Without blaming the jews, why is Degeneracy so prevalent in today's society?

Without blaming the jews, why is Degeneracy so prevalent in today's society?

Is it the parents fault?
The Individual?
Or is it society?


Other urls found in this thread:


The individual, which is why capitalism is such a cancerous ideology because it plays on our worst vices, regardless of whether it's healthy or unhealthy.

>Or is it society?
Fuck does that even mean? Are we not society?

>why is society so degenerate
>without blaming the jews
fuck off you god damn shill kike

The internet.
Now people think it's socially acceptable to be degenerate because they have hugboxes online telling them it's ok.

because humans have always been tempted by degeneracy, it's just that now we are so far removed from the consequences of our degenracy we can sustain it profitably

tl;dr fuck your rules, its jews

because germans exist

Because degeneracy is just what people who forgot how to have fun call things that are fun.



>Without blaming the jews
Without saying "5", what is the answer to 2 + 2?

A lot of the "degeneracy" was always present. It was simply hidden. It's mainly the rise of technology, particularly for communication, that has opened a door for people to share themselves narcissistically with the world. This tech change has been compounded by social collapse caused by the decline of the family unit.

AHAHAHAHAHAH 4 I've been so messed up by 1984 comparisons that I can't even shitpost properly anymore

It's still the Jews though.

>without breathing stay alive

Fawkin sage, what's that mean? You want me to sprinkle some fawkin spices all over the thread or sumthin? Tvsss tvsss

lmfao pretty much that is what OP is asking

>Is it the parents fault?
>The Individual?
>Or is it society?

degeneracy is what people who forgot how to have fun do to have fun*

>without placing the blame where it belongs

Sexualization of marketing really kicked off in the 50s and as business started to gain more power in society when Keynesian economic policy daily and neoliberalism was the new thing. So as the voice of business became more monumental in our government and more insidious throughout media we have been pumped full of Sexualization. There are good and bad effects of sexual liberation but at times it seems as though effort is put into mimicking bright screens

I've been saying for a long time, the true red pill.

>Without blaming the jews, why is Degeneracy so prevalent in today's society?

Without blaming the matches, why is your house burning down?

humans have always been base and degenerate with only a few reaching high intellectual peaks.

But the internet really allows culture to be tainted with their serf horse shit

1960's (((cultural revolution)))
(((Social Media)))
And the "you're an evil person if you make judgements about others" meme everyone is brainwashed with in public schools.

what you mean without blaming the jews are you an imbecile? it's their fault , they're balls in promoting degeneracy and white hatred

quit trying to muddy the waters with cheap rhetorical vessels
>without blaming [[THE KIKES WHO FUCKING DID IT]] who else's fault could it be ?


God is dead in the minds of men.

Society is too perfect, watch the mouse utopia experiment and you'll understand.

>why is Degeneracy so prevalent in today's society?
Because it is perpetuated by design of movements like communism, feminism, BLM, government think tanks. Funded by international banks. Pushed by media and ngo's.

>Without stating the cause, state what the cause is

Dat's what my mudda would always say

Because most people are degenerate in their very nature. Religion became a thing because the rulers saw how degenerate they are.

ill just drop this off without blaming anyone

We are the modern Roman empire, decadence runs rampant. Humans simply can't have a strong society coupled with total liberty, it doesnt work.

I blame the mtvs


Without blaming the sun, why does it get so hot around noon time?


White liberals are to blame. They're a hedonistic suicide cult, and they don't need any help from (((them))) to be degenerate.

Without using two, show me what half of four is.

>I've been saying for a long time, the true red pill.
Yep, society's immune system has grown weak, allowing parasites to thrive.

Link because I'm stupid and forgot
Unchecked population growth causes the majority oh humanities social problems.

It's the jews fault. You cannot exclude the root cause.

no it's jews and their children

We are in the end times. If you move God out of your life, Satan moves in.

As you all know sometimes he breaks character



Christianity's inability to adjust for the current level of science and technology.

Which are both promoted by the jews...

>Without using two, show me what half of four is.
fo sho my nig ur.

>delusional kike hasbara

Liberty is a void, and ultimately, something must fill it. We opened the floodgates to social manipulation the moment we championed democratic freedom. That's not to say we'd have been better off with another system of government--in fact every system tends towards hierarchy so that those whom the system best benefits (i.e. those who can most ably take advantage of that system) become the new rulers. Conservatives were slow to learn that the advent of the internet had the power to feed political movements.

Memetic warfare is, at its core, a deus ex machina that has allowed us to shift the narrative. The main challenge now is aptly using this gift.

>without blaming combustion, how do you explain fire?

captcha unrelated: castro police

That's a quarter of eight, how about 4/((4/4)+(4/4)) much more elegant. That's how a white man on a flat earth spells half of four without two.

Peace and comfort were not on the list, so I voted "Society", but in reality, if you want to know why degeneracy is on the rise, you need to blame peace and comfort.

A Historian's perspective:
Due to the harsh conditions our distant and recent ancestors faced, all the things like homosexuality, transgenderism and women in leadership roles were next to unthinkable, let alone celebrated. Our ancestors faced a steady stream of dangers that constantly threatened to wipe out the tribe (clan, village, civilisation, nation and possibly religion). This mandated such a strong population that we could not even tolerate a woman leading the tribe, let alone rampant homosexuality or other things that would fall into the "Degeneracy" category. We needed to make sure we were pumping out children and that our men were brutal and efficient killers and hunters and our women stayed in the camp and raised our young and did everything else around the place. Sure, you can find homosexuality in ancient Greece and Rome, but that's at their later stages when they had reached fruition. They were also relatively safe and prosperous before they indulged in "degenerate" behaviour. Their proto-societies did not allow this kind of stuff.


seperation of church and state

all coal burners will hang

all untermensch will suffer and die

Also, these civilisations and their toleration of homosexuality was actually rare AND at their height, just like our own. We have simply succeeded so we don't need to enforce gender roles and we can allow homosexuality and transgenderism. It matters little what the average human does to another, when there are over 7,500,000,000 humans on the planet, which is a result of peace and comfort.

In short, if you want something to blame, it's humanity getting its wish of peace. This is what happens when you don't have enemies and can control most of what nature can throw at you and bounce back. There are entire civilisations that were killed by other civilisations or devoured by random acts of nature, which is why we mandated humans march to the drum beat. Without these threats, we don't need strict morals and conformity.

Suicidal mix big capitalists and neomarxists with pretty fine amount occultists among lefty, sounds strange but how it is.

youre obviously underage.
is this what common core is doing?

It's both. Society needs norms & traditions to restrain the individuals worst vices.

>youre obviously underage.
You're the one with poor punctuation. Oldfag with juvenile sense of humor. Was homeschooled way before common core, to avoid violence, degeneracy, and evolution being taught. Mother was devout Christian, of course. Born '76.

Capitalism, Industrialization, Urbanization, Technicization, abandonment of religiosity, deconstruction of all social institutions. Extended family, nuclear family, patriarchy, what's next? We're already moving onto gender and what not? What comes after? The patriarchy is dead, now its time to destroy masculinity and children, make sure no man ever develops again.

All three, we no longer share a uniform way of consistently looking at the world.
The clash of worldviews in this age of broken perspectives and fragmented views inevitably leads to existential discomfort which would then lead to violence or the rejection of social participation.
When you're the only one who understands you, why be social at all?

Baby boomers.

Germans. First they invented Marxism. Then they invented Frankfurt School cultural Marxism. No jews needed.

but these 'germans' were jews .... ALL OF THEM

Don't forget Martin Luther!

...Did nothing wrong

My mudda always told me it was dah colored people. tsssssssssss

It is the Jews
otherwise it is easy living that most people in the West are accustomed to. When people want for nothing they naturally turn to degeneracy to fill their lives. When people have to make hard decisions constantly or have higher priorities then degeneracy doesn't happen.

Consider the Sadism of the French nobility in the 18th century for example, they had time to debase themselves with perversions whereas the peasants never did

All the above
bc of the jews

Issue is more complex, but I agree, idle hands do the devils work is a proverb for a reason

It's a cycle it happens without jews they just speed up the process. When a civilization reaches it's peak it'll start to deteriorate morally in the name of open mindness and progress.

Sexual deviancy is the mark of a dying society
> Mongolia
> Rome
> Greece

The jews you fucking half wit.

greed and capitalism

without answering the question, answer the question

>seriously, just go and watch any right wing youtuber if you want this sort of shit, OP

>hello, first male and first female, please do not have sex with this snake "apple" over there
>woman immediately does this and kills them all
>6000 years later
>hurricane irma

Fawk yeah she says it when Lamar comes over and she helps him do his pushups

The juice

Must have been a beefy one - Yimmy looks like he's running out of oxygen