Can you sue a media site if someone calls you a pedophile Vox Day wants to know ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>our platform is about giving people free speech
>Someone tries to sue

The state of America

turn it around

Does this make you a pedo ?

No. You can sue the poster, which would entail the site getting a court order, if the poster is anonymous. You can only sue the site if they know you're not a pedo and refuse to take down the libel, or defy a court order to take it down

Vox is reaching levels of mad on the internet that shouldn't be possible.

>6 months ago: "call everyone who says you're a racist a pedo, fuck em. We need a free speech alternative to tech giants"
>Now someone trolls him and calls him a pedo: "Torba please delete their account or I'll sue them for libel. I've never supported free speech."

Such a fag. I would have enjoyed him going on podcasts and talking tactics, how to counter feds and agent provocateurs, is there even utility to public rallies, etc. Instead we get Vox trying to purge ironic natsoc trolls and use his connections to ban people.

Vox is an under handed faggot, looks like some pedo you'd see on Chris Hanson's show. No wonder they call him that. Anglin is going to make a fool out of him tomorrow.

Lol you sound like Anglins #1 FAN! But you know he doesn't know you exist right? So faggy

Friendly reminder to read this and hate Goolag more:

The archived version hurts Business Insider by not giving it ad revenue; it deserves some ad revenue IMO.

Why does Business Insider deserve ad revenue? They are the faggots who fired Pax Dickinson.