The good old times

Anyone remembers around 5+ years ago. Just playing video games looking forward to the future and being happy with not much worries where every video game character was white and most movies were white only, before forced PC. Then stumbling on /Coontown and /European and getting redpillied about race and immigration. And after that wasting so much time being irritated about politics and marxists and getting into depression.
Take me back pol I want to play WoW again and be happy and in times when there was still some sanity left (also Old school WoW one not this one of today which is no longer WoW)

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white power

For Khaz Modaaan, yeah

Stop spreading shit. The world was much less racists in this time... but damn millennials ruined everything with their PC and victim/predator psychology.

Same here, life was much better before this shit

You can never enjoy a media without a tinge of politics and propaganda. It's annoying.

PvP went to shit with last 2 expansions but I think PvE is now better than ever, I bet you are one of those fags who played WoW for 3 months on vanilla and been barging about it ever since

It's been so long that I forgot how nice vidya culture was.

Legion is a good expansion. Besides the rng titanforge and legendary system, it's easily the best expac since WotLK.


Legion is fucking godawful compared to WOTLK.

Its like ten times the grind. You need to keep grinding everything to stay relevant.

Weren't the Tuskaar supposed to be fucking playable?

Its not even WoW anymore. Despite the hate i enjoyed cata, it was last expansion wow still had some WoW in it. After that WoW was no longer WoW, since MoP Every class started to feel the same and everyone got self heals and the game was just gone

it was a simpler time indeed
let the world turn, user
FFXIV and heavily modded minecraft are the only way to go; for some reason, it's been this way for at least 2 years
bar that, i'd heavily recommended getting in on a high pop Space Engineers or Factorio server
you're welcome to look into the Age of Engineering pack and reply to this comment if you really want to play with some hardcore white boys. if you bring up and try to proselytize fascist shit, though, we'll boot you. unsure if your flag is ironic. you can talk about anything you want- just don't berate/chastise anybody else for not agreeing with you


>Anyone remembers around 5+ years ago.
I didn't have to go to work, oh what a sweet time that was.

Wrong. Maybe in the beginning that was true but it's not now. People havent grinded mythic+ since concordance came out. Artifact knowledge is so high now that you don't have to.

No. Welcome to my world.

Of course. The left is imposing itself on other people's hobbies and interests. Everything has to be politically correct now.

I remember internet caffes, having Soda next to you and something like this going in background in 2000's

>5 years ago
Be gone from this website child.

Nah my flag is real.
Eso seems to be only good MMO despite the hate it got

fuck man I was 11 and when I started playing wow and stopped at 17ish when cataclysm came out, life was so good and simple

Back then it didn't matter because that "diversity" garbage wasn't a big deal. It didn't start until around 2012 or so and it's only gotten worse.

You couldn't be more wrong, you can have all traits unlocked like one week after hitting 110 and before every release of new raid you can farm equip with IL better than normal gear from last patch just form WQ and shit, so even if you didn't play much during last patch you can catch on in few days

Anita Sarkeesian ruined videogames.
Barack Onigger killed Gaddafi starting the refugee """""""""""""""""""crisis""""""""""""""""""" flood gates.
Kikes and more kikes fucking companies.

Gas the kikes, hang the niggers and burn the witches.

Pvp went to shit the very first expansion m8.

Pve was decent in BC, but the whole game in general went down hill with wrath.

>playing WoW

Remember when the greatest enemy of Sup Forums was the church of scientology?

Anathema server for Elysium is going to be a TBC server. Anyone care to join?

That's nostalgia speaking young fag. 5+ years ago was shit, so was 10+ and 15+ years ago. Everything is and always will be shit.

The game ended after WOTLK. Activision Blizzard isn't cannon.

The best times in wow was in Vanilla, TBC, and Early Wotlk.

Nothing after ulduar matters.

>not being a true retrofag and playing FFXI

You don't know what boss-buttfucking means until you deal with some of the autismo modes they did with various HNM 2.0 versions.

Runescape to WoW is like Minecraft to Rust.

Any niggas on

Vanila is a meme. TBC was real thing, its where they balanced classes and made more specs usable, introduced arena, spell power and fixed game. Wrath was king, and like i said Cata was last expansion wow still had some wow essence in it.

something isnt right

i'm not a retrofag, and i actually enjoyed the card game in FFXI a lot more than 14. just trying to outline the "white safe spaces" in gaming to help OP if he's truly interested

Life was simpler when Chris Chan was top news. Now we have chemical castration and Sup Forums is the only one who can stop it.

I feel like Sup Forums is a super villain that decided that he needed to save the world.

Vanilla was great, before we had TBC. TBC was the best days of wow no argument. Every spec worked, arena was good, everything was good. No welfare system, no raid nerfs every few weeks.

Take me back to 2007 where I can play RuneScape and scam noobs again

God damm those were the days.

i also miss ytmnd

and if you want hardcore Gary Oak shit, i'd recommend a vanilla Everquest server. i'm not personally interested, but i guaranfuckintee you no one under the IQ of 120 is going to be on a server like that- which means you'll invariably be in the company of ashkenazim, asians, and other gifted whites

I hop on occasionally.

The last few times I put a dungeon group together has been rough, despite there always being a minimum of 4,000 people online. It discouraged me quite a bit.

Blame Alliance, they kept complaining that they would lose every pvp match. So it became horribly unbalanced (AV for reference).
Add in the fact they put like 3 times the amount of guards in alliance towns and make them a few levels higher than character levels. World PvP became almost non existent.
Most recent example that i can recall was Ashren in WoD. The Horde NPCs were all stationary and you could easily pull 1-2 at a time while fighting off the Horde. So eventually there was no one to defend the NPCs.
Meanwhile Alliance NPCs were walking around all over the place, so odds of pulling too many and downing a max sized group were considerably higher.

Battleground balancing was another issue.
God damn PvP in WoW was a joke.

I remember this dude by the name of Rath created rathstrat, which was a 100% win for Horde in AV. Dude was a genius. What did Blizz do? Add more guards to Alliance which made the strat that much harder. Made non-rath strat pretty much impossible.

WoW was good in the golden age nigger

they're making a TBC server for elysium. it will be on the Anathema server

no, I don't you fucking underage sheltered shit-tier taste retard


alright the music is cool, but you have to have other shit to say if you're going to convince me that you're not sliding with a pointless nostalgia thread

>before WOTC became KEKED by SJWS

Welfare system was literally introduced in TBC. Have your nostalgia goggles blinded you? Badges of Justice?

Its not the same when everyone is not in the same timeline. Thats why i m not big fan of private servers

ayy lv60 war on anathema and lv32 mage on elysium

Grow up. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

>every spec worked in BC
BC was the era of white tower theorycrafting supremacist faggotry. God knows I proved them wrong (int stacking arcane mage, assassination rogue, always chase socket bonuses) but everyone acted like shit-eating retards, back then. I saw a guy who INSISTED putting an 8AP gem in a yellow gem slot, even though he would have otherwise got a socket bonus of 8AP for using a yellow fucking gem.

>ywn again come home from school and park yourself for 6 hours in Sholazar Basin on your hunter to patiently wait for that fucking spirit tiger to spawn

just started over for the seventh time probably. wow is still kinda fun.

I love classic MTG and would play vintage and legacy if I could afford it. Anyone who is falling for Hasbro's bullshit and buying into standard is just playing themselves.

2012 was just after the housing crash of 2009 and Obama was being re-elected. How was this a simpler time?

Try 17+ years ago playing Ultima Online, then maybe you got something worth while. Where politics never entered into anything, it was just about vidya.

I've seen this exact thread before. wat r u doin

I hope we get a legacy realm announcement at Blizzcon in November.

I want to raid Black Temple or ICC/Ulduar again.

I used to come back from school at 4pm, spend 4:30 - 8:30 farming for raid supplies, then raiding from 9 - 2am during TBC as a fire mage.

I sometimes reminisce about times I had with old friends and high school girlfriends and get a bit sad. But nothing makes me sadder than knowing I'll never relive TBC at its height.

>found a molten core t-shirt at goodwill with "lf39m" on the back
>think if I buy it some oldskool wow players will shout out and I can nostalgia with them
>wore shirt for a few years and no one ever commented
>back in the goodwill bin it goes

You were just younger, having less responsibilities and less worries.

Stop glorifying infancy and grow up!

OP was a child, that's why it seemed simple. This is a childhood nostalgia thread.


>5 years ago
closer to ten

WotLK was fantastic you faggot. It started to fall after Cataclysm.

>Then stumbling on /Coontown and /European and getting redpillied about race and immigration.

I miss them.

>Smash face against keyboard
>Hit 80
>Sit in town all day hitting the queue for dungeon button
>Completing heroics at an alarming pace with minimum chance of wiping with the face to keyboard technique
>Get decked out in like a few days
>Decide to start pvping instead
>Sit in town all day hitting the queue button

You're right, it absolutely was fantastic.

>5+ years ago
neo-pol underage nu-male spotted

>femanon duibstpe

fcocksuc ker fuck you die noose yourtsswelf

To me, Gear has lost all meaning. I see absolutely no reason to grind it up. It is just too much and upgrades feel meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

>/coontown and /European
Damn, sometimes I still can't believe those even existed on reddit.


>Good times
I never had good times, all I wanted was to live the typical
>get a nice career
>meet a nice women
>get a nice house
>have kids

Too bad that's near impossible to achieve these days, unemployment is going up, house prices are too expensive and women are beyond repair.

There is nothing to live for, I can't live in a society I hate so much, I want to see it all burn to the ground now.

I'd like too see Australia in flames as well

you're not alone there, hold up

>went down hill with wrath
really now?

What's better, Elysium of Kronos?


There is no reward in heaven for willingly blind normies.

I was miserable and bored, nothing to fight for. Now I see the demons with their hand on the levers of power, and evil to crush. We subversive now, its fun.

>tfw camped every night for a month in this snow valley but I ended up getting the dragon mount that drops from that rare mob spawn

Read this book, apply it.

elysium is really fuckin good its the closest to retail vanilla there is

This man knows what is up. I miss that game a lot more than I should.

MMOs are grindefests you dumb prick.

Yes they were simpler and more comfy times but now white gamers are being redpilled en masse, a fair trade off if you ask me



I miss Wrath. I miss being in High school. I miss cutting early to go raid

I camped out for the White Polar Bear in Storm Peaks

I've played vanilla wow for 2 months now, love it and never going back to retail. The promise of TBC in the future has me.
vid related

Get on my level

Can always play digital MTG with applications like Cockatrice. Takes a but of charm away since there's no physical cards but it's still same game

I never got to enjoy this, as a 19 year old the only online vidya I ever played were stale FPS games and GTA IV. I am quite envious of some of you oldfags, wow seems like it would've been comfy as fuck

I haven't been happy since about .. 2006, maybe.

Facebook ruined everything.

vidya fucking sucks ass now because of faggots and normies and SJWs

I can remember back when epic and lol and owned and the like was talk ONLY used by a small subset of people on the internet.

Back before we took off every zig.
In the time of Trogdor.

I miss my heyday of the internet.