AHG - Awan Happening General

Is this the beginning of the end for the democrat party? I believe that during Trump's 8 years in office Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Comey, Rice, etc. will all be exposed and face justice in the court of public opinion (if not the court of law).

I sincerely hope that all of this stuff going on with Awan/Alvi will lead to the corruption being excised from the federal government.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry, I forgot to link the story.


Isn't his wife coming back to town? Somebody's getting suicided

Bump, shills are sliding this story, it's fucking massive.

Checked for Justice

Lock Him Up

another nothingburger he-he


Yeah Awan's wife is supposedly coming back to cooperate? I think she's already in protective custody so hopefully she's going to be a fount of information.

It's also possible that the good guys in power already have the case built and all this Awan/Alvi shit is just a show to slowly disseminate the truth (Mueller going after obama/HRC/lynch/dws).


Post yfw a shitskin brings down the Democratic party


The archive link in OP was from an outdated version of the article. Here's the updated version.