Is Blah Pigeon Specks on the right track?
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im atheist but i now understand that god has a place in western society as an anti body to islam even if i dont believe the bs
i have not mocked the church for 2 years now
seriously, once someone starts whoring for Patreon I stop watching because they will inevitably start to adjust themselves to their viewers and not actually be real with them just to say what they want to hear and get them donation monies.
Because white people are becoming an ever smaller percentage of the world population.
No he isn't. The majority of this board, as well as the people loosely defined as the "alt-right", are in fact atheists. The few who claim they aren't are simply larpers who pretend to believe in God out of cultural reasons and not out of any genuine conviction.
Christianity doesn't stop Muslims, you moron. Nearly all Christian organizations, as well as the Catholic church, are extreme multiculturalists. And that's without going into the Christian's pathetic groveling before the Jews. You are deluding yourself if you think Christianity is anything but detrimental to nationalism or racial realism.
>atheism is declining
>admits that its due to the influx of migrants rather than people dropping atheism as a belief system
>doesn't use show the number of atheists over time but uses one graph that shows their numbers compared to other religions
>uses Amazing Banana Man's recent views as evidence for this decline
>ignores the fact that TJ killed his channel with boring podcasts and pointless content while completely abandoning his old format
>ignores all other vocal atheists who've surpassed TJ in popularity over the last few years
Why do people still shill this guy's videos?
I hate other agnostics like this, constantly resorting to strawmen and half-truths rather than actually being honest. Cunts like this make the rest of us look bad.
Did you even watch the fucking video? He's criticizing fedora tippers that attack religious belief as a whole while hypocritically following dogmatic Marxists ideologies. He has nothing to say about atheists that are not trying to spread atheism.
He had some interesting stuff at first. I liked his videos before but I'll admit they've declined in quality.