what is your political ideology?
What is your political ideology?
pro whjite sharia to save our race from women
Hello abdul
knock it all you want. there's a reason they're winning.
A mix between Volkish Nationalism, Direct Democracy and Technocracy.
Her vagina
National Socialist.
Classic liberal/Libertarian - small government, rights to the people.
Whatever the prettiest girls are doing.
social democrat
Native American Nazi.
National Socialism
Pledging my life in service of this fair lady
Trump-Reaganism / Anime Right
-private property
-everything else
This is now a natalia poklonskaya thread!
Bus seriously, any chance she will be the next Russian president guys????
I want it to happen so bad !!
I wanna know the story behind that photo. that is funny as shit.
Technocratic Left-Wing Populist Nationalist Socialism
> Public good utilities like search and a basic social networking platform among others should be regulated as public utilities or nationalized
>A publicly-funded universal healthcare option as an alternative to traditional private healthcare
>Women should not have to work: Maternity leave and benefits should be greatly expanded to create an expanded paternal care state and essentially allow married women with children to get by without having to work to spend more time with their kids
>Negative Income Tax
> Implementation of a land value tax and a logarithmic/sigmoid-shaped progressive income/capital tax
> 30-35 hour work week
>Corporatism, running of the state via economic groups or syndicates
>Greater use of direct democratic referenda, at least for certain issues
All among others
enjoy the friendzone
>Classic liberal/Libertarian - small government, rights to the people.
Do you watch Sargon, you know I do :)
No, I don't watch meme YT celebrities, I read books and study economics instead.
Ethnic nationalism and a socialist system to benefit all my people.
I did the 8 values thing - NeoLiberalism
Transdimensional supremacist
Maybe if I donate to their Patreons, they'll like me...
Something something nazi something something rayciss
Radical Traditionalist
Why do you ask OP? You feeling faggy this fine Friday?
Reactionary absolute monarchist. Though I do support the free market tremendously.
fascism with strasserist sympathies
Nature supremacist. We worship the animals of nature as evidence of God's wrathful and diabolical ways. God's word made flesh. No law is higher. Hail nature!
were you ever an ancap? did the free market stuff or monarchist reactionism come first?
>there's a reason they're winning in Britanny
fuck bitches, get mone
Shilling for Putin by the looks of it
Apolitical Misanthropic Nihilist
Whatever it is, I'm against it.
i live and die for pic related
Your people is your social circle, the ones you voluntarily interact with, not every fair-skinned person living within your borders, and a socialist system is to the benefit of non of them.
>social networking platforms nationalized
Just like the water, excellent.
I started out as a natsoc, then fascist, then realized those two were retarded and became an ethnonationalist, then paleocon/libertarian and a couple years ago I turned to monarchism. I have nothing against right wing Jews, by the way.
I'm a radical violent centrist
>I started out as a natsoc, then fascist, then realized those two were retarded and became an ethnonationalist
lad there is no reason to lie like that on the internet
>In 1938 the first outdoor Karl May festivals took place at the Rathen Open Air Stage. The open-air theatre was laid out in 1936, inspired by the ideas of the Thingspiele movement, which was active in the early stages of the Nazi period.
That's how it went, like it or not.
I don't know, you tell me
>Enviromentalist and Transhumanist
>Libertarian and Fascist
I know they're basically complete opposites, but I think that's exactly why they're the best ideologies
National libertarianism
Moselian Fascist
This is the main reason I can't stand.
Richard I don't deny the holocaust but Holodomor was a naturally occurring famine Spencer.
>fuck the poor
>automate everything
>privatise everything
>taxes must only be used for absolute basics (basically remove welfare)
>flat tax of 10% for those who make more than £35,000
>victimless crimes shouldn't be crimes
>muh NAP
Indeed. Killing Muslim invaders is sadly a crime.
Mildly right winged centrist
National Anarcho-Stalinism
Does someone pay Russians to shill her on here?
Drug use is not a victimless crime you selfish piece of shit. Your family and loved ones have to suffer from your selfishness and substance abuse, whether physically or mentally doesn't matter, but they do.
I`m a Russian reactionary.
Not even that. The problem with drug use is that a drugged individual is more likely to hurt someone either voluntarily or not
How many of these posters are paid Putinbots?
I dunno man, I just have a lot of strong opinions.
I'm probably something like a national libertarian.
Yes I'm aware that sounds contradictory but I don't think a libertarian society can practically function and survive in the long term without a powerful military maintaining sovereignty and enforcing strong borders.
I also believe patriotism and nationalism is useful to maintain our western values, traditions and culture. Especially in the face of competing cultures (Islam) that wish to subjugate us.
If you can think of a better term for this perspective i would be happy to hear it.
you're right we should make alcohol illegal
Radical Shitposting NEETism
Ideologyshh ishhh the shhhymptom of an unedshhhucated mind
and so forth and so forth
fuck off
If nobody there is acting like a criminal what is the problem
Alcohol is an extremely dangerous and usually harmful thing to the traditional family unit. Should we ban it? I don't think so. Instead we should instill traditional values in schools to turn people away from substances such as it in their future.
slightly to the right of Genghis Khan
>Expecting niggers and shitskins to not act like criminals
Muslim-worshiping stormfaggot*
lmfao nice file name you fucker!!!
hhahahahahahaahhahaa you are a deeply amusing human being. What were you thinking when you named that image?!
An authoritarian, militarized government to ensure will be secured
it's called leave me the fuck alone
so what's the difference between that and other drugs?
Libertarian reactionary with a slight leftist economic spin.
I'm waiting for a decent AI and Quantum computing combination , to calculate uing all historical,social,genetic,environmental and economic variable existing in human history , to produce the ultimate solutions and laws for the species , but that's not gonna happen until after WW3 , so it's gonna take a while.
you almost got me
You should move further north. It's like pic 3 with no niggers.
public support
Between alcohol and drugs? There's plenty of differences,, but the ultimate result is quite similar. Degeneration. Alcohol though I think should be kept around in moderate doses, as it is traditional western product.
So long as there is a state Catholic Church with the levers of culture within its grasp, I'm down with anything, monarchy, democracy, whatever. I'm really Throne & Altar, but that's too idealistic in today's world.
Are we on the same page?
Esoteric paleoconservatism coupled with Pennsylvania nationalism
I'm a socialist I'm just here to collect material for memes to make fun of you guys and destroy your arguments.
Fiscal paleocon.
hello fellow redditor
is there any hot new posts on /r/cuckoldry that I should know about
Nothing anymore to be honest senpai. I've tried anarchy, communism, and nazism, but nothing worked. I'm an individualistic opportunist now.
destroy the left, neocons and globalists wherever you find them.
Work the rest out when that's done.
>Pennsylvania nationalism