The most viral DREAMer vid on social media right now

Why does Sup Forums want to expel 800,000 "business owners"

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>i'm a business owner
>i'm in college

beaner has that much money but can't get citizenship

I feel so sorry for her. I hope Congress and Trump saves DACA

go here

Well, if she's deported to Mexico, she can Make Mexico Great Again with her genius-tier business sense :)

She is but a weapon to finally stab Communism and it's party, the Democrats, right in the heart. She is evidence of voter fraud by illegals, aligned with the Democrats and the MSM by their own choice.

The more they promote her, the easier it is for us to bury them all. Trust hard to gain and easily broken.

>I'm a business owner

Her facebook says she cleans houses for a business with her name, so she cleans houses maybe has a friend help her. She gets paid in cash or checks and does not claim any income on her taxes. Meanwhile the govt pays for her college.

Why the fuck havnt they become legal citizens then

She sounds like such a CUNT in her couchsurfer profile. Look at this shit.

wtf i love white genocide now

>mfw major in political studies
It's laughable.

If they're proud of being Mexican, then why do they have a problem with going back to Mexico?

What the fuck is a dreamer? I'n heard it everywhere literally just in the past week.

>enjoys skrillex
>recommends book of a 10 year old divorced girl
>"polisci major (FEEL THE BERN!!!!111)" unironically on her profile
Absolute trash. Republicans are at the end of my rope, if they manage to fuck up ending DACA with the power they have now, I will have lost all hope in anything short of a revolution.

It's someone who is part of the DACA abomination (and unconstitutional) that obongo created. Lets kids of illegals stay in the US and legally work, etc...

Anchor babies 2.0

Americans think it's a "dream" to live in their 2nd world shithole.

Illegal aliens that came over with their parents when they were kids, i.e. not of their own volition

>kids of illegals
illegal youths

Why do lefties not realize that Trump is actually on their side here?

>didn't want to come here in the first place
>boohoohoo don't send me back with my parents.


>but muh mexican culture
>mexican food
>whitey is racist

So why do they cry when they gotta go back? Fat spic is gonna get her head chopped off by the cartels, well see how much she loves mexican culture then

This is the biggest mystery of all.

Leftists used to be anti immigration because of "muh jobs" (which is a very valid argument, btw)

I never understood it

If they're living for at least 22 years in Burgerland, Why they didn't ask for a Visa or cititizenship

What a bunch of stupid faggots
And now our cuck ((('''President''))) is going to give them free shit, they aren't mexicans, they ran away from Mexico and never paid a single Peso of taxes

Just fucking shot them in the forehead, we don't want those fucking Chicanos here neither

Exactly, it's all a stupid facade.

What the fuck are you fags calling them dreamers like the dumb leftards? call them shitskins, spics or something else.

Also, fucking CHECKED and you're fucking right.
I love that "NO NOS VAMOS" sign, as if they have any power whatsoever. It's time go go back, cunts.

What the fuck happened to the Democrats in the last 10 years?

I don't get it either. I guess they love globalization more than they do the labor movement these days.

I'm a business owner
*hires other illegals*
This is going to crush the economy
*Doesn't pay taxes correctly*
I'm a junior in college
*isn't studying for her exam the next day*

>What the fuck is a dreamer?

Con-law Barry Soetero's attempt at shaping the future of the Democratic party by importing and legalizing over 800,000 "children" a/k/a illegal aliens, all of whom whose presence in the United States is a flaunting statement non-compliance with federal immigration law and a hint of further decay of law and order in this country. As to plan.

What did these people think would happen? DACA never meant they could live here illegally forever. The name is 'deferred action', not cancelled action. They were given a grace period to get themselves set up to be legal if they wished to continue living in this country.


because her illegal business opportunity should be for an actual American

Fake fucking news, Trump said between feverish licks of Chuck Shumer's asshole the other day in the Oval (while he was knuckle deep in Nancy Pelosi's Oval) that he would rubber stamp whatever Dream Act Congress handed him. He's the fattest rino there is. Fucking pathetic crocodile tears. Fuck every political party for this.

Because nobody except subhuman 3rd worlders still buy into the democratic party's bs, so they have to import them en masse to stay relevant

Why do the Alt-Right types not realize he's a shill for the left.