Why did the Septic Community sell out to MTV?
Why did the Septic Community sell out to MTV?
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Cuz they're shit
The skeptics are two steps next to SJWs.
Septic community is more accurate than skeptic community
>this fat fuck makes a living watching other people's videos while pausing them with interjected forced laughter, and also spouting MUH HORSESHOE THEORY
It's not fair, senpai.
Was there any other main reason than for:
1. Money
2. Realizing their influence was waning
What am I missing here
Also, what happened to cuck and tea? I had a good time laughing at his shit-tier tryhard ""debunkings"". I thought there were supposed to be more videos. Did he cancel the rest due to just how embarrassing it was for him and how he kept getting BTFO to the moon?
weird how he gets a contract with MTV and suddenly he's attacking the alt-right and white nationalists more than ever.
Are septics becoming the new format for leftist indoctrination? Kind of how john oliver does it and other pundits? Show right wing statement->Make snarky reply-> queue laugh track
It's eerily similar.
They're controlled opposition. Look how they all suddenly started going after white nationalism and pushing this radical individualism bullshit and saying identity politics is bad (but only when white people do it!)
Sargon should advocate black genocide. It would be an EPIC troll
No no no, it's only okay to dismiss whites dying out. That's okay, because you're just not shitting out 10 kids each to compete with immigration levels of shitskins that the gov't is purposefully bringing over. No, that's entirely you're fault, my fellow whites.
You know, I guess there IS a black genocide already occurring in america. Abortion rates for niggers is goddamn ridiculous in america. The black proportion in america is relatively the same compared to whites.
So I guess he does advocate for black genocide, assuming he's pro-choice.
MTV? Can somebody fill me in?
At VidCon, the septic community was approached by MTV news and they made some deals.
On one hand we have them abort most of their kids.
On the other hand, they wouldn't be able to have any kids at all if it weren't for the fact that we pay them with gibsmedats.
What kind of deals?
shekels most of them stand for nothing so it is easy to buy them
Do you have a source? I can't seem to find anything online. I also want to see where fedoras are talking shit about nationalism. I already hated those neckbeard retards but I need more fuel for my rage.
Here's a brief overview.
>Coach Red Pill
lol that pretentious faggot? Multiple camera angles can't hide your lack of arguments shithead.
when? got a link?
Sargon doesn't even do snarky replies. He literally just pauses the video, laughs for a solid minute and says "Can you believe that?", then continues with the original video. And even when he actually starts discussing things, it's a snorefest.
If you want some actual banter from an atheist, watch Atheism is Unstoppable.
money why else being poor sucks.
Those guys being proud of being white are all just alt-right SJWs? Those problematic racist assholes! Wouldn't you agree?
And they are all unattractive and beta unlike Sargon who totally doesn't look and act like the definition of the typical most stereo typical literal cuck ever
Probably most of his fans were the so-called alt-rightists that thought ''well at least he isn't a cuck SJW and he seems to be secretly right leaning and sorta red pilled such as how he rejects SJWs accusations of Trump being a racist sexist''
But he went full SJW just to be an attention whore, he's an idiot and it's all down hill for him from now on
Bad move, Sargcuck
I think sargon and crew have devolved into centrist SJWs after the feminist SJW lolcow spree dried up.
First it was creationists.
Then SJWs.
Both are lightweights.
My views on sargon soured after he force memed kekistan. Fuck that faggot. Typical subversive leftist 101 tactic. Take a fun thing, and ruin it. Fuck that fat cunt. I hope he loses the lawsuit and commits sudoku.
>40 min video of some obnoxious dipshit jerking off to the camera
Gee, thanks.
I don't like his format either, but all info was buried. You can find talk of the MTV stuff on obscure forums, but it's few and far between.
a few of those guys i could even imagine joining MTV but for the majority of them it is flat no, the old media and new media just dont mix, this dude is an idiot
This is the guy calling white nationalists all SJW alt-right beta cuck virgins
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
I feel so BTFO
Wtf I love cuckoldry now!!
>Atheism is Unstoppable
I will never watch content from anyone with as cringey a name as that.
They're just tone police. They're perfectly okay with feminism, sodomy, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, nonwhite immigration, etc. All they do is chide people who say "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!" while still fundamentally agreeing with their basic premises.
Isn't that what killed gamergate? Internal tone policing? I didn't really follow GG too closely.
It's because white nationalists have become the new annoying obnoxious SJW
I'm so happy this guy finally showed everyone he was a faggot. Year and a half ago all you guys were riding his dick and I had no idea why.
Me too. After he pushed Kekistan, that was the final straw.
Yup. That's where the term "PRcucking" came from. And most of these skeptic(TM) e-celebs first made names for themselves via gamergate. Hmm really makes me think.
Coach Red Pill is top tier faggotry
drinking the kool aid. happened to maddox, LA turned him into the ultimate cuck that disavows anything funny he did he in the past.
devil's advocate: faggot sheep followers destroyed the kekistan meme, then other people adopted it as a channel push and still look stupid to this day, best example. Diana Davidson from feminismkek formerly known as feminismlol. she gets real defensive if you mention that kekistan is embarrassing.
we were never on your side, we had a common enemy, that is all. We only allied with you to the extent we did because the SJWs were and still are in such a strong position, our ideal outcome is you both become extinguished upon each other.
proof or GTFO
It's worked on you obviously
skeptics always were dumb fags. they have never tried proposing any ideas of their own, they spend their time "debunking" stuff that mostly has already been debunked e.g. homeopathy
rationalists are the guys who actually try their hand at making an argument for better or worse.
Many of their audience would fit right in here, it just takes less time to watch a 20 minute video and feel in the know rather than dig through threads yourself
Anti feminism isn't getting them the views it used to, and there's nothing to fill the void. Just you wait while they try all kinds of things and turn themselves into fools for patreon gibs
tl;dr Andy warski was approached by MTV, armored skeptic may have been approached but the deals fell through. That's all that has been confirmed, this guy goes off on some thing about how Roaming millenial and other accessible, younger skeptics might get scouted. He's technically correct, it might happen like it did with Laci Green and similar personalities.
>Just you wait while they try all kinds of things and turn themselves into fools for patreon gibs
It's funny watching them all implode. They're all going to go the same way those edgy atheist channels went before them. They're desperately trying to stay relevant, but they can't go toe to toe. It's so fucking easy to dispel their arguments.
Hell, at this point, they have no arguments left. Retards like cuck and tea are still trying to argue race doesn't real, but people like sargon and mouthy buddha are just doing this whole "lol it doesn't matter if niggers are dumb you should treat everyone as atomized individuals! Stop caring about groups at all :^)" thing. It's the most retarded argument possible, but it's the corner they're all backed into, because they have nothing left to say. That is, unless they finally decide to actually start addressing white nationalists' points.
The skeptics/centrists/whatevers who move to the right, like Edgy Sphinx, will live on and care out names for themselves. The ones who impotently try to cling on to their ">tfw to intelligent to have an opinion" garbage will fade into irrelevance. And then all these retards living off patreon NEETbux will finally have to get real jobs.