What went right?
White nationalism will never be accepted by the mainstr-- Oh
>richard spencer speaking
>things going right
pick 1
Alex Jones is the best male specimen
>Alex Jones agrees with insane conspiracy theory, therefore my worldview is the correct one
richard spencer is literally /our guy/ who tiptoes around political correctness and the conditioning people have to le ebil nazis to get his point across
>Oh yeah.. Cause Richard Spencer and Alex Jones are mainstream and indicative of how people feel as a whole.
>richard spencer, alex jones, and julian assange are "mainstream"
cmon now
This, Spencer is like a magnet for catastrophe.
>He still thinks white genocide is a conspiracy theory
Why are you here?
the fuck is he looking at?
Inclusion allowed everyone a chance to speak.
What they said proves they're too irrational to rule.
Some charlatan, someone who was driven mad in the Ecuadoran embassy and some random university professor count as "mainstream".
Jesus Sup Forums you are jokes.
>how can brainlets even compete
I get conspiracy, but thinking that this one is "insane" is just plain stupid. Have you been living in the same country, user? Or are you just blind to color like the rest of the libtards? Fuck off beaner
wtf i laughed so hard milk came out of my nose but i dont have a nose nor do i drink milk, what am i Sup Forums?
A pussy utter
It's only 2 posts, but I'm still impressed.
>to intelligent for civic nationalism
If richard spencer's college tour happens it will be dope.
But after cville he will have to sue the shit out of every college he speaks at.
Richard sPENcer
Not conspiracy, just not mainstream enough. It's data driven therefore not conspiracy by nature. Look who's behind flow of mainstream information: emajin moi shock.
If memory serves me right this was at a basketball game.
He's an awful speaker.
>"tip toes"
>throws up roman salutes
>hail XXX
>thinks the egyptians were white and says so in public
he's a mong
If anything white genocide is a hypthesis
this is my real issue with them. It sounds like he's trying to suppress both a regional accent and a homosex lisp at the same time
Holy fug that black chick Harris' tits on faux news. Wew fucking lad would bleach tbqh
Egyptians were white.
It's just a speech, isn't USA all about freedom of speech? Richard Spencer probably won't call for extermination of Jews.
Mark stein filiing in for rush just said it's ok for white men to have identity politics
you must be a newfag...
LUL nice bait.
that's not surprising. He, Rush, and Tucker are probably the most borderline racist people in media.
Many others may feel the same but know how to hide their power-level.
Good luck growing your movement among a dwindling population by using exclusion.
Since I can't find /ptg/ I'll say this here.
There are more whites dying than being born in 9 states verifiably
The white liberal birth rate is .9 excluding liberal mainline Protestant who are also in decline but still have a birth rate of 1.9 nonetheless.
In one generation whites will vote the same way whites in Mississippi do now. Also irreligion in the US and specifically the white demographic is stalling out after booming at the start of the 2000s, guess why that is?
Only fools believe that it would NEVER be accepted. You can only temporarily deny the fade-out of a race that has exceeded the rest of the world since its inception.
However -- will any real action be taken before it's too late? We have no leaders, no armies, no government, no corporations; no substantial form of organization.
Well done lad.
We might be getting White awake, but I don't expect the second coming of Hitler.
As usual, I'm right about literally everything, and all of the good little leftists on here who sniveled and cried about controlled opposition were wrong.
It's okay. I'm used to being right, and you're probably used to being wrong. You should get more used to it though, because every time I am proven right, you seen to vanish into thin air, where I can only laugh at you in absence.
dey wuz huwite u cavedwelling huwite debil
Actually growing again.
>growing your movement
Exploding in numbers already.
We win again. Thanks for losing badly, cuckold. Try smashing your teeth out on a table-corner, maybe that'll beat me next time.
God damn it.
>In one generation whites will vote the same way whites in Mississippi do now.
Very possible; hard to believe that white guilt will remain strong once the fade-out becomes undeniable.
It's a very strong correlation that the states with that most emphasize white guilt (expressed by majority stances on immigration, racial integration, affirmative action, welfare, etc) are also states with some of the lowest percentages of non-whites (and esp blacks). I strongly believe that nearly all self-hating whites have little-to-no experience with mostly non-white societies.
Literally all the states I listed voted democrat.
What else are we wrong about
Theresa May is barren, she literally can't be blamed for not having children
Not PA, which R won, and only major PA cities voted for D en masse (i.e. non-whites and rich white guilters who live in the nice part of town).
But yes, you're essentially correct and it's a great point.
Richard is against white nationalism you fake bitch
I think he is a good speaker.
Might be too intellectual and feelsie for you.
No he's national socialist. He rejects all forms of capitalism.
OK, what happened was the the college liberals, the normal-ish ones, found that they cannot speak their mind now that only SJW speech is allowed. So, in order to drive home the point that they can speak while disagreeing with their crazier counterparts, they argue that they are "less extreme" than the conservatives.
However, in order to restore free speech, they have to actively be able to point to someone "worse" than they. Either restore all speech, or it's just SJW speech.
>guess why that is?
Religion is a manifestation of culture which itself are habits traditions developed in nature by nature.
Those that follow cultural norms developed in such a manner will make children those that don't won't.
Honestly the left and right have a hard time with understanding natural selection when it comes to genes...and they both actively fight against applying natural selection to culture.
People who follow a culture that creates offspring will pass on that culture.
People who don't follow any culture or a culture that represses reproduction will have less or no offspring to pass on anything too.
so he's a moron
This. Jared Taylor is way better. Spencer just sounds like some faggot that got beat up in high school by a pack of roving niggers and has a chip on his shoulder. His ability to convey the message is snarky bullshit whereas JT is an intellectual beast that leaves people speechless. Huwhite man should be getting the attention.
>White Nationalism
Such a stupid term, it's like saying reverse racism. By taking the opponents views as the norm you throw yourself to the wacky "out there" fringe. These ideas were just standard until a few decades ago.
He openly said it you fucking faggot
"Nords of all people shouldn't believe in ethno-Nationalism. "
"Ethno-nationalism is a rationalization for the weak, for hombodies, those born without the will to explore, conquer, and dominate (fag)"
--Richard Spencer
It may not be accepted by the mainstream but they'll have to adress it.
>This. Jared Taylor is way better.
Jared Taylor is a Zionist and covers up for them and their murder of JFK.
No more kosher nationalism!
No what? Lol non Hispanic white non religious Americans have only aged because they have a birth rate of .9, that's why the white population as it declines as a % gets more evangelical as a %
duh he wants global white (re)conquest
Bummer. Didn't know thatabout JT. I just wish we had someone who didn't sound like a fucking idiot the way spencer does. He's so damn cringeworthy.
>richard spencer is literally /our guy/
Falling for the MSM kikery is a display of low IQ, user
Yeah I listen to nearly every other to every third show from InfoWars and of the past two months or so Alex has been more and more willing to admit that white demographic genocide is not only real, but that it's the plan.
He often goes on to say that it's also part of the plan to get white people to become racist as a result and to divide and conquer and that we shouldn't become racist, blah blah blah. It seems like he's getting worried about it and might be coming closer to being fully redpilled on the reality of race relations. He even cites the statistics about shockingly disproportionate black-on-white crime is compared to white-on-black. I've never heard him be openly as honest about the race relations as he has been lately. Unless he's actually controlled opposition of course in which case he's complicit with it.
That was Abdul's cum, you doofus.
You realize Assange is a Liberal right? Here are some of his beliefs
>Minimum wage
>Gov intervention
>Parden whisleblowers
>End all wars and cut military funding
>racism is bad
>sexism is bad
>he's pro-gay
Spencer simply regards white nationalism as too moderate
he won't settle for anything less than a white ethnogalaxy
Assange is an honest leftist, who is fully aware of the evil of the neoliberal elite
Which is why he's starting to share some of our views
He's the best speaker, you're shit at everything
You've embarrassed yourself there. Ethno-nationalism and white nationalism aren't the same thing.
Irish, English, French, etc. are ethnicities.
lmao hes on the record advocating for an ethnostate many many times, some tweets from years ago mean nothing
/leftypol/ loves the spencer D&C shit
Spencer is a brown-eyed shitskin. He would be ovened in the first batch. Capalism was invented in 1602, and merely created a stock market for people to invest. We flourished in an age of liberty and conquest. Debt & communism are jewish inventions. They never made anything flourished.
That particular tweet is just trolling people who want an autistic form of ethnonationalism where the Norweigans stay at home and do nothing and are really really concerned about keeping out those damn Irish and Danes
He wants us to team up to hold back the dark hordes
But even actual German NatSocs weren't socialist.
NatSoc isn't "socialism" - which is why Hitler's alternative name "Social Revolutionary" is better. Start using SocRev.
A lot closer to the mainstream then we where two years ago
>richard spencer
>throws up roman salutes
these digets
Assange warns people of tribalism and the natural white response, the university is probably allowing him to speak to adhere to free speech principles.
White genocide is a myth.
That's not white nationalism. That's anti-white genocide. There's a difference.
If white nationalism becomes a thing then how am I suppose to live in peace with a qt white gf?
>California was 90% white in the 40s
>it is now realistically under 25% and dropping
It's literally 2015 you can be whatever you want to be, be it a horse, a woman or a black.