Political opinion generator

You must argue for the party you get. Go.

>insurrectionary crypto-stalinist
Shareblue shills enough for the DNC as it is.

Islamic Unionist.

This is pretty easy, all muslims should unite because fuck jews and fuck women and their rights. Who cares what one muhammad done to another muhammad thousand years ago.

Central banks, inflation and a shitton of financial regulations is great for the economy.

Insurrectionary Pan-Maoist

The blood of the bourgeoisie must be spilt across all corners of the earth before people are truly free. We'll start with India.

Anti-accelerationist. This movement is moving too quickly though so I'll probably have to leave soon.

>degeneracy free
>extreme economic growth without (((usury)))
Anything other is shit tier.

I'm not even a regular on /sg/

fug. I got liberal communsist. the workers are exploited and sheit.

>Randian National Luddite
We must remain true to our origins, only on the level of the nation -the level of the tribe. Man by sheer force of will truely be able to carry himself forth with that alone when freed from the trappings of automation and Somalians

>Christian Transhumanist
God put us on Earth in his own all-powerful image. This means that not only should we transform Earth as we see fit, but that we should do our best to emulate God as well. This was shown to us by the existence of Jesus, who was both Man and God. He manipulated his environment to serve humanity (water into wine, loaves and fishes, healing the sick). Eventually, he left humanity behind and ascended beyond physical existence. We should do our best to live up to his example. God gave us intelligent minds for a reason, and that was so we could create technology which we may use to become as gods. He awaits for us to join him in an existence beyond this one. To do this, we will need to shed our basic forms while maintaining our elemental humanity. That is, we must maintain our intelligence and our love for God and each other. This is the only way we can prove our faith.

No need

>Conservative feminist

The so called "Free love" movement was nothing more than a scam cooked up by fuckboys who wanted to get easy sex from girls. A truly empowered womyn must keep her man on a leash and permanantly cuck him by getting married. She is then free to do whatever she wants and if the man complains, she can divorce him and take half his stuff.
Starting a family is the ultimate way for a womyn to empower hyrself

> Conservative Techno-Nationalist
We want AI to preserve the Constitution via smart contracts. Also, no abortion.

>via smart contracts

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


This right here? This is the only system that makes any sense. Democracy is over.Now it's time to embrace whatever the fuck this is.

fucking kek


only good goy is one that is my private property

holy fucking kek

>Libertarian Neo-Populist

You could have prevented this Sup Forums

>Orthodox Capitalist

How did it know?

Oy fucking vey.

>Has never really been tried
>Bankers are the real enemy
>Workers own the means of productions
>Ultimate equality for everyone


By our father in heaven we shall recreate a nation in commune for our own people
Centralists get the bullets too

Real communism has not been tried yet.

>He's not Islamic Ethno-Socialist


>Esoteric National Accelerationist


We've gotta keep our turbo gay mental retardation secret or else we're gonna get made fun of

Amin al-Husseini had the right idea.

We need to free the world of capitalism and our revolution will be led by allah and his prophet mohammed, peace be upon him.

> Revolutionary Maoist
the arguments write themselves, comrade

This is just how capitalism works and if you go-guys were smart and educated you would realize that the financial sector is necessary and creates enormous amounts of wealth and economic activity.


These are great.

Literally Antifa.

Oi Veyy


Oh fuck lol
> Go on first time get "nationalist"
> Reads post saying I have to argue for the one I get.
> Decide to go again
> Zuonist

Top kek

Libertarian Pan-Traditionalist

I'm going to live out on a ranch and not pay taxes. And of the government has a problem with that, my 6 sons and I will be waiting with full auto AR-15s.


Catholic Techno-Trotskyist
The pope will lead the new technological revolution and destroy capitalism across the globe.

I'm Jewish

>Libertarian Strasserist
We must secure a free and prosperous future for our white children, subsidized by a strong state industry allowing our people to follow their passions

Holyshit was mine good-
Evola developed "the law of the regression of castes" in Revolt Against the Modern World and other writings on racism from the 1930s and World War II period. In Evola's view "power and civilization have progressed from one to another of the four castes—sacred leaders, warrior nobility, bourgeoisie (economy, 'merchants') and slaves"Furlong explains: "for Evola, the core of racial superiority lay in the spiritual qualities of the higher castes, which expressed themselves in physical as well as in cultural features, but were not determined by them. The law of the regression of castes places racism at the core of Evola's philosophy, since he sees an increasing predominance of lower races as directly expressed through modern mass democracies."
Prior to the end of War, Evola had frequently used the term "Aryan" to mean the nobility, who in his view were imbued with traditional spirituality. His "doctrine of the Aryan-Roman 'super-race was simply restated as a doctrine of the 'leaders of men'...no longer with reference to the SS, but to the mediaeval Teutonic knights of the Knights Templar, already mentioned in Rivolta."
Evola spoke of "inferior non-European races". Peter Merkl wrote that "Evola was never prepared to discount the value of blood altogether". Evola wrote: "a certain balanced consciousness and dignity of race can be considered healthy" in a time where "the exaltation of the negro and all the rest, anticolonialist psychosis and integrationist fanatiscm [are] all parallel phenomena in the decline of Europe and the West." While not totally against race-mixing, in 1957, Evola wrote an article attributing the perceived acceleration of American decadence to the influence of "negroes" and the opposition to segregation. Furlong noted that this article is "among the most extreme in phraseology of any he wrote, and exhibits a degree of intolerance that leaves no doubt as to his deep prejudice against black people."

What's the difference?

Queer Techno-Maoist



Bolshevik Avant Garde Futurist

>breadlines are squeaky clean and lined with chrome

uh oh
>Evola died unmarried, without children, on 11 June 1974 in Rome.


>Bolshevik Egoist
Well, I'm basically Stalin, AMA.


>Conservative Ethno-Fascist
I am okay with this


>Insurrectionary Anti-Syndicalist

I don't know what Syndicalism is but it sounds really bad and we should definitely just kill whoever supports it. It'll be great, promise.

How do I respond to this?

>Progressive Post-Socialist
Believe me when I say, we Slovaks too shall live like the Swiss!

This would basically be warhammer 40k universe if put into practice so I'm in

throw trash everywhere



Family values, capitalism, and low taxes on the surface, but underneath the hood we collect land and resources slowly through eminent domain and redistribute them to the poor.

Robot kings and shit. Pretty fuckin cool

Wait, isn't that literally the Czech republic?

I'm fucked...

I'm don't even know what to say


You're like me but right wing

Litelally ISIS.

Jokes on you.

Good job man, that was convincing.

Uh... uh-huh... hmmm....

>Catholic Pan-Marxist
Catholicism is a tradition worth preserving, it helped build western civilization and provides guidance to a billion people. The entire world uniting under the banner of the catholic church enables us to ensure the global redistribution of pans. We have to resist the trend of pans accumulating in the hands of very few elite pan hoarders.

I'm confused.

It means you get a robopenis but you have to share it with everyone and pay reparations to the chinks that made the robopenis.

Female genital mutilation and honor deaths are empowering.


This one actually makes sense.

Freedom for whites, but people of color have to live under socialism and pay tribute to the white race.

Forgot pic fug.

Do I even need to say anything?


We are nothing without faith. Humanity must have faith. Nothing unites mankind the way religion inspires unity. No conflict rages as fiercely as a holy war. No warrior kills with the conviction of a crusader. Nothing in life breeds bonds and ambitions greater than the ties and dreams forged by faith. Religion brings hope, unification, law and purpose. The foundations of civilisation itself. Faith is nothing less than the pillar of a sentient species, raising it above the beast, the automaton, the alien.


>Liberal Anti-Fascist

oh boy

W-what did it mean by this...?


I don't get it.

Just trust me you fucking goy


Every man is his own king ;)

Libertarian Anarcha-Capitalist

Ayo hol' up...so you is sayin.....

I'm not sure it can get any worse than this.

i uh....
i already am this

Post-Colonial Afro-Socialist