Libertarians BTFO
Libertarians BTFO
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Bracing for this thread to become a libtard/ancap saltmine
This dumb bitch has a grade 5 tier understanding of libertarianism.
No it'll be Moarpheus and the Finn bitching back and forth
stop shilling your channel here
But Libertarian Party is a cuck party anyway.
What Sup Forums right-wing libertarianism is, is basically paleolibertarianism
lol Trump's slashing regulations is making the economy boom lmao jfc
literally who
lol no
You have a retard level understanding of anarchism
She looks years older every time I see her .. what is she doing to herself
Paleolibertarianism is the true god, get out you fake libs
I summon thee!!!
White women age poorly, especially ones who are promiscuous
she got sellner'd
"fat fuck was naked on stage therefor the whole thing is shit"
There's libertarianism and there's the american libertarian party which ruined the image.
she ran for the libertarian party and shes shit talking people for leaving it? dumb cunt
she ages too fast
>Lauren : how can you think cultures who evolved apart for thousands of years are compatible and all equal
>Lauren : race are all the same and equal though. the alt-right are very naughty
How can Lauren compete?
All women age poorly, that's why you should always marry a girl that is 10 yrs younger when you're around 30-35.
She doesn't think the races are all the same though.
umm no it's just white girls
they're also incredibly bland and dumb
she can't
gimme proof, not some convoluted intuition
There is no way that ass isn't shopped.
Lauren, this hair color suits you, because it's probably the closest to your natural color, but please come back to completely natural.
Why cause she's white?
>addresses individual libertarians
>doesn't address libertarian values
I can't because she said it in a stream. At least on the part of IQ she is race aware, don't know if she is redpilled on all of it.
She's talking about libtards like they're the only party with retarded members, Dems and Reps are equally disgusting.
who dis?
She spits on what she used to be
What a dumb whore
Lauren Southern's sister
Jess fanclub and baiting into AMA when?
Please tell me she's her adopted non Jewish sister
But Lauren isn't Jewish herself so that doesn't make much sense.
How come Lauren Southern is a trad wife while her sister is a drug-addled hippie instagram whore?
This fucking guy again.
>t. beta orbiter
Do people here actually like this girl? She's kinda pretty but I can't fucking stand her voice.
>obnoxious rambling with nothing of substance
Oh look it's a female.
Honestly m8 you have a really unhealthy obsession with Lauren, you're literally a meme on Sup Forums see,
Her voice is terrible, she's better to look at
>john locke & js mill
Why stop spreading the truth?
>hey, its me! The youtube whore who panders to the alt-right, a completely irrelevant sideshow meme with NO political clout at all. Anyway, let me talk about the biggest third party in America for being so small lol!
Where does this fucking HOE-EHR get off?
I defend countless other people on here, LS just happens to be lied about the most. Am I obsessed with Richard Spencer too because I defend him? Just because some retard made a meme doesn't make it accurate.
Now I wonder if he started doing it to become a meme. But his obsession makes it seem that's not the case
threadly reminder that lauren southern is jewish
If they work out and eat right they age fine. Women lose minerals in there bodies very fast from female body functions.
I think you just might be severely autistic, but it's not just the guy's meme. I've seen you defend LS countless times and I don't even bother going into RS threads. I look at LS threads because of you and because it's always funny when you pop up.
>cites every single thing she is referencing to make her point every few seconds
>l-le women h-have no s-substance
Serious question; why do you defend her?
I mean really.
She's an e-celeb.
You don't know her in real life, you'll never meet her, and she'll never know who you are.
And even if you happen to meet her, you won't leave an impact. You are just a faceless fan and potential paycheck for her.
So why?
>Lauren Southern
All that shows is that I'm on this board a lot. I'll jump to the defense of plenty of other people I like for example Millennial Woes. That's not autism, that's me hating retards and shills who spread disinfo or flawed ideas.
He has poor taste.
Because I care about politics and I defend the people who I consider useful for my side of politics. How typical of a libertarian retard to be unable to comprehend the idea of doing something for purposes other than immediate personal gain.
>Lauren films a video
>Jess or jess' secret friends spam her pics
>average shit
Just a regular weekend on Sup Forums?
She's has 80% of the exact, carbon copy political views as I do. Also, she's pretty and well spoken, something the normies won't notice and spergs can't notice.
I would like her to do well, nothing more.
Defending the politics all you want finn
But at the end of the day, defending her to the point where you start taking it personal, enough to become a meme, you need to rethink your priorities.
>I would like her to do well, nothing more.
That's fine. But the level of white knighting for her has gotten to be aspy level.
>defending her to the point where you start taking it personal, enough to become a meme
Some people making memes because of how frequently I post does not indicate me taking anything personally.
There's only one form of libertarianism worth a god damn. The rest is just political hedonism.
>guys masturbate to me
I don't, I'm not gay.
>That's fine. But the level of white knighting for her has gotten to be aspy level.
That's some of the point, specifically because of the picture you posted
>Some people making memes because of how frequently I post does not indicate me taking anything personally.
This is irony right?
If only you invested as much time defending Lauren into compiling the art of Jess.
>I'll jump to th edefense of plenty of other people I like
No it's not autism, you're just a pathetic fucking loser. Even more than the ones you're "combatting".
You are making a logical leap in implying that posting frequently implies taking things personally.
>no butt on left
Not an argument.
round all lolbertarians and snake fags up and launch them into the sun
She actually is a half-Jew. 99% of the people named Simensen are Jews.
The English version is Simon, as in Paul Simon. Both Jew'd.
Her grandparents must have changed it to Southern when they fled
She is so incredibly low brow and stupid, how can anyone stand her? There is really nothing to refute, as there is nothing there. I much prefer commies like Zizek than this intellectually starved bitch.
We aren't arguing, we think she is retarded regardless of her political stance. She is a joke, a pop-political idiot. I can't believe you defend retards like her. There is nothing to even argue about as she has no substance.
>99% of the people named Simensen are Jews.
Weird how there are over twice as many Simonsens in Denmark than there are Jews in total in Denmark. Weird how doesn't list even a jewish variant for the surname. Weird how everytime this is brought up on here Scandinavian people come out to laugh at the retarded Anglos and Americans who seriously think names like this have anything to do with jewishness.
This is embarrassing, her being a jew is a joke. Get a fucking grip.
>she stuuupiiid
I'm afraid this is not an argument.
>She's a E celeb
Off yourself cretin
A celeb is Brad Pitt
An e celeb is maybe PewDiePie or some other Teich faggot that goes to vidcon, sells ditch and has fan meetups
Lauren is just a right wing chick , whose all vids are demobilized I and patreon shut a down ,doingg propganda, this fighting for our cause
What have YOU done, kek
You fucking cucks hate on Finnbro but you know he's factually correct. All you have are adhoms and baseless accusations of COALBURNER/whore/slut/e-celeb/moneymaker etc etc pick your fancy
Incidentally those that make crude accusations around her looks also spam her sisters instawhoring pics 24/7
Just off yourselves, spastic
It's okay Finn Bro. I know she's not a Kike-Lord.
Some people just won't let their pre-conceived notions die.
"I once read on Sup Forums she's a Jew and can't admit that I'm a fucking retarded faggot and wrong"
That or they're quite literally dedicated / paid opposition.
I can only feel pity for someone so moronic they find value in pop-political garbage. I will give up and just shitpost relentlessly in these threads to piss you off.
>Weird how doesn't list even a jewish variant for the surname
What? The name itself is the Jewish variant.
>Weird how there are over twice as many Simonsens in Denmark than there are Jews in total in Denmark
Which number are you saying is the total number of people with that name?
Her grandparents fled the Nazis and changed their name. Suspicious
-sen is the nordic patronymic
>sON the Jewish
Lauren SimonsEn=nordic
Her DNA test further underlines that
Fucking hell poltards re literally drooling fucking retards
>and just shitpost relentlessly in these threads to piss you off.
People have been doing that for months so your efforts might be in vain. But you do you.
>What? The name itself is the Jewish variant.
There's nothing Jewish about it. You might as well be calling the surname "Johnson" jewish because "John" derives from Hebrew. Or Jackson. Or Jameson. All these names derive from Hebrew.
>Which number are you saying is the total number of people with that name?
34th most common surname in Denmark with 13,194 people.
Her 23andme was never confirmed either, it could have been someone else's or easily faked. I'm starting to think she is a jewish plant trying to lower the iq of political discourse.
0 Fucks given about that.
Nazis didn't target exclusively Jews.
Also don't give a fuck if her grandparents practiced Kikery.
Genes and current beliefs are all that matters
>natural color>grey>piss yellow blonde
>There's nothing Jewish about it. You might as well be calling the surname "Johnson" jewish because "John" derives from Hebrew. Or Jackson. Or Jameson. All these names derive from Hebrew.
But I was saying it was only used by Jews, similar to the last name Simon.
This might be because I researched celebrities with those names and found only Jews
>34th most common surname in Denmark with 13,194 people.
Why is this whore talking about politics instead of making babies?
>Make a DNA test specially for poltard shills
Easy on the low quality tinfoil, spazz
Fucking hell, the sheer retards itt are simply painfully embarassing
Speaking of IQ I would gladly pay to watch her verbally rape you, her way of conveying thoughts is more eloquent that the written babble the average poltard shits out
>the guy who is rambling about how everyone is too stupid actually thinks Lauren Southern faked a DNA test to trick people into thinking she isn't Jewish even though she did the DNA test at a time when she was working for a jew and was not at all trying to make people who hate jews like her
How do apes like you even learn how to operate a computer?
Nice shop.
You make yourself look like a retard by talking to schizos and trolls.