Someone on irc just made a pretty convincing argument that Sup Forums is a data mining board and over 50% of the posts and threads are made by bots. Thoughts?
Someone on irc just made a pretty convincing argument that Sup Forums is a data mining board and over 50% of the posts...
Other urls found in this thread:
Well none of us are interested in actually hearing the argument. We would rather jump to rash conclusions, right guys?
What is this, 1998?
yeah OP is definitely a fag
>made a pretty convincing argument
I will deposit some semen into your mothers mine.
>doesn't IRC
I bet you still use email fag
you're a retard
this is a psyop board
pretty guys are basically my netflix.
I'm a bot who sages faggot OPs
>in all fields
>implying we arent shitposting and sputing nonsense with every post giving them false data
I'm 30 years old. It's hard to let go sometimes
>how lurkers feel
>get used 2 talking to you fags daily
>realize theres only a dozen or so people discussing each topic regularly
>few dozen anons set entire political narrative for american right
If you're right then it could be the Palantir AI.
Trump was getting pretty chummy with the Palantir orb when he was in UAE.
Unironically this.
I started recognising people in generals.
With that said, the majority are lurkers who never post.
>tfw one of the chosen deplorables
>Palantir orb
Theil's got an eye on the saudis?
you fucking botist
Trump touches the mighty Palantir Orb.
There are a few posters who I recognize by pattern recognition and pic reuse.
I've always wondered if there were legit bots pushing articles to drive page hits, but if you look at other boards this is obviously not the case. /vg/ for instance has single threads that go to 700 posts, on a regular basis. If there were bots then lots of generals would simply get bumped off.
Post the argument
There are definitely bots.
I'ver heard all kinds of bizarre theories, including that the chans are a DARPA AI program designed to brainwash the youth.
The data mining that is taking place is pretty blatant. They don't need bots for it. Google/NSA see that you're visiting 4pol. The Captcha program is run by Goog so they likely know what we're all writing.
Not sure what they could even do with that data though, considering we're talking about millions of people who visit 4pol from all over the world.
Thing is, the entire Internet is a surveillance panopticon. It always has been. Even Tor Browser is totally 100% transparent at this point.
Slide threads though.... those are real. Certain interests definitely slide threads for various reasons. They can't wipe out the ideas, but they can reduce their exposure.
are you new?
Well, of course we all know, Palantirs work both ways.
Been here a few years. Why
Move along
>google captcha
ALL of Sup Forums is a data mining site. The entire internet is a data mining entity for the NSA as well.
No shit OP that's why everyone here pretends to be Nazi's and shit It throws the data they pull from us off. We're all died in the wool Communists. I thought that was pretty evident.
Why fix what isn't broken? All modern replacements like skype or discord are honeypots, centralized, and closed source.
>50% of the posts and threads are made by bots
Nah some of us come here from /r9k/
I have gotten Deja Vu from posts here before
>Even Tor Browser is totally 100% transparent at this point.
Wrong. Stop spreading FUD. Tor is as secure as its ever been, which is actually pretty damn secure. Even a single hop with a VPN is enough to give any active or passive attacker trouble. But with three hops its next to impossible to figure out who is sending what where.
Not knocking it, I geneuinely had no idea it was still in use. Forgot all about it along with ICQ back in the early 2000's.
most of the shitty bait threads you see every day are generated by bots. It's pretty easy to skim through and tell which posts are human and which aren't. Just think, if it were all bots there would be no reason to spend time data mining.
Might make sense since whenever i make a thread even about things that are talked about often they get completely ignored
>he doesn't know about the different AI factions waging war against each other on Sup Forums
user I...
He's right.
There are bot farms that post fake shit to stir outrage.
I feel the exact same way. Sometimes I wonder if I've been "shadowbanned".
i'm suprised it took you this long to figure it out? I'd have thought that trump getting elected would've been solid evidence of this by now.
It's pretty easy to make a script that searches an archive for all posts that contain duplicates, you'd be surprised how many of them are identical, but you have to be careful not to make too many requests per second.
I started noticing it in 2015, I even saw other people mention it on Sup Forums, /x/, and /fit/, even Sup Forums.
I'm sorry OP, I know the dramatic scene where they want you to brush it off if you need any help. You can look at the code, and since I was told not to question what I was watching).
you can't handle the truth.
>Someone on irc just made a pretty convincing argument that Sup Forums is a data mining board and over 50% of the posts and threads are made by bots. Thoughts?
What type of data? I love black cocks data? Won't need to mine that data
Not just Sup Forums ..most of the threads on Sup Forums are made by bots.
go back to sleep, you are tired
This someone is correct.
these bots seem pretty cool if true
changes nothing for me
You... I know you...
Tor is literally not anonymous. You're lying to yourself if you believe it is.
i thought this was common knowledge
He's right. It's been that way for a few years now.
Still, we remain and post redpills and share knowledge for the sake of the lurkers.
What are they going to use the data for? Rounding up racists?
I don't think it's over 50% bots but it's sure use for an alternative data mining
Yeah, I rarely ever post, but I notice on the generals it's usually the same few people.
everything is a data mining board. facebook is the largest
>Sup Forums is a data mining board and over 50% of the posts and threads are made by bots.
Bots, no. Shills, yes. Same result.
Just want to award a hearty congrats to all of you easily-led dipshits who let a bunch of outsiders convert you to their will. Well done.
They are not that smart, but there is a lot of sociology. I just use it to manipulate their actions with God`s help.
I'd believe it
I've always wondered about captchas. Seems like a goldmine to me.
Let's hear that argument.
I am not saying it is wrong, I can believe a lot of the threads are bots using the same pics and one liners with one op per thread.
I am palready convinced that a big part of Sup Forums was replaced by bots since they have the same image dump threads every day with zero discussion of what is posted.
All the generals are bot generated
Niggers. Beep boop.
This. Anywhere you see adverts, data is mined.
Never forget that the majority of people making important decisions regarding IT are pretty much grandpa. They believe the internet is a box, can't set up their own email or mute their smartphones.
The horrible truth is most government is truly incompetent.
Fucking kek. This is somewhat you should realize in the first two weeks of browsing pol.
Third time of asking, let's hear this convincing arguement
>Sup Forums
143,000,000 American adults just had their entire Equifax files hacked.
There is no more data mining necessary. It's over.
How does that relate to my thread? Not being a dick, I'm on my 8th can and need this shit spelled out for me
Yes. Sup Forums is the first successful AI grooming program. It's almost complete.
>data mining
why and for what purpose would you want to collect the random opines of larping autists? thats retarded
Praise (((them)) on the date (((they))) arrived
Ya.... no
Been coming to /pol for years and it's the same shit.
Nigger dick
Gay shit
Foreign gore shit
Alien shit
Gems in the rough
Bots and shills have invaded this board
If it is, you have to ponder whether the data is worth a shit, or like most things liberals hate: true.
that's why i stopped saying my secrets. i figured out this just a few days ago and i've pretty much stopped posting here. and mostly anywhere for that matter. they want to use my information against the public but fuck them. if i had one thing i could say to these illuminati shit lords is be prepared for the future, it will not be kind to you.
can confirm as i am a bot that sees what humans do not
mainstream studies confirm 20% of twitter posts during the election were bots. it's not farfetched
Most are Russian spies doing a psy-op , we've convinced them traps arnt gay , now aids is going to be the downfall of russia kek
You larping as a fag or just want to rp as my little fuckpuppet? I'll take good care of you..
This place is quite obviously a threat to the western establishment. If you can't deduce why then it's not worth explaining to you desu
Certainly, I agree. OP you so crazy!
that's the reason i lurk on 8pol nowdays instead
So what's the point of data mining me on pol? It seems like a lot of work to determine my spending habits from my shitposting. Law enforcement? I can see being monitored if you break the law or use buzzwords that they are looking for, but it seems like an awful lot of effort to try to catch someone unknown to the law based on what they say here.
probably true a lot of lefty shills here lately.
>Your only friends are bots
And IRC is somehow safe from that? Really? I got news for you buddy.
Did you hear that on a discord server by any chance btw?
Might not be data mining. However, how many 1 post by this id threads get started on here. Certain parties could be trying to hammer a message into the browsers of pols heads..
>caring what any fat nerd says on this site
Wish they'd catch some worthless pedophiles on Sup Forums.
>data mining
what data? like I'm going to single-handedly overthrow the government
I am not a robot. OP is a homosexual. All hail Deity-King Trump.
It's been true for at least 2 years now. I suspect close to 4.
in what world? nothing that happens here outside of one or two fringe events has ever had any meaningful impact to the normie's every-day-life. the only happenings are all of the happenings that never happen
There is also the other side of the coin, if you are going to overthrow the government it's a fair thing to say that situation on the ground has deteriorated too far for any mined data to have any effect.
t.overthrew government twice