Guerilla Tactics for subverting normies and leftists in public settings

In workplaces and education settings only certain opinions are 'allowed'

Normies, leftists and bugmen feel comfortable and even morally obliged to signal their distaste when Trump or any non-overton position comes up.

How to we change the narrative and subvert this behaviour?

Overt red pilling and disagreeing face to face can lead to disciplinary action or firing in many settings.

What do?

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As far as my brainlet capabilities will take me is to ask why they think certain things.

> Trump comes on telly and bugman virtue signals over how stupid he is

Ask why? Remain passive and act socratically/as devil's advocate to avoid revealing power level


I don't even bother anymore, if you are out-numbered in a "discussion" you will be the loser no matter how valid and correct your argument is. Everyone will just circle-jerk each other about how much they agree with the same thing and bond over how much of a facist-racist you are.


Socratic method

When done right they won't understand that you disagree and you make them take some logical steps about their arguments

Wait for SHTF and then let them die from starvation.

>Socratic method


>tfw when right wing from child because tired of my leftist dad
>tfw redpilled a lot of classmates from when they were kids
This is how we change shit, redpill your kids

When talking with a socialist, also call yourself a socialist, then say that you believe socialism practically must be established at the national level first.

When they agree suggest you both call yourselves national socialists.

Bugman? I'm not that much of a newfag and I don't know that term.

A Bugman is the human phenotype of the 21st century: forward head posture, effeminate fat distribution, hollow eyes, and low testosterone.

Things Bugmen Like:
> Reddit
> Starbucks
> Cards Against Humanity
> Stand-up comedy
> Rick and Morty
> "Science"
> Reddit shoes
> Paying with your phone

I have tried this method, what do you do when you encounter cognitive dissonance though?

There's also the problem of relapsing when the bugman is no longer being challenged to think independently. Although this isn't necessarily a problem if there are impartial observers who may be swayed

I was a comic. Still sort of am. I despise pretty much every one of my peers.
Comedy should be based. It's been warped beyond recognition.

Natural selection is already getting rid of leftists. No need to try to convert them.

I've been thinking of a comedy stand up routine based around islam.

>0 AD Christians and Jews everywhere in them middle east
>600 AD Islam comes along

Current Year

> Almost all of middle east is +90% Muslim
> Memorise countries and Percentages of muslims, rattle them off monotonously

>Proceed to describe Jizya
> Role play as Muslim and non-muslim

"You can live here Christ-Chan, you just have to pay a tax"

"Okay Mo, what's the tax for?"


"From who, Mo?"



You mean when they encounter dissonance themselves from your questioning?

Bretty good.

Yes, they often hold self contradicting views yet justify them through cognitive dissonance.

> Police are killing (black) people

> No, citizens shouldn't be able to defend themselves with arms. The government wouldn't become tyrannical

ty Bortuguese fren

I present to you the song of your people.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it goes:

> That's not her hair
> It's her cousins
> She Wants it back
> She wants it back


we need illegal beaners to work 5$/Hour + everyone need 15$/Hour or they'll be starving

KEK, that nigger song is so shitty.

The hair is not hers (974x)
The year is 2016, they don't want to use fake hair, they want to use the cousin's hair
The cousin called

And I couldn't make it beyond 1 minute.

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