Joseph McCarthy

Okay newfags, time for a redpill.

See this man? His name was Joseph McCarthy. He was a US Senator from Wisconsin during the 1950s. You may have learned about him in school. He's remembered for his (((conspiracy theories))) where he claimed communists had infiltrated American society and were planning to destroy our society, via media, government, and most notably Academia.

>More on this:

I want to focus on his claims about Academia, but first let me digress for a moment.

During the 1960s, there were two groups of radicals that committed terrorist attacks across the nation. The Black Panther Party, which advocated for the institution of a Black Communist Ethnostate, and Weatherman Underground, which advocated for the destruction of the United States and the rise of a communist government.


Notable members of both organizations include Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and especially Angela Davis (who had direct ties to the Soviet Union). What do all three of these people have in common, besides being members of communist terror organizations?

They are all teachers at the college our children attend, and have been for decades.


Think about that. Our universities hired known, self-proclaimed terrorists to teach in their classrooms. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. One of the key redpills you all need to take is that Joseph McCarthy was 100% right about everything. From their you can branch out through further investigation to discover why the West is dying.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll leave you with an important quote:

>The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because the enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer - the finest homes, the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in Government we can give.

Wait .. so McCarthy was ... dare I say it ...


.. /ourguy/ ..?

He was more than /ourguy/. He died as a result of discovering the truth.

>McCarthy died in Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. His death certificate listed the cause of death as "Hepatitis, acute, cause unknown"; doctors had not previously reported him to be in critical condition.

If you weren't such newfags you'd know that we already made him a national american hero here on Sup Forums
Lurk moar

Thanks for the reply. I'll keep your thread bumped for a bit if needs be.

Wow you must be le oldfag. I guess I'll think twice before providing newfags with the truth.

Also posts redpills if you got them

Thank you based Anglo


Another person who was proven to be 100% right about everything.

Exactly the same thing in Sweden. For example, there was this terrorist plot ( by German Rote Armee Fraktion and Swedish communists. Among the people sentenced:

Pia Laskar, 3 years in prison, now a gender studies teacher
Katarina Motzi Ekelöf, 2 years in prison, now a professor and Uppsala university and Linköping university
Karl Gratzer, 3 months in prison, now a professor at Södertörns university
Brit Alan Hunter, who was deported, now a researcher at Coventry University.

mccarthy and the republicans were attention whores who used the red scare to further their careers and pose with celebs for publicity

>Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
t. Vladimir Lenin

Hopefully those of you lurking will start to see how the pieces connect

bump for dead commies also good OP, OP. Much better than the on sentance shit that usually gets posted


Last time winsconsin produced a good thing

He literally did N O T H I N G wrong

Should have fucking listened when we had the chance. Same with Enoch Powell. It's too late now.


Joe McCarthy should've been the damned president

I believe Stefan Molyneux made a video about McCarthy. If you want a great redpill on the downfall of America and Western Civilization, read The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald

This huehue gets it. Fucking sconnie scum.


Very important. Thank you for posting this.

Also obligatory


A firing squad for all communist vermin.


It's moly, but it's a very good redpill on Joseph McCarthy.

I like memes

>literally had a guy arrested for supporting a different football team
The Founders would have had him swinging.

Have a meme, negro boy

Why didn't we listen...

I wish there was a comprehensive list showing the ideological lineages of professors in the US now, to see if they can be traced directly back to the Frankfurt School. It would probably be too terrifying to actually undertake because of what would be discovered

Good shit OP. I've been looking for some good info on McCarthy. Keep it up

This are lies, and this man is worse than Hitler, by the way. He was batshit insane

You're a Nazi. Americans don't give a fuck about you.

Thanks. You guys have the best memes on the internet. Everyone loves them.

There was a thread last night about McCarthy and the Venona cables. Anyone got some good reading or redpills about that? From what I remember, McCarthy was basically completely proven correct by the stuff uncovered in the Venona cables.

I love how the Weather Underground page describes itself as "anti-imperialist" with the stated goal of destroying the United States to bring about a black-power led communist government. How the fuck is a racial collectivist movement destroying a country and then subverting/replacing its population under their dominion anti-imperialist? Seriously?

You'll note a similar undertone with most commie/lefty shit. Soviets also claimed to be anti-imperialist while liquidating minorities of countries they had illegally swallowed up into their death cult on a regular basis. Places like east prussia and chechnya had their populations essentially exterminated. I want any leftist reading this to take a hard look at this and make the erroneous and laughable claim once again that the left is anti-imperialist.

gee, I wonder what would motivate a goddamn commie to say this

Day of the Helicopter soon, communigger faggot.

Do they not teach Mcarthyism in school anymore? This guy was big, and put a nice size dent into the jewish neocon roosevelt group.

I'm 26 and all I was taught is that he was a conspiracy theorist who abused power

McCarthy bump

I figured out commie-crush joe was one of the good guys way back in grade-school because the teachers had to speak in a negative tone about him even though they couldn't really explain what the hell he did wrong, kind of like how they can't explain why hitler hated jews so much.... really makes you think.

Did you have to read The Crucible by Arthur Miller in grade school?

Guess what ethnicity (((Miller))) was?

>Miller was of Polish Jewish descent.

We're taught that McCarthy was a nutjob that resulted in innocent people losing their jobs. McCarthyism is as much a slander as Nazism

Thank us later.


We know McCarthy was right
This should be babby's first redpill

How do we stop the Commies?


>tfw too poor to afford a helicopter

The question that keeps me up at night

Almost everyone accused of being a communist by him is a real communist. He's done nothing wrong.

Press S to spit on grave!


Your time will come, commie scum!

You're welcome


That's fucked up dude...

A-are those peace sign badges replaced with B36's?
Has the right been memeing for over half a century?

I could say the same to you and guess which one of us is right? Millions of American youth are embracing the revolution, while you losers sit here and cry about muh white genocide.

I'm going to get drunk with my m8s. I'll be sure to beat up one of your fellow comrades tonight. Also, congratulations on being brainwashed and retarded.

McCarthy knew Communists were thriving in Hollywood and use "commies" in the media to threaten (((them))). In retaliation, we've had a half century of movies, TV, MSM, and academia smear McCarthy without ever addressing the Jewish roots of Bolshevim and socialism, and how these roots derive from their "chosen" superiority complex over Gentiles, and especially White Christian Males aka "the patriarchy," the same one many Hollywood types now openly discuss destroying on Twitter.

E Michael Jones has a great book about Hollywood and its sexualized propaganda related to Jewish cultural hegemony in America. Turns out the MPAA was so "uptight" about what could and should be shown in movies (and to American children) because they knew (((their))) plot. This is the biggest misconception among white youths today, that what we see in entertainment is simply made by edgy, liberal whites, and not Jews with a long term anti-American, anti-white agenda. They use explicit rap and sexualized films to demoralize and overwhelm white youths, and exploit clueless minorities.

McCarthy, like Patton, had his "acute" message drowned out. His "witch hunt" was fully justified, in fact many in Hollywood on his "black list" were later confirmed to have Communist ties/bias. But the media blew it up into hysterics, and academia sealed his coffin, so that it became a crazy Christian panic. This is the weaponized industry of perception that Sup Forums fights daily.

Charles Lindbergh was another, having coined "America First" which Trump intentionally cribbed, to disdain "Israel First" momentum in government. The MSM destroyed him.

These men are who Ron Paul stands for, and why the MSM labeled him a racist, when he's a Christian patriot against (((their))) agenda.

RIP McCarthy. Better you didn't see what America has become elder lad.

>Millions of American youth are embracing the revolution
And the riot police and national guard will kick your commie ass into oblivion.

I concede that you are winning. But you have not won. And the counterrevolution is brewing.

James Fields did nothing wrong.

Have any more like this? I feel like we are living in a living nightmare.

Just imagine how demoralized Patton was when he realized they fought the wrong enemy. They should've kept the tanks rolling all the way to Moscow

RIP Joe.

Press S to spit on Arthur Miller's grave

>James Fields did nothing wrong.
Your little nazi hero, is rotting in prison right now.
While our comrades continuously bash you in the streets and get away with it.

gif related, your average rightietard.

Communism will never win America because commies are really just failed/rejecting capitalists. Commie behavior is THE MOST selfish and self-aggrandizing. This is why communist countries end up with all the wealth up top to a degree that makes the US look balanced.

And since the US is the most valuable piece of real estate with the highest earning potential and strongest currency on earth,

the commies, even if they win will tear each other apart trying to take it all like they always do.

>THey will in the end become freemarket thieves like their little black hearts really desire.

If anywhere/one can do it though, it's Sup Forums
I'd certainly be interested in seeing if such a link could be made....

Legendary actor John Wayne was insanely redpilled and even made a 1952 movie, Big Jim McLain, where he hunts down Commies and boots stomp their asses. He knew (((they))) buttered his bread but came very close to naming them like in this famous clip:

Consider how Rocky IV makes the Communist boxer an Aryan Frankenstein's Monster, with his blonde high-cheekboned handler babe. This movie, while fun, brainwashed generations of kids into thinking Commies were Aryan and not Jewish. Just as Hollywood wanted.

Great memes

>Angela Davis
>She encountered the Frankfurt School philosopher Herbert Marcuse at a rally during the Cuban Missile Crisis and became his student. In a 2007 television interview, she said, "Herbert Marcuse taught me that it was possible to be an academic, an activist, a scholar, and a revolutionary."


>Millions embracing revolution
A couple hundred fags living out of their moms basement and LARPing on the streets as some kind of proto-milita does not equal millions embracing a discredited failure of ideology you fucktard.

Idk if he's that, but basically he was proven right about the scourge of communism, the Soviet Union really was doing all those things

>While our comrades continuously bash you in the streets and get away with it.
I didn't know getting arrested by riot police and being thrown into prison meant "getting away with it".

Pic related, your average commietard.

This is an excellent point, one that needs more Sup Forums thread. Reflect on the books we are fed in grade school.

Catcher in the Rye - Jewish author
The Crucible - Jewish author
Anne Frank's Diary - "
Night - " (and filled with hyperbole)
Catch 22 - "
Cry the Beloved Country - muh apartheid
Endless "American slave" best sellers

Any others?

(((Einstein))) posters, cradle to grave. Schindler's List screenings.

But Lion, Witch & the Wardrobe is forbidden because it's "Christian."

I thought he was in jail. When was he convicted and sent to prison?

The book American Pastoral by Philip Roth talks about Angela Davis and commies as well, it's a very good read.


Just fucking read the wiki article, biased with kike propaganda as it is and you'd know that wasn't true. After his Congressional censure, McCarthy's behavior changed drastically. It was clearly an ideological thing for him and not mere attention whoring.

All this woke and still no grammar

Damn some angry ass Canucks in Sup Forums sheesh

the guy at the back lmfao

>Half way through reading the first article, decide to check the date, thinking Brexit happened, it's been a few months maybe things have improved
>It's from 2009
Jesus Fuck.

>One of the key redpills you all need to take is that Joseph McCarthy was 100% right about everything.
No he wasn't. He underestimated the scale of the infiltration.

Press P to piss on the grave of the USSR.

We even got taught about how evil McCarthy was here along with the poor, poor ((((people)))) who suffered anudda Shoah from being put on the (non-existant) Hollywood blacklist



>Communists are intelligent and wholesome people who go on to teach at universities after risking their lives to fight injustice
>McCarthy was an alcoholic warmonger who lied about his supposed military service and fabricated conspiracies about muh ebil Reds for political gain

yeah all true but he's no american because he did not believe in freedom. so fuck him and your nazi flag.


no joe mcarthy
not Trump
not Obama
not hitler faggots


>Angela Davis supplied a Black Panther with guns to kill 4 people in Marin County
>Bill Ayers was responsible for bombing the Capitol and the Pentagon
>Oy vey goyim these are wholesome people you should let them teach your kids



The heir to McCarthy was the Georgia congressman Larry McDonald, a Democrat (in name only) who could have mounted an epic presidential campaign. Unfortunately, he perished when his airliner was shot down. Shortly after giving the following interview to a top ranked political show about the New World Order:

McDonald deserves to be in Sup Forums's Rushmore (Mount Lurkmoar?), next to McCarthy

spoken like a true faggot.

Everyone knows the biggest faggots were half of the SS.

I almost forgot about that book. We had to read the book AND watch the movie. They really leaned on that "it was just like the witch hunts!" angle.

Can't wait for you to try something so that your brain can embrace hot lead

Pic related

bump for an actual meaningful thread