pol is compromised.
i'll deleting this in 60 seconds.
Pol is compromised
Other urls found in this thread:
The mods here are such cocksuckers
shut you're fuck up
Hillary 4 prison
okay T_D.
rare flag
The mods have been good goys for a some time user. Hopefully their will be a purge soon.
It's been 60 seconds
shit thread, what is being slid?
mods are fucking kikes, and you know how I feel about kikes.
nice,how did u bypassed ban?
Not gonna lie I wish trump had invited him to the inauguration and brought him his loli twitter bate gf. Without AW there is no Trump presidency.
no fucking way, I hope this is a isolated situation in op's picture or else Ima be fucking pissed who added these anti free speech mods
welcome to the lettid influx. happening to me mroe also, bursting their safe space
pro tip: you dont have to do anything to effectively do your job
So how did deleting this thread work out for you OP?
What are you waiting for? Don't tell me youre a newfag?
big if true
>being surprised that you get banned for LARPing/making up political events
>thinking you can delete threads
What did you mean by this?
no fucking way, I hope this is a isolated situation in op's picture or else Ima be fucking pissed who added these anti free speech mods
Friendly reminder phone posters can just activate airplane mode and then deactivate it for a new ip and to avoid bans
F-fake news
digits speak
Their job. I don't care.
Its that easy
No shit. Mods have been compromised since gamergate, newfag. Mods are more active during the daytime in the US. Mods are even faking digits in posts to try and seize the momentum of meme magic energy into their lies. Newfags deny it. Real Anons know it. Learn to watch for the signs.
Adapt and overcome.
doubles don't lie
You done goofed, moot is gonna be pissed when he hears about this
I'm reporting you for ban evasion,
Eat shit op.
All from the same poster. Fuck these faggot mods.
Airplane mode.
Surprised you let your dog stop eating peannut butter off your genitals long enough to post this.
Whoa too easy
Shut it down
>announcing reports and sage
reported :^)
If I use airplane mode can I get around kikeban?
How do I clear cache in a (((android?)))
they are baning everything that is not related to politics or current events.