Brit/pol/ - Late Night Shitposting Edition

>Hurricane Irma shitting up the colonies,follow the progress live
>Montserrat avoided (mainly)
>Anguilla hit, niggers and Caroline Lucas seeking gibs
>Turk and Caicos islands hit hard,hurricane still over the islands so damage cannot be surveyed yet

>Downing street wank themselves off to how good their responce supposedly has been to Hurricane Irma

>Argentina have ‘ceased to be a capable military force’

>Poor woman harassed by dangerous far right white males at work

>MPs to begin scrutiny of vital withdrawal bill

>Scotland’s deficit figures show that the UK works

>Jaguar Land Rover to go all electric from 2020

>School bans girls from wearing skirts as it brings in gender-neutral uniform

>Calls for extremism investigation into British armed forces after ‘neo-Nazi’ arrests

>Rees-Mogg defiant over abortion row: Catholic Tory MP says it is wrong to abort babies - even in rape cases

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Budweiser does a much better job than that shitty carling cider lads. Avoid it.

Nth for tits

I've always disliked Carling. Heineken is the best normie beer though, imo.

>You're only human and you're flawed, just like all of us. Doubt is natural, and God understands.
>Just don't allow your doubt to overcome you. Continue to study and reflect and I'm certain you'll become ever surer of God.
That's actually really helpful. Thanks user.

From your questions to me. I'm really not knowledgeable to come to a conclusion to 1. But to answer 2, I think that interpreting the bible to suit yourself is a totally misguided use of faith. Following something that you define as agreeing with your existing beliefs takes no conviction. That being said, I think that clergymen shouldn't have a monopoly on religious authority, since clergymen are surely infallible too (this is why I believe I am leaning more to Protestantism rather than Catholicism.)

Oh wait Carling cider

Never tried that actually

>I think that interpreting the bible to suit yourself is a totally misguided use of faith

It's impossible not to do this unless you read the bible before you form any sort of worldview.



We were never asked.

I heard pubes backed out of the fight with rightly because he was too scared


I'm talking more about people that have serious convictions, then purposely interpret the bible to reaffirm those beliefs taking no consideration for the generally accepted interpretation.

>tfw no pale ale and eel pie of old London

tiocfaidh ar la you fucking potatocoon


Can you give me an example of this? I get what you mean but lets see what you REALLY mean.

eel pie was never a thing you fucking idiot

Fucking civics man.

You know some creepy little white boy sat alone in his bedroom making this shit.

Looks like some non political discussion there criminal sum.

jesus. How horrific. Just in that first 20 seconds that dumb fat nigger has completely misinterpreted AMW's arguments.
He's also an awkward, stammering shambolic mess

These sick cunts will smash muzzies and coons in the race wars

Just leave

David Kurten is by far better than AMW but MBGA is just a 10 year old cringelord
He was also pushing that kekistan shit

What the fuck man the feels are too much .. I'm too tired for this right now, I feel like I'm dying.

I'm pretty civic, and I didn't disagree with a word of what was said.

>some feels there.

Ukip can fuck off. They feel dirty now that farage has left.

Nige is sounding like a cuck lately


They're just utterly shambolic. No direction or sense of purpose yet. I hope for AMW to win the leadership, but she's being Long-Knived by the rest of them hard, so it's unlikely she'll make it through.

They were the party of Farage. Without him they are nothing.

Like when people know very little about the bible and they just Google a quote like John 13:35 and use that as justification that they are perfectly free to sodomise each other because everyone has to love them all the time so everything they do is infallible.

So pretty much when lefty ""christians"" use bible quotes to justify their metropolitan, modern worldview, with very shaky actual divine justification.

He's always been a civic like this

He also did the MUH DRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS Hitchcuck narrative after the Barcelona terror attack. I was fuming.

True, its just more apparent now than before

Yeah its fucking sad

Ahh yes. This is far far too common. I hate when people quote Galatians 3:28 at me to disprove my ethnonationalism. As if acts 17:26 doesn't exist.

reale biergarten

If UKIP has any hope of survival nige needs to stop critising ukip from outside it

If AMW wins he will complain about muh Islamaphobia muh racism

If Kurten wins hell be muh homophobia "cultural Marxism is a tinpot therapy"

UKIP is fucking dead lads, no matter what they do. Might as well have a party pressuring the tories to say shit about islam though.

typed the fucking captcha twice

David Kurten believes cultural Marxism is a thing, actual social conservative and called out Beebs nigger washing , he's better than he appears, to bad he sound like a hyperactive puppy

>Eddie izzard supports the same club I do
Absolutely disgusted tqbh famalam

Serious question: do any of you pay the license fee?


As a rule I'll leave any room with a television in it that's on.

I do sometimes listen to radio 3.

We have the tories for that. I'd rather have a party opposing Islam for a short while before it fizzles out than another tory party run by a black man which then fizzles out.

just gave the wife a good beating lads

what's everybody up to?

Phoning the polis about some stupid slag who won't stop screaming next door.

Yes. Can't afford any legal hassle atm

It's impossible to get fined if your not.a total mong

Should parents teach kids to wash their foreskins out or leave it until they're older and figure it out themselves?

Thats why I pay the license fee

Got street fighter on the telly. Kylie Minogue was in it. That's kind of weird isn't it?

Just browsing shit while it's on in the background though. Pretty comfy. Want to go to bed for 3am though I'm knackered.

They should fucking tell them.

Throwing your fleshlight against the wall doesn't count, mate

How old is too old to shower with your kid and teach them to wash properly?

This question makes me very uncomfortable and I decline to answer

What's this from?
Could do with more of them

AMW is a fucking LGBT

I was the user you quoted, and I'm very happy I was able to help.

>I think that interpreting the Bible to suit yourself is a totally misguided use of faith.
>Following something that you define as agreeing with your existing beliefs takes no conviction.
C.S. Lewis talks about this in "Mere Christianity", which I would highly recommend. He simply concludes that it's a matter of sincerity - following Christianity in the way you believe to be true, rather than in a way you believe to be convenient.

You know when you're trying to lie to yourself, and so does God. If someone is deliberately misinterpreting Scripture, then their punishment is in the next life. You just have to try to serve God in the way you honestly believe to be right.

Not your age mate, it's the age of kid that counts. Can't be getting in the bath with your 14yr old demonstrating how to scrub his bellend...

I'm not being funny but why not? if its your child, why is that weird? as long as nothing inappropriate happens?

Mate, srsly? If my old fella had tried to climb his hairy arse in the tub with me when I was 14, I'd have swung for him. Besides if youre having to instruct a teen on how to to keep his bobbies helmet clean there's something wrong. I'd say past about 5 it's weird.

HI x

Any of you lads got any updates on Brexit? Is it still happening or not?


just you and me OC...
where are the other based anons

Anyone know any good political podcasts for me to listen to?
Already listened to an episode of the times red box, was pretty decent. Also downloaded a an episode of Nick Robinson's "Political Thinking"
One with discussions about American politics would be good too because I'm doing a module of that for uni next year. Cheers lads

The Daily Shoah.

Try Ben Shapiro, he's tribe, but from a conservative viewpoint he makes a lot of sense

*for US politics

Martin Shrkreli livestream of him doing inane tasks and ignoring his audience

>spouting white nationalist views to my leftie uni tutors
Wew lad


What'd you mean by tribe? I'll download an episode anyway, worth a shot. Daily releases too which i like. Cheers lad. Any more?

He's Jewish

>tfw just got my lease application approved and moving to Gravesend, England in September to start a new life in the good ole' UK!

I finally got my dream job you guys! I can't fucking wait to move to Britain! Any of you lads want to meet up at the pub for a pint of Carlsberg next month? I'm gonna be a Brit!

Oh yeah, Steven Crowder, Paul Joseph Watson, Phillip de Franco. The first two are a bit lightweight, but entertaining.

Why am I getting severe deja vu from this post?

Out of all the places, Graves fucking end. Mate.

Why is this song so fucking good?

What are you listening to right now lads?

no reason :o)

What the fuck do I know you?

Woesy's getting fat lad.


He used to be much fatter. Look at the size of him 5 minutes into this.

Smoke on the water, fire in disguise. Bum bum boawm, bum bum boaw bawm. Bum bum baw baw baaaw

He's a bisexual NEET

Gavin McInnes is pretty funny too but it tends to be short sarcastic videos focused on US, US lefties, men v women, a little on Islam, campus rape culture etc

Also based Milo Yiannopoulos for the anti-feminism/anti-Islam shock bants

Also Tommy Robinson; standard for UK Islam shit

we really have been invaded by civic alt-lite cuckolds

wtf is going on lol

we literally have people advertising milo and gavin in our fucking threads now

what the fuck

goodnight senpais...

Yeah, no. Tried to listen to him on Joe Rogan's podcast and within 10 minutes he was talking about sucking cock.

Don't do it. Did 10 cans in less than 2 hours and got nothing but abuse. Did a crate or bud and I'm off me tits

Just finished my 2nd workout of the day lads. HIIT. How many calories have you fat fucks burned today?

the liquid Jew, beer has estrogen in you numpty

Is anyone here