This guy is absolutely hardcore

The political music of this dude is based as hell.
>Inb4 nigger music
>inb4 samefag
Mr Bond, I know you browse here, if you read this: keep going man. I dont dare comment on YT mirrors or Minds because of (((their))) databasing kikery, so here it is, greets from NL.

Other urls found in this thread:

niche artists are all still artists.
even if theyre in your niche.
artists are minstrels, they give nothing to society. im glad he is happy and you are too but ultimately this is utterly meaningless.

>utterly meaningless
Art is anything but meaningless burger, your art just isn't good enough if its meaningless. Listening to something that actually sounds good and is redpilled as fuck at the same time is seriously refreshing.

so your relief is what gives it meaning? master your emotions and relief is a thought. if you need such a crutch then i could see its value, but you and i both know you dont need it. it is meaningless.

Lunikoff has a new album out, peep that shit. Grenzen hoch und schotten dicht!!

My relief does not give it meaning. Its survival through time, influence and inspiration to many different people give it meaning. I know burger eduction sucks, but art is the final product of culture and very important. You can see it very clearly this day and age: people try to change history, try to take deny white identity. But art is immune from those assaults. No matter how much people try, they cannot deny that it was white culture that produced De Nachtwacht, Michelangelo's David and Van Gogh's blossoming almond trees. Im not saying this Mr Bond is anywhere near that league. But however small in comparison, there is inspiration and the potential of influence.


you sound like a homo.

ok so influence gives it meaning? arts influence is to a people what a seed is to soil. how fertile is the soil? and the better question is does arts influence ultimately detract from the seeds of experience? you trade your thought for someone elses like a baby bird opens its mouth for anything that comes near it. stop pretending, you know the only meaningful influence is the result of contemplation, and the only meaningful contemplation is one of reality as it stands, not someone elses interpretation of that reality. stop getting your thoughts third hand. experience, think for yourself, and get better at extrapolating. art has 0 meaning to anyone but its creator.

your opinion doesnt matter.

You do realize the greatest thoughts, inventions and science in human history were often inspired by art right?
And why would I want to think up everything for myself and limit myself to only my interpretation of reality. I am talented, but I recognize that some people are far more talented in certain areas, their art gives me insight in their reality and expands mine.

i would like an example of your first point. unless youre referrering to literature as art (which i could agree is argueable, but not really art by way of raw emotional expression)

>why would i think for myself
im going to pretend you didnt say that at all.

every thought you think because someone told you to is still your own thought, the problem is you have no idea how you got there, because you didnt GO there, you just got a picture of where they went.


Love this song, they are just missing Gigi... Der Weg zu Revolution is absolutely top tier of all time

Literature, philosophy, theater, classical music, paintings, sculptures, architecture, just to name a few. Example: The whole Age of Enlightenment, arguably the precursor and catalyst to the most advanced and prosperous age of humankind was both influenced heavily by- as well as influenced art.
>why would i think for myself
im going to pretend you didnt say that at all.
Don't strawman what I said, makes you seem like you can't read. I said: ''think up EVERYTHING for myself and limit myself to only my interpretation of reality''. 'Everything' being the key word here. I recognize others can have far advanced views on some things than my own.

literature and philosophy are the same thing, and in my opinion far from any other of the arts you mentioned. in fact i would not consider them an art at all except for works of fiction. show me one example of the other things in your list, theatre, classical music, paintings, sculptures, (architecture is not an art, its engineering) etc that has ever led to an advance of any kind.


keep asking for the obvious, burger. Literature and philosophy are not the same thing, many important philosophical insights were gained trough the art of discussion amongst ancient Greeks and never written down. In the Age of Enlightenment people started to make art with strong political messages and meaning. Paintings of poor farmers wheres before only elites and kings had themselves immortalized. People started writing about life in a way that inspired political thought, including and in fact mostly through works of fiction, same goes for many of the other art forms. Finally if you think architecture has nothing to do with art than you have not seen anything of the world at all.
Why do I always have the feeling I have to school Americans on obvious human knowledge whenever I discuss with them? Do something about your education system man.

It's cringy as hell.
Cheap propaganda is not art.
When you grow up, you will look back and feel embarrassed by this.

think of it what you want, its a matter of taste. Ive been liking the same songs and music for 20 years so I doubt if I ever ''grow up'' out of something that rings true, sounds right and inspires.
Concerning Mr Bond, hes one of the very very few who goes on the offense about subjects where all our voices get smothered under political correctness. So even if the music is not the epiphany of fine art, he has my ear.

> Ive been liking the same songs and music for 20 years

Lol, and nice digits.
Its true though