Can you sue a media site if someone calls you a pedophile Vox Day wants to know ?
Can you sue a media site if someone calls you a pedophile Vox Day wants to know ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>our platform is about giving people free speech
>Someone tries to sue
The state of America
turn it around
Does this make you a pedo ?
No. You can sue the poster, which would entail the site getting a court order, if the poster is anonymous. You can only sue the site if they know you're not a pedo and refuse to take down the libel, or defy a court order to take it down
Vox is reaching levels of mad on the internet that shouldn't be possible.
>6 months ago: "call everyone who says you're a racist a pedo, fuck em. We need a free speech alternative to tech giants"
>Now someone trolls him and calls him a pedo: "Torba please delete their account or I'll sue them for libel. I've never supported free speech."
Such a fag. I would have enjoyed him going on podcasts and talking tactics, how to counter feds and agent provocateurs, is there even utility to public rallies, etc. Instead we get Vox trying to purge ironic natsoc trolls and use his connections to ban people.
Vox is an under handed faggot, looks like some pedo you'd see on Chris Hanson's show. No wonder they call him that. Anglin is going to make a fool out of him tomorrow.
Lol you sound like Anglins #1 FAN! But you know he doesn't know you exist right? So faggy
Friendly reminder to read this and hate Goolag more:
The archived version hurts Business Insider by not giving it ad revenue; it deserves some ad revenue IMO.
Why does Business Insider deserve ad revenue? They are the faggots who fired Pax Dickinson.
I have a feeling Andrew will try to have a discussion about optics and trolling after a short reframing of traditional left and right (democracy vs. hierachical/monarchy). Vox will then say Andrew didn't defend Natsoc in the capitalistic/communism left-right spectrum, therefore he "wins."
His upcoming blogs will be about how everyone on the far right is a fed but him.
Oh his next blogs will be interesting. Pic VERY related.
Dude what is going on with this guy? What is to be gained by this shitfit?
>Thinking absolute free speech is possible
Torba is as stupid as he looks.
t. Vox
gonna be hilarious to watch Torba push in your boipucci for the whole world to see
t. Supreme Dark Lord
Fuck off faggot.
I don't have a dog in this fight. But Torba is taking a gun to his throat
Absolute free speech is impossible. Only total faggots think otherwise.
nah just murder his kids and let him live
much more effective
Lol. This is an insult? Okay then.
>Absolute free speech is impossible
of course. that is why Gab has ToS against illegal shit. So I don't understand your (lack of) argument.
Obviously shitbird, which is why Torba follows the guidelines of the Supreme Court, which allow most forms of speech including "hate speech."
Vox Day getting butthurt online doesn't mean a fucking thing to the First Amendment or Torba's terms of service.
It's amazing how great these people say (((gabbai))) is, but they make sure to come here to talk about things related to (((gabbai))).
Despite the obvious kike reference, this platform is really fucking good. Alt-Lite and cucks are getting their shit pushed in and chimping out when people dont get banned.
Yah if only some established site could prove you can be popular while having free and open speech like I don't know maybe the site you are posting on right now you absolute fucking brainlet
yeah no. vox is doing what milo and others have already been doing. this is nothing new or exciting. anglin's larping asshats and a bunch of blueshare shills are just getting their panties in a twist.
You've just proven that Gab is useless shit. Thanks for making it easy for me.
Sucking black cock while pretending to be rightwing and christian?
Not an argument, Vox.
If you're going to try and troll at least post some good memes. That's shit tier.
>Dumb enough to think I'm Vox
God you people are dumb as dirt.
>reddit spacing
really activates my tri-racial 300 IQ
This faggot is just looking for attention. He constantly needs to create controversy to maintain status with his cult follower sycophants.
>a media site
Gab isn't a media site, it's a platform like Twitter. If VD wants to sue someone who has an account on Gab for some things he said on Gab I guess he technically can but to identify that person he needs to go through Gab.
I presume Gab's mistake is not integrating anonymity properly. Their defense should be that they don't even know themselves who their users are and they have no way of identifying them besides providing an IP address. It's hard to identify who is behind the account if all you have is an IP address.
what kind of faggot goes on the internet and gets mad at being trolled. Is Vox trying to be a bigger fag than even Kurt Eichenkike?
>defending Anglin
nigger please
what even is this
>this platform is really fucking good
Actually it's crap filled with javascript. And trying to imitate Twitter is a dumb idea. They should try to create something better. And the name is bad too, even if was better in every way compared to Twitter the name itself will prevent them from taking it to the next level.
Anglin might be ugly but he sure as shit isn't trying to sue trolls like a pussy lmao
>what even is this
I'm not laughing at the leprechaun's genes, I'm laughing at his whole operation and the suckers who believe in it. I bet you believe Weev is a good jew too
>suing some bum on gab
???? ok?
Theodore is a literal faggot, the shit he says on GAB is utterly preposterous. I have lived under a rock for the past couple of years, didn't even know who the FUCK this shill was, and when I read his board I LEGITAMATELY thought he was a BITCHING female.
>He constantly needs to create controversy to maintain status with his cult follower sycophants.
Just like the neonazi leprechaun and the jew who runs his website. All these stupid e-celebs should fight to the death in the Thunderdome. At least that would be entertainment.
It is the actions of a narcissist when they realize they aren't in control. There is no reason to assume that his actions are premeditated as some sort of plan instead of just emotional ravings.
I'm not sure why he does it. He says some trolls are harassing his wife or something. Whatever. I don't know the whole story and I don't really care. Gab is crap anyway
she is a fucking retard worse than his cuck ass
Hes just using this as some petty vendetta against Anglin for attacking Milo during the pedo scandal.
You know, instead of going after the real attackers, Reagan Battalion.
But hey, those guys are all just Fake Right, not real Right like Milo and Thernovich.
Oh so he's butt-hurt because someone mocked his friends the gorilla and the dramatic faggot?
What is libel?
>can't browse gab without logging in
really killed it for me
>calling a nobody who lives in a different country names on 2nd rate twitter clone
sjw level retardedness
Vox isn't suing Gab. He's trying to force Gab to unmask the users who called him a pedophile through the legal process. The users will get sued, not Gab.
That said, Vox is acting like a total bitch.
VD is an ideological idiot who still cares about this false dilemma of what's 'Left' and what's 'Right' when none of that shit matters. These terms are outdated anyway, nobody should be using them anymore. When I hear someone using these terms as if it was something real I feel like I'm watching a black & white TV show from the 50s.
Lmao, can I get a quick rundown? Seems like there's more than whats in the op.
>can't browse gab without logging in
The next Twitter isn't going to be a clone of Twitter, even less a private one hidden behind a login screen. These guys are clueless.
I like to say "I've heard that you're a pedophile." Or "You are a pedophile, I think".
Vox is hitting lolcow levels of assmad now, this is hilarious
Vox is literally begging Torba to ban people and with that. I've watched the whole thing go down and posted at Vox for being such a cunt.
Torba is doing the right thing and I appreciate him for doing so
Surely the sixth time you make this topic will seem '''''organic''''''
this guy is fucking out of his mind. it's a total meltdown.