, they're just Persians pretending they deserve their own country. They are the ones ruining Turkey and Persia and Iraq and everywhere. Fuck K*rds, I hope they burn in hell for eternity because they're taking up space meant for Turks and Persians.
Fuck K*rds
Fuck Kurds
fuck kurds
Looks like a big protest
> Three major hurricanes about to fuck North America up
> Hurricane Harvey already caused major damage in Texas, killed nearly a hundred
> Earthquake and tsunami in Mexico kills over 50 last night
> Solar flares
> Tensions with North Korea sky high, another ICBM test expected soon
> US/Israel and Russia/Iran in staredown over Syria, only exacerbated by Israeli strikes in Syria
> Now all this shit in Iran; civil war looms as Kurds rise up and ISIS launches attacks, nuclear deal about to be torn up, Iran might go back to seeking nuclear weapons, US might strike Iran if they do so, Russia might intervene to protect Iran
Another Muslim crisis? I'm shocked.
jews did it, why not kurds?
i hope the CIA gives the iranian kurds some good fucking bombs and blows those stupid shit-tite muslim fucks the fuck up
rocket fuel is made of chemicals
The Kurds and their parasitic "cause" serve the Jews of course...but i still enjoy this because of how the leader of Iran was doing anti-racist LARPing regarding Cville.
Iranian government is a Nationalist-Racialist government and they shouldn't do anti-racist LARPing at the expense of White Nationalists.
that's one gay looking rifle