Whats with all the cigarette (and tobacco in general) hate? Why are they so loathed by society and media though theyre really not much than alcohol and even plenty of FDA approved food additives.
Why does everybody hate tobacco?
because smoke stinks and makes nonsmokers cough
smoking makes you feel like shit..
Because it smells like ass.
>makes nonsmokers cough
>caring about non-smokers
Please user. I smoked for ~20 years before I quit (about a year ago) and only the militant brainwashed faggots fake a cough or bitch about the myth of second hand smoke
>smells like shit
>sticks to everything, especially your lungs
>kills you
>kills everyone around you
>kills sexual energy and fertility
>makes you depressed
>literally used by the Jews for population control
I don't know why they're "loathed" by society. Maybe it's because people are finally waking up to how awful they are.
im jonesing right now you fuckers. why you make me think about it
I don't.
"Keep that Skoal, baby."
I smoked for 10 years. I managed to quite about a couple years ago for a full year, but then for some reason got back on the wagon. Well I have just got over my first week smoke-free again and I have to say I much prefer it. Smoking is a shit-tier habit. It does nothing but make you ill. At first, sure. It gives you a nice buzz. But eventually you are just paying through the nose to feel normal and fuck your body up. There's no benefit. If it at least got you under an influence or something like alcohol, MAYBE it would be barely justifiable, to some degree, MAYBE... but it doesn't even do that
It's pagan, Muslims don't like pagans