Will Australia accept Irma refugees? Look at all that space.
Will Australia accept Irma refugees? Look at all that space
I think they might be a little full actually
What's funny is that refugees could probably survive just fine out there seeing as most of the ME is a heaping pile of crispy dried shit. Hell, it would probably be an improvement over that shit place
The edges have green, this is where the white people live.
The centre is brown not because of desert, but because of the sheer volumes of abbos and immigrants.
They're full, evidence is right there.
>fuck off, we're fu-
there are differences in wildlife that throw a wrench into that
It's a dessert.
the best place for refuges just like home
shhh don't tell them that.
If animals attack just send ahmed out to blow them up. Tell them the emus are Jews
>putting all the shitskins into a barren desert
>Sup Forums thinks this is a bad thing
It's literally a fate worse than gulag.
Fuck off we 're full.
Space = desert.
Ive been saying for years, we need to build a giant canal from the top to the center and have a giant inland sea, this will re-vegetate the desert and make it livable. then you can put refugees there.
they're born in desert, they will survive.
>then you can put refugees there.
If it's any type of waterfront property, Boomers will buy it as an "investment" property.. Or Chinese speculators. Or Poos.
>all that unsculpted land
You see, what I don't understand is why the fuck don't we start bringing agricutlure to the fucking desert? It would help drive the economies, create jobs, give more property avail-
Oh shit, duh, I understand now.
the problem is, all of that land is fucking unusable because the abos damaged it for over 40000 years. australia used to be covered in rainforests but when abos came, they burned everything down and destroyed the top soil. they also killed many species of megafauna and the original human population.
Oh I know the story. In order to kill off some giant lizard dragon that literally hunted them.
But still, with modern technology we could still do it, Australia could be our next home when we have to flee from every other destroyed Western Nation.
White flight is very real, we don't have many places to go yet, but it's always nice to have a backup plan incase we let the hordes of savages into our homes again.
Fuck off were full.
Hey cunts, who the fuck lives here?
Just look at all that desert.
Their full bro
when will you fucking burgers learn that Central Australia is a fucking hellish landscape only fit for petrol huffing abos