
It's almost time for Oktoberfest, time for people around the world to celebrate German heritage. To bad the SJWs don't allow white europeans to celebrate their heritage. Oh, wait a second....

The problem is that non-Germanics and nonwhite subhumans are allowed to celebrate it to.

how many BOMBINGS u think will hap?

>tfw American cites will have better Oktoberfests than Bavaria because we don't have any islamic rape hordes, and our cops shoot uppity niggers.

Most Americans are mongrel as fuck and shouldn't be allowed to claim German ethnicity

Fuck that fest anyway. It's just a place like all the others, where plastic people talk to their plastic friends about their plastic lives in a plastic tent.

One bombing for every 10 stabbings.
One stabbing for every 10 rapes
One rape for every 10 gropings

So, about 3 bombings (per day).

its going to be a literal rape pile, and every single german girl is going to willingly jump on. Oktoberfest will soon be known as a festival where white men watch their wives/gfs/daughters get fucked by black men out in the town square.

Reminder that eternal ((Germans)) destroy Europe in cycles and this celebration is a celebration of the eternal kraut Europe destroyer autists. Wh*te subhumans.

This x100

Fredericksburg for me bro

>To bad the SJWs don't allow white europeans to celebrate their heritage.

Sad but true.

Tenk pls

t. coastal american eternal Anglo

with all the refugees it will be fun. a lot of ficki ficki schlampe here a lot of fuck u you are not muslim suck my dick where. it will be beautiful, the kids gonna love it

cant wait for van ram 2 electric boogaloo

Kek wills it.

we'll fuck all the german girls when they are drunk

>starts in september

>It's almost time for Oktoberfest, time for people around the world to celebrate German heritage. To bad the SJWs don't allow white europeans to celebrate their heritage. Oh, wait a second....
Brace your self for mass rapes

You can take those ugly ones friend! :^)

if you gonna made it through the mediterranean sea

>being proud of having g*rmanic ancestry


they normaly take the fat ones in germany, whose disgusting pigs noone wants to fuck. its funny everytime u see a fat woman in germany she has a african nigga as husband. i always wait for the time that fat hoes slip and fall so that i can yell : yo nigga your passport fell on the ground

> i can yell : yo nigga your passport fell on the ground
stuff that didn't happen.txt

SJWs like anything that grants them social permission to get inebriated. They will happily celebrate Cinco de Mayo, St. Patrick's Day, Oktoberfest etc. because those have become drinking holidays and provide 'legitimate' reasons to get hammered. They simultaneously condemn displays of pride in German heritage while pounding Jagermeister and beer.

you guys use the same 6 pictures over and over again. Its almost like nobody likes black people or something

like i said i wait for a time like that, but will it ever happen :(

never been to oktoberfest, but I imagine its a bunch of crust punks who just wear silly leaterhosens and slutty beer maiden halloween costumes while they listen to shitty rape and EDM music and get drunk and do drugs

no we actually its traditional bavarian music and no drugs, but yeah we get fucking drunk

maybe in Germany, Im talking about America. What I hate about these events is that they lost ANY semblance of cultural tradition, and not for any escoteric reason, but just because they become a boring night out no different than any other night out.