Im a mix of several different european ethnic groups which one do I look like the most

Im a mix of several different european ethnic groups which one do I look like the most

you look like a faggot

agreed, faggot fits

100% fag...

white american

Typical faggot

You look like a Slav Irish mix

>which one do I look like the most
genus school shootirus

the lesbian part.


i find you handsome

Roof pizza

White american
Teddy roosevelt specifically said that you shouldn't identify with anything else.

You look like you have slav eyebrows.

>Im a mix
You could have just said "I'm an American"



whatever ethnic group fags belong to

What kind of a fucking idiot puts their picture up on Sup Forums?

>Teddy roosevelt
>"only good indian is a dead indian"

def a nigger

Quite fascinating. Very mixed racial signals. A bit of french, a bit of baltics maybe even anglo.

>hi pol be nice to me
good ol' pol

Obama is a racist Nazi, So please support DSPgaming. Please sub and cheer. Please watch the adds. He will be gone. He is the only decent person who ever was born in the dungheap that is the USA.


You guys are hilarious

strong jawline but reddish looking hair...
possibly the elusive anglo/aryan mix



If I recall correctly my mother had Norwegian/Irish ancestry on my dad's side not sure all I know is he has eastern European ancestry

what is this, poor man's 23andme?

you look like a nice young man. dont let this faggots get to you.

Indians aren't White Americans....

Albanian or Serb