Central banks are a scam, but blinding pegging currency to labor is retarded.
Jason Bailey
Then what do you suggest? (((Gold))) doesn't work either
Kevin Reed
Free market currencies. Let people accept what they will. Centralized control of the monetary supply is asking for Jews. I'm fond of crypto, maybe you like something based off labor. Let the market decide the value of each and set the exchange rate as such.
Easton Kelly
>our currency is falling >better import more 'workers'
Julian Hall
>based on labor It seems so arbitrary, clearly it worked but you probably have to be very careful how you set it up.
Colton Watson
Chances are, though, people aren't going to take labor-backed currency, because the value of a product is determined by the utility it provides to the consumer, independent of the man-hours put into making that product. A burger that took 2 minutes to make and an identical burger that took 1 hour to make are going to be worth the same to me.
Landon Cooper
>What are the pros and cons of having that currency in a european country? Currently and historically banks can and did lend out more than ten times the amount they actually had. As a result this lead to massive economic growth. This wouldn't be possible with a currency based on labor and would be its bigest "con" Personally, I see it as a long term benefit. Almost like paying more for rehab than you would have spent on drugs, but worth it because you get to live a good (((drug free))) life as a result.
Gavin Cooper
>crypto >store of value :thinking:
Sebastian Jenkins
>Let people accept what they will. >can't read >doesn't understand anything unless its forced on him with a gun