Why does riot police not use paintball guns...

Why does riot police not use paintball guns? It hurts when they hit you and marks you so it's easier to track people when they scramble.

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they do...they are filled with pepper balls.


because it's not as gratifying as knocking some vegetable growing cunt down with a sandbag.

They use rubber ball.

why use fake ass paintball guns when you have the real thing to shoot those niggers dead in their tracks.

Isnt this considered chemical warfare in some degree? Im not disagreeing with it, by all means, let the hippie antifaggots feel bern of capsasum on their flesh, but where do we draw the line on the shit?

Isn't British police only using them? Couldn't find any info on US.

we draw the line when they start misusing them on real people like right wingers and not niggers, spics, kikes, gays and trannies.

Trying this hard to be edgelord...