Apply for job

>apply for job
>ad says "$22-$25 an hour to install gutters"
>7am-4, 5 days a week, overtime available
>ok sweet
>get call an hour later
>"well we start you at 13 and if you earn it you could make high teens in a few months"
>"most guys work 55-60 hours a week, oh we don't cover overtime except on holidays"
>"We ride to the job site together and everyone has to leave in the same vehicle, and you leave when the jobs done"
>"we always need more people"
>"this is your job offer, when can you start?"

Fucking boomers I swear, honey coated job ads and then they want to work you like a slave

$13 an hour isn't bad, I make $10 and I have to work 3rd shift, quit crying you double nigger.

sue for false advertisement

>Working 3rd shift
>Not making over 10/hr

What the fuck do you do? Every 3rd shift job ive had always paid upwards of 12-13.
Go get a warehouse or forklift driving job making 13-15.

Hope you told the boomer fuck to shove it up his pozzed asshole, OP.

If not, you're a fgt.

Sorry you're a low-agency untermench.

First, to to your local university/college and get help making a resume. Then, go to Indeed and start applying to 2-3 jobs a day. I have basically no skills but I have been called for many interviews. Right now I'm just looking for a better job (currently making 18/hr and don't have good benefits or consistent hours)

this. You should be able to rape them in the US for this.

>person A: things are bad
>person B: things are worse for me. Let's not fix it, ill just tell person A to stop bitching

>take job
>fall off roof
>sue owner for millions
>settle out of court for 250k

cmon op it's like you're not even trying


Working as intended

This. OR play the game for a month or two. Get inside, memorize how the security system works and rob those old whiteys blind

stop being a nigger you lazy piece of shit

It's not $13 an hour if they make you work a 12 hour day and pay you for 8, cuck.

It's an easy ish job, I get to work at my own pace no supervision and my co workers don't speak english so I don't have to listen to retarded gossip.

Fuck off Richard. Literally no one is falling for your bullshit here.

also remember how a guy got I-don't-know-how-much-millions because he sued red bull for not giving him wings?

Yeah goy I pissed in your porridge now eat it or you're a NOGGERXddddd

Get a job hippie

It is called work not happy fun internet board time. You fucking freeloaders clueless of the joys of ANY work make me sick.

Hey, feel free to work long hours for shit pay for some Jew boss, in the meantime I'm gonna search for good employment.

13$ an hour
60 hours a week, but pay for 40 hours a week
So it's really 8.66 an hour?

yesssss keep searching for the perfect job, just like how tween girls search the globe to find themselves


What did Kek mean by this¿¿¿¿


They have to pay overtime at least after 40 hours. That's federal law.

Not gonna work on me bus.

Keep peddling your scam.

Depends on the state user. Local cost of living effects wages

You'd be surprised how many places get away with not paying it. Probably dumb illegal Mexicans will just deal with it rather than get deported

Revolution is the only way to unfuck the current corporate feudalism system we live in.

Kill the rich/boomers and seize the means of production.

>cant get a good job without experience
>go for an entry level job so I can get experience
>see pic related

Thank you, again

>be in massachusetts
>night auditor at hotel
>third shift
>$13 an hour, 40 hours a week
>always get overtime
>sit on Sup Forums and YouTube all night
>eat whatever from kitchen
>get a 50 cent raise every 6 months

sounds fun t b h makes me wish I was single/childless again.

$13/hr for gutters isn't bad. That's piss easy work. Probably the easiest 'construction' job there is. Plus, he probably will pay you that much eventually, but there's a lot you need to learn. Can you install a 2 story downspout? Can you strip miter around a bay like pic related? Can you even carry/climb a 24ft ladder confidently? No? Then you're not worth $20/hour senpai. GET GOOD and then you're free to demand more money. If he doesn't want to pay up, take the valuable SKILLS you learned and take them to another company.

This gig might have potential. Knowing how to hang gutters is a good money making skill if you're ever in a pinch later in your career.

I accepted an all-remote job offer, then Sunday before I was supposed to start, the boss told me to come into the office tomorrow

He was a Jew btdubs

>no skills
>no previous experience
>no degree
>get $20/hr job, 9-5 no manual labor, extra pay for overtime if needed
You could probably do better

What do you do?

Dont be a pussy, that sounds cushy.

>Sup Forums is filled with no skill, uneducated, working class people making barely above minimum wage

Hmmm, who would have thought that?

Not everybody can be a nigger

t. no gutters

>become personal trainer
>lots of ads for "jobs"
>the "job" is you pay them to train clients at their gym

kind of depressing desu, considering just doing it out of my basement

this. OP doesn't even have his own tools.

Boomer detected

>Not working manual labor jobs makes one a nigger
How ironic

Yeah don't take it, you'll be worked like a slave and likely not paid at all.

family run business looking for help. want to hire a mail room attendant/file clerk


no gutters, no glory

No, getting handed a cushy government job with 0 skills or experience makes one a nigger.

Believe it or not I replaced the gutters on my last house by myself.

I definitely am not worth that much, you're right, but hey, the ad was dishonest. Not gonna give up my cushy 18/hr for this gutter gig, even if I need more hours

No, you're just a jealous laborer who's mad that someone managed to find a job which pays more than you and requires less effort. It's not getting handed, its being smart enough to look.


i got a math degree and lots of experience (analytics at research group in uni). i do this every single day, have been doing it for 2 years, ive had about 2 callbacks. not the resume, had it checked by professionals. not my cover letter, had that also checked.

there are just no jobs in this shitty fucking country when they can hire a pajeet to do it for minimum wage on the temporary foreign worker program.

all the trades are underpaid at the moment. undercut your bosses and get side work FTW

I do manual labor but I get paid more than 20/hr, on a good day I get upwards of 40/hr. And my job is fun. So I'm not complaining.

Anons I started seriously job searching in Feb, graduated with my STEM degree in May, and finally got a meaningful job offer just yesterday. This is a ridiculous load off my shoulders. Just last week I was contemplating suicide and now I feel great.
I can seriously understand why historians say that revolutions are led by the unemployed.

Indeed is trash.

It's either do the crap slave-tier work that no one wants to do, or do everything in your power to secure a comfy government job.

At least that's how it is where I live. The job situation is horrifying.

fucking entitled leaf. Do you know how to install gutters? no? well then thank those guys to pay you while they teach you.
"sue them", bunch of entitled fucking euroniggers mommyboys, grow the fuck up

This. Construction is always thriving, get that free training.

Dude thats everywhere in a nutshell unless you got dicksucking lips and a nice set of tits

What exactly do you do? And what state do you live in? That's literally impossible for 99% of people with your credentials...or lack thereof, that doesn't involve some kind of manual labor. Are you a truck driver?

>being this much of a fucking cuck

What? They have to pay you overtime if you work over 40hrs

Wow, a wise post from a leaf.

revolution when?

You guys are laughing at the "firm handshake" meme, but it's pretty much how I got into investment banking with a competition of a few hundred people like me for a single position. I traced the director in Linkedin, asked him to have lunch together and discuss job prospects and shit. During the talk at a cafe I found out he likes to party at a club I sometimes go to and I asked him whether he'd want to hang out there together (no homo). I partied with him a couple times and while partying also met some other guys who work at the bank there. A couple months later a position opened and they hired me even though there were many people more competent than me. If I managed to get a top-tier job through smart networking, you guys sure as hell can land a normal paying job if you really want to.
Oh, and the job searching websites with "apply now" buttons where you don't even personalize your application are utter shit and you'll never find a better job than a janitor if that's your jon searching strategy.

The USA used to have strong unions, once the baby boomers used them as a ladder to prosperity they got rid of the ladder.


But have we tried unbridled socially responsible sustainable capitalism with a human face?

The employer lied on the job add, stop pretending like the OP shouldn't sue their asses for this.

Lol why live in the usa to be poor?
I live in northern baja mexico make $41,000 pesos per month which is roughly $2400usd as a 8-5 payrol admin in a hospital.

I bet you need a PhD in Botany just to put lettuce on burgers these days.


This isn't "muh late stage capitalism" this is just straight-up lying and likely illegal, this happens everywhere all the time all throughout history.

A janitor easly wins 15$ per hour where I live

Nope, we're seeing the effects of Late Stage Capitalism first hand

nice stats bree, but I have friends who work in mexico and they tell me its shit, you guys work the most hours in the western world per year and per week for a little bit of money.

its quite Sad! I'd rather stay here and get at least 2 weeks of vacation since in mexico thats unheard of

I'll make over $80,000 this year doing security. I browse Sup Forums and watch movies all night.

Cryptojew here, good luck with that.


I'm guessing the employer didn't specifically word promises.

The best thing I see in interviews is "how much are you expecting to earn :^)". I worked a hospitality job where two guys were doing the same job and one was getting paid 21/h and the other 28/h whilst totally unaware.

You realize what you did went far beyond a firm handshake, right? Of course you have a higher chance of getting a job at a place if you spend literal fucking months getting to know people there on a personal level, but not everyone has that kind of free time when they need a job now.


I bet if you give them good work for a year you'll start making around that amount and get more benefits.

They want to make sure you're worth a fuck before investing a lot in you.

I say give it a shot

Says the retarded marxist for the XXXXXXXth time since the cold war.