Reminder that Fascism works

China is 100% Fascist, it's the embodiment of fascist values. The "communist" narrative is only optics. Xi knows the weight behind words like fascism and the retarded idealization of communism by low-IQ people.

He's doing what I would do right now if I was in his place.

If you still think China is communist, just kill yourself already, you're literally sheep walking into the butcher.

Other urls found in this thread: - A Squire's Trial.pdf - Next Leap.pdf

They also practically banned Islam

Yeah because China is so fucking nice
> No individual freedom
> Literally shitting in streets
> People are cutthroat assholes
> Can't criticize the government
> No Sup Forums or free speech in general
> Government has complete control over you and monitors and treats you like an insect

Basically this. They transitioned to fascism when Mao died and they switched to a mostly capitalistic system with total government oversight.

>Transsexuals are god
>Jewish overlords
>illusion of (((freedom)))
>glorification of everything degenerate and disgusting
>impossible to have a child if you don't want to raise a future tranny or whore
>government and coorporations control everything you think and feel, treat you like cattle and give you a false illusion of freedom that is 100% consumism-driven

Idk senpai, I def would live in 50's muricah
2017 muricah is basically Brazil

> Brainwashed fascist propaganda points, most of the shit isn't even real
> Not realizing transsexuals are extremely overrepresented and most people don't give a shit about them
> Impossible to raise a normal child lol
>>government and coorporations control everything you think and feel, treat you like cattle and give you a false illusion of freedom that is 100% consumism-driven
> Is allowed to say all this shit in one of the freest countries to ever exist
You're so used to this freedom and think that having it taken away will make things better or something, you're so happy to have the boot stomped on you it's disgusting.

Yeah but the aesthetics are shit.

It does.
>inb4 still millions being poor

its bs, while usa and europe spend their own money helping nigers and time on sex, gender, race debates china is moving forward, each day stronger.

>stromg traditional values
>racist to every non chinese no matter how hard u try to fit in
>tech giant

In this century China will get rid of its poor and farmer populatiom and will be the global super power in 22-th century while Europe is going to be 30% arab and america 10% whites and rest spics, nigs.

This. Am living in Korea atm: they are much richer on average than western europe, work hard and will continue doing so because they have been raised this way.

> Literally shitting in streets

It does not seem so...