...gonna be huuuuge, damn!
just captured it from LiveStream on YouTube.
Alert: Hurricane IRMA went CATEGORY 6 !!!
There's going to be some cheap housing in Florida soon for people who didn't fall for the climate change hoax.
tippity toppity kek, Florida is fucked.
Is this God's way of punishing Floridians for all those empty 10 bed, 10 bath, 10'000 sq. ft. mansions that have been vacant since the subprime crisis?
Isn't It a cat 4?
> category 6
i imagine all the nig nog stealin your shit in your house soon
lol enjoy
Projected to be 5 with winds in excess of 160 upon reaching the Keys.
CAT 6!
>CAT 6!
CAT 6!
>CAT 6!
CAT 6!
>CAT 6!
CAT 6!
>CAT 6!
CAT 6!
>End of the world
>Let me grab all this shit that will be useless and meaningless in a collapsed society
Nigs everyone, dumb as they come.
Good thing IM in california
no it's a cat 45
So what does Cat 6 stand for then? Self-Sustained Vortex?
Based hurricane
we all know how hurricanes end up
Lee is our hurricane, this one was just a preview.
>There's going to be some cheap housing
More like cheap land.
in your heart you know that reaction gif is a lie.
>Shitty meme
>Good thing IM in california
Are you a raging leftist that takes dicks in the ass? I rather fuck the eye of the Hurricane than live in Commiefornia.
Will Lee manage to get north of Pennsylvania this time user???
NOAA Still says Cat 4.Your fake news!
praise kek
If we meme it , it will habben
Nope, it will AT LEAST be a cat 4 but it is speeding up again after it went through an eyewall replacement. And its a nice warm day out, which is good for hurricanes.
California is the best place in the world to live if you actually have any skills. If you're just a broke useless cracker, best to stick it out in whatever loser shithole you're in.
>I rather fuck the eye of the Hurricane
The eye is perfectly calm.
U make nonsense.
Why is everybody so upset about these ethernet cables?
O shit, I thought it was supposed to go down to a cat. 4 by today?
>north of Pennsylvania
I'd rather see Lee fucking destroy D.C.
That must be why every surrounding state takes in a massive amount of white refugees.
Hoopllly shieeeeet
Remember all faggots in Miami... DO NOT EVACUATE.
how much longer until florida gets rekt?
post link to stream
Jokes on them,
Nogs can't swim ;)
There's a reason everyone was white in the movie Waterworld
Limbaugh's been talking up about how the hurricane is a liberal hoax so all his dumbass listeners are gonna stay and die.
It's Gods way of rewarding floridians by driving out the Yankee fucks that built those.
Next week...
trump supporters on my jewbook feed, saying it's the haarp. I asked them who gave the order to kill all the trump supporters?
I'm in Tampa and that's basically going to be me.
Yes but Irma is /ourhurricane/
...and they're all from Cali...really makes you think
To my fellow Miami Antifa:
Looks like we have a party to crash, be there to bash some fashist skulls in
>tfw two hurricanes colliding doesn't create a superhurricane that spins in both directions and rains thorns
America is boring
1-9 and it becomes first ever technical Cat 7 and Miami gets 'CANED into oblivion.
Category 80 the size of China about to hit Florida.
it's hiring Florida not israel/Jew York
what are all the Cubans Niggers and Miami gay Fags going to do? Do not migrate North please .
cat 6+ doesnt exist stupid. there's no point for it to. cat 5 is disastrous no matter what
Post the fucking livestream you douche
Wasn't that the plot of The Core?
Note the "if you actually have any skills" line. If you can get a six figure job, Cali is great. If you're going to try to scrape by as a waiter/painter/bus driver, you're going to have a bad time.
Cali refugees should be shot on the spot. Fucking yuppie suburban dickwipes take everything they made in (((Cali))) and drive up the prices of everything when they move to decent, reasonably priced areas in surrounding states. They push out locals because local economies can't compete with silicon valley and all that tomfuckery
Enjoy your earthquake soon
didn't even mention LA I honestly hope they get nuked, regardless of the fallout I think it would be worth it
There are three active events - mexico city is hit with hurricane plus Florida and a third is formed behind, tsunami alerts issued
Fuckin KEK. There would be at least 1 antifashit that shows up and literally gets BTFO
These people need to be gassed
mexico city cant be hit by any hurricaine
we live 2km above sea level
a little rain and thats it
>cat 6
lol old news. while u fap around here, its been upgraded to dog 7.
You only had to listen, but you didn't stop making fun of him.
I appreciated this joke.
300 mile an hour winds now. F this is bad.
>Shoots itself before touching ground.
>His mom tells him she's disappointed in him.
>Immediately dissipates.
>his mom is in the eye with an umbrella
no. latest forecast say just 90mph, its barely a hurricane. it must a have sucked up a jew in cuba, and the jew has taxed its energy because its dying faster than the german reich.
Weather modification. Trump fired up the secret tech
that's a lot of avocado
when i look at that map i see
> 6 6 6
based jeb
Are you retarded? It's going to be under water. Welcome to earth bitch. We have this brand new thing called nature
am halal pls delete thx
I rather take my chances surviving the hurricane.
Cat 6???? Well meeee-ow
>be in Florida, Hurricane forms giving you a week to get your shit together
>be in California, earthquake comes out of nowhere. You have seconds to stand in a doorway or some shit
You know its coming.
enjoy your forest fires
Get out fag
According to Robert Simpson, there are no reasons for a Category 6 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale because it is designed to measure the potential damage of a hurricane to manmade structures. Stating that “…when you get up into winds in excess of 155 mph (249 km/h) you have enough damage if that extreme wind sustains itself for as much as six seconds on a building it’s going to cause rupturing damages that are serious no matter how well it’s engineered”
Hey Ahmed, I hear in the middle of nowhere in Iraq, there's some 100% invisible infidels hiding. Go sui-bomb it, Allah will reward you with your 72 virgins, I promise!
"p-please evacuate"
Uneducated Slav here.
Am I correct in saying that cat.6 is unprecedented, and a first time in recorded history?
Good luck faggots, don't die.
>Rains avocados
first ever hurricane to maintain 185 mph winds for over 24
I'm always the one making the OC, someone else be today
Make a "Don't talk to me or my storm ever again"
The people who deal with hurricanes every year are either prepared or stupid enough to deserve whats to come. I feel no sympathy for idiots who live in florida and the other frequently destroyed areas.
cat6 fags are retarded. There is literally no point in adding Cat6 as Cat5 already covers everything that will completely fuck shit up while cat 1-4 covers a range of dangers and damage.
Youll lose power for a lot of it, youll have to phone post with a generator to power the battery
when is it supposed to hit florida?
We are long overdue for a big one. Yes, hopefully soon. We need a happening.