Thoughts on this little weasely piece of shit?
Thoughts on this little weasely piece of shit?
He is very useful in making faggots self-identify themselves by making anti-PJW threads.
Have a sage.
He can not handle my potions
Homosexual, you can tell from his slobbering lips that have given many blow jobs in back alleyways.
He is also weak on the JQ, well more than weak, he deliberately goes out of his way to avoid it and tries to put all the focus on Muslims.
So in summary: faggot shill for the Jews.
I really dont like the way he talk.
>pretends to be American
>gets triggered by American politics
>drives to the shoppes in the tube
>eats chips
>lives in a flat
>pops out for pints
>cannot carry a knife
>cannot carry a firearm
>lives under a monarchy
opinions irrelevant
you rang?
t. so-called tolerant left
Opportunist of average intelligence making a political commentary career out of shooting fish in barrels and flirting with the alt-right/skeptics #412
A 8/10 meme.
A 5/10 youtuber.
>Short, to the point vids
>calls out the lefts hypocracy
>helps people swallow the red pill
>based but could use some improvement
Some of his personal commentary comes across as whiney and snivelly like a spoiled child, but his narrative is decent. If he worked on his fustrated attitude I think he'd be better received.
reminder that he BTFO some the BBC and the British academic establishment after they unironcially tried to shill pic related
Nice lips. Looks like he would give a really excellent bj. Would let him suck and then suck back in return.
Dude, your self-hating homophobia is showing.
You shill against everyone on the alt right claiming they are members of a secret Jewish Satanist Duginist cabal, and yet you support a philosemite like PJW?
Confused as to why Sup Forums hates this guy...
He could be useful in attracting normies.
He's and great and has been dedicated to the cause longer than anyone on this site
A good first step for crimson-pilling rookies
What cause? Shilling for the Jews? Impotently bleating about Islam?
I don't mind when people don't tackle the JQ, since doing that has far reaching consequences for your life. It's shilling against people who do tackle the JQ that is unforgivable, and PJW does that.
>crimson-pilling rookies
aka turning them into civic nationalist cucks
hi david
Its because his disgusting inbred Anglo face is off putting.
People who avoid the JQ help lend credence to the theory that the JQ is a fringe conspiracy. They actively turn people away from the truth. They are also cowards for attacking the Jews enemies but not the Jews.
leftpol shill and former skeptic David sherratt starts these threads
only shills and SJW faggots dislike him because he has more audience than any of them
Useless faggot who peddles kosher "nationalism" to sell supplements
Zionist controlled opposition. Same with Alex Jones. Makes some good points occasionally but should not be trusted due to his reluctance to name the Jews and criticize capitalism.
is he ever not frowning?
really makes you think, huh?
I'm not sure, it's not a huge leap from being redpilled about alt-lite topics to the JQ as long as your mind hasn't been poisoned against it already
Literally who
Sure hes alt lite and is a potential jew loving shill, but hes a great entry level red pill for the normies.