/rc/ - Radical Centrism

This thread is dedicated to the ideas of radical centrism.

Death to communists! Death to fascists! Glory to the guiding principles of radical centrism!

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Our idol~


sounds pretty shitty tbqh

Stupid brainlet

>calling neoliberalism radical centrism
>not even reading the short wiki entry on /rc/

As a centrist, open borders are fucking disgusting and you should kill yourself

Yeah, you're just sad because your brain is small.

Shoo, go away small brainer.

Sargon the radical centrist says age of consent laws "should depend on the child", while engaging with a homosexual pedophile on the merits of buggering children. Is this peak centrism?



>muh open borders

more like radical faggots

>Touts evidence based and highly contextual positions for everything

>Except for open borders dogma, and probably only open borders for white countries.


a leaf :)

Sounds awful. Open borders in this political climate would be an instant civil war in which all of the shitlords left and right would destroy anything remotely good.

Sargon is alt right, not a radical centrist.

>radical centrism
You mean National Socialism.

Radical Centrism neither supports open borders or neo-liberalism. This is a false flag.

People will find a way to get in anyways
>wasting billions of dollars on deportations
>seperating families
>creating a generation a criminal thugs

>radical centrists
>O P E N B O R D E R S
hwat in tarnation

>not wanting open borders
Illegal inmigrants only do shitty jobs no one wants, also it's not like laws don't apply to you even if you're undocumented.

>Open boarders
>Radical centrism
um... no sweetie that's a far left ideolog's idea.

True radical centrists understand that racial and cultural homogeneity in a country is an important factor in deciding the right kind of immigration policy a country should take. A reasonable radical centrist will want to allow all people of similar racial and cultural persuasions the ability to come to a country, but to further they are removed from that race or culture the more value they must provide the country for the immigration to be beneficial to the populous at large.

try looking at the evidence you ravenous ideologue ;)

Radical indecisionism.

desu by pure definition Hitler was a radical centrist.