A man cannot live without values

Muslims have values.
Jews have values.
Buddhists have values.
Japs have values.
Chinks have values.
Leftists, even if you hate them, have values.

ISIS, the most murderous crew on the fucking planet, even THEY have morals that they live by.

If you don't have morals and values in this world then you are nothing.

From a survival point of view, what your values actually are is less important than just having SOME values and sticking up for them in the real world.

If you can stick up for yourself and your values in the real world then you stand a chance of succeeding in life. If you just shit around on an internet messageboard, without having some values which you can take into the real world, you'll get nowhere.

Have some values.


But seriously, how can we expect to beat Muslims and Jews when they have a unifying religion to give them strength and power, and we don't?

White people have been fragmented ever since we dropped Christianity.


desu we need a new church
the modern churches all of them have strayed so far from the message of christ that to have a mass revival through them would be worse than the current state
become a saint user return us to our roots and give us a church that stands like a rock while the others wash away like sand

>being cucked by a sky daddy
Fuck you, I do whatever I want.

I see what you mean to be honest, the modern Church of England is totally cucked, and so is the Pope.

Maybe we do need to start a new movement. The morals of Christianity formed the basis of our culture, they gave our nations strength.

You're as bad as the leftists who dye their hair blue because they think it's edgy.

Das right, I'm bad, what chu gon do bout tit?

Nothing. Your failure in life is your own business.

>believing is fairy land
you dumb like my four year old son

The European race is dying because of people like you.

>I'm european

catholic monarchy is the system that will take over the world

Reformed babtist

Jew is not a religion its a tribe. Jews can be atheist or buddhist but still be accepted by the tribe. (Never christian though, they get exiled for that)

I'm talking of all people of European descent. Are you not white?

And he said unto me, It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: this is the second death.

Believe, or do not, it's all the same to me. But understand that the almighty believes in you.

We are all judged on our actions.

Well I'm a Protestant. But I welcome all Christians, far more than I do any other religion.

It's an ethno-religious group, yes you're right they often still call themselves Jews even if they're atheists.

Well, Christians should do the same thing, we should be unashamed in calling ourselves cultural Christians, just like Jews call themselves cultural Jews.

Or we could go the whole hog and do what ISIS does - embrace a fundamentalist, traditionalist interpretation of religion. It's up to you what you believe in, but I am asking you merely to familiarise yourself with Christianity, the religion which birthed ALL OF US (those of us who are white / European in heritage).


I mean, whatever people's opinions are on whether the almighty exists or not, all I want is for people to appreciate Christianity since THEY WOULDN'T EXIST WITHOUT IT.

These are the life lessons which white people have taken to heart for centuries, it helped them through tough times.

Whether it's literally true doesn't matter. What matters is the utility of the ideas. Whether they impart good life advice. That's what matters in my view.

>If you don't have morals and values in this world then you are nothing.

fuck values, gold is all that matters christcuck


So now you will be forever the cynic, making little internet jokes about "McGas™" and "haha ancap is so funni xD", instead of having VALUES and MORALS to your life.

