Okay Sup Forums, what do we do with this?

Okay Sup Forums, what do we do with this?

Do we
A) give it it's independence
B) make it the 51st state or
C) Just give it back to Spain

None of the above

D) Nuke it from orbit

I live in this fucking place. The government is beyond repair, they're like little kids playing at being adults. The corruption runs too deep. We need the US to replace our government or give us independence.

We don't WANT to be the gibsmedat island, we don't want to collect welfare forever. It's just that in this shit system, not working is more beneficial while working fucks you over. Hard. Jobs are scarce because crusty old government fucks don't wanna leave theirs and open up to the younger generation, same for regular jobs. Younger people with potential have all but left to the US already, so you are literally getting all of our best people while the natives have to deal with the retards.

Independence or reformed government is the only way to move this fucking place forward.

They want to stay a federally recognized territory because they receive lots in subsidizes and pay very little in taxes. They basically self govern anyways and they have the full faith and protection of the USA. Why would they want to change?

To be honest, your best people aren't even that great.


Unfortuantely, most people just have call backs to government provided housing and factory jobs since the 50s so they still expect government to provide work and more for them. Look at all the student protest shit because they don't want to pay.

We should turn into a crater.
>so you are literally getting all of our best people while the natives have to deal with the retards.
Damn, you niggers stay on the island must be really bad if the ones that leave are your cream.

>Our government is beyond repair
>We need independance

Give it independence and let it deal with its debt on its own

We should turn IT, the island, into a crater because it's a shithole. Those island spics deserve to die.


>not wanting something unrepairable to be cut off
seriously nigger

Just C)

we will be poorer, so we will benefit more from germoney and colleages from the EU


Can't we just give it to Spain and let them deal with all that bullshit going on?
It's not like they would survive as an independent nation anyway

D)Trade it to Cuba for 20 vintage cars.

An independent Costa Rica couldnt make it.

51st state so you can fix this garbage government while you continue to profit from us. Win/win
>but muh spic population
We're already american citizens. Giving PR independence will just increase the influx of puerto ricans to the mainland tenfold

>not wanting to nuke mecca instead

hang yourself

All we have to do is bomb the Volkswagen museum

>while you continue to profit from us
We don't. You're a liability not a benefit, don't kid yourself.

>Can't we just give it to Spain
That's a hard punishment for both of them desu

>Just give it back to Spain
Try Mexico or Venezuela, we don't need them, DR or Cuba maybe

focus jap user, we're talking about Puerto Rico here

>a fucking rectangle

Statehood. Give it to a few other territories as well.

You're more of a drain than a benefit. The fact we give you American citizenship in the first place is a dumb idea.


>A fucking kiwi

I don't think you realize what's going to happen the minute we turn our territories into states. They'll all be de-facto Democrat states and ask for nothing but gibs. So no. Just give them independence, rescind their American Citizenship, and watch from afar

Give them independence at the cost of them paying the US each year for a permanent military/naval base protecting them

give it to us instead, we are great people and we could use a tropical island

The Puerto Rican people voted for statehood in June, however, its up to the Congress to certify that vote and begin the process of admitting PR into the union. Not gonna happen, not with $123 billon dollars in debt and pension liability, once that's cleaned up maybe, but its a BIG maybe, plus the federal government seems to enjoy the special laws and rules that allow them to exploit Puerto Rico and its people.

I work with a guy that just moved here to the mainland from PR, really good guy, hard worker, speaks perfect English, been here since January. He said he couldn't stay in PR any longer, there were no opportunities, says he likes it up here, and this summer his sister and brother-in-law moved here too, all in their 20's and eager to find a better life.

yep, 4 million Democrat voters, fuck that. Actually I'm surprised why dem governments haven't tried to get it in already.

Don't get me started on the fucking littering
I want to fucking kill the fuckheads putting glass bottles all over my homeland's beautiful beaches
Also, take over Cuba, give it along with PR a Falangist government (or two, I guess), and have them form a federation

This. Puerto Ricans are human trash.

>>Our government is beyond repair
>>We need independance

Crank up the HAARP machine so it disappears

Let Spain have it

Nice flag

D) Conquer it, just like Tuvalu.

d) nuke it

I vote replace the government

Also How bad did Irma fuck you guys up?

Make it the 50th state after hurricanes destroy Florida.

one shitty rectangle

You rang?

Does Puerto Rico import anything beside fucking Puerto Rican's?


No statehood. Every single one of them will get medical, food, and money because they all will be below our poverty level. We got enough fucking losers sucking on our tits.