Are we ready to meme Kid Rock into the senate?
Are we ready to meme Kid Rock into the senate?
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Would be pretty cool.
BUMP his speech on Wednesday was epic
His speech was a bit cringey and low-brow. Actually verging on the "Idiocracy" meme
I'll take it though, he doesn't have donors
>implying he needs our help
he's going to win in a fucking landslide
He really doesn't but the memes are still going to be great
I concur.
Yeah why not, he has at least a couple of decent songs.
It's too idiocracy. Can't handle that.
Wish I could vote for him.
>His speech was a bit cringey and low-brow. Actually verging on the "Idiocracy" memeI'll take it though, he doesn't have donors
Yes, it was a tad cringey. But, whatever. Better than the shit bags in office now.
We basically have the suit version of Comacho in the WH right now. He seems to be doing just fine. Actually getting real shit done.
>Camacho wasn't a great patriotic leader who appointed the right man to save the world
>It's bad to be 2nd amendment as fuck
You don't belong here. Go back to Newsweek, Time, or National Review
I have had a bumper sticker on my car for a month. Already got told I should be killed by a punk fuck and his buddies.
I am in the Bay Area, we are over run by antifa fags. Apparently Kid Rock is now a Nazi.
Please don't
If I have to choose between smart and loyal, I'll pick loyal every time.
If I have to chose between fake and real, I'll choose real every time.
Kid Rock is a good man who doesn't fucking virtue signal. He walks the walk.
...which sticker? I need some Kid Rock for Senate shit
Hell yeah
LOL, that image is such a troll. If it had a bald eagle it would create a little America in everyone's laptop.
This is the best part about the Trump Presidency
Let's fucking do this shit.
The t shirts run really small.
The earlier me would have hated this. I love it now.
but only because I don't live in Michigan.
We're already living in Idiocracy.
Is that charles carroll?
Kid Rock is BASED he will MAGA I already contributed $20 to his cause
I'll help just to see the massive salt mines this creates on the left.
Why do you find it funny? Has he even been around, talking stuff about politics? Or he's just a musician, a famous guy from the screen.
It's absurd Trump comes from entertainment
My name is Senator Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid ROCK!!!!
seems like a pretty down to earth guy.
Must be because he's a cowboy, baby
Will Senator Rock make the 90s again?
This, he has some pretty high power levels.
Earlier I was at the convenience store and someone in line in front of me was buying a Crystal Pepsi. Then suddenly a TLC song came on. That's when I knew Kid Rock had to become Senator.
maybe something without his stomache showing, goin' to need a dash of class to make this work.
He seems like a decent guy. Do it, America.
Dunno about president, but honestly considering that his opponents (if he ever ran) would probably be super shit at this point, you should still vote for him.
Politics seems to be full of the most evil people in the world and it's up to the populace to pick the one good guy out of all of them lest they be punished.
> Since the announcement, the media has speculated this was a ploy to sell shirts or promote something. I can tell you, I have no problem selling Kid Rock shirts and yes, I absolutely will use this media circus to sell/promote whatever I damn well please (many other politicians are doing the same thing, they just feed you a bunch of bullshit about it).
OK, that settles it. We need him to become the Senate
he's honestly similar to trump. he's blatantly pointed out faults with american politics on and off for a decade or two, nothing too terribly serious. basically ending his music career, retired, and decently well-read considering the state of american politicians.
he has a legitimate chance at winning. though, i still have hope he makes good on his promise of wanting to be a cowboy
kid rock is a racist moron who has no business being anywhere near Washington.
the idea was the successful members of society could become president
career politicians are an abomination
Trump isn't from entertainment, he's a very successful business man. Are you a millenial by any chance? Because The Apprentice is the least of his resume.
flip Kid with Chris aaaand I'd still be like "why?", user
>is pic related?
Minnesota's Democrat senator is a comedian too
that goes the wrong way
he has a half black son you retarded fuck
who the fuck is that?
why is usa such a meme country?
kek true
there might be a fair few Grab 'em by the pussy curveballs to dodge too tbf
For me it was that moment at 7-11 when I realized Zima was available for a limited time (only).
>career politicians are an abomination
this too. millennials of both factions are terribly against career politicians and will gladly vote in a one-two term guy, even if it's for the lulz
he was quite a decent SNL guy back in the day. dont forget jesse ventura either.
Coming, notice location of thumb on female and also shoes and hooves pointing this way.
Make Michigan Great Lakes Again
He has a nigger son, how is that racist?
If you want to support Kid Rock,
buy his new 100% made American grill,
It cost $99 dollars,
$125 gas version
pimp slapping Tommy Lee lol
Don't get me wrong I like kid rock but his Kid rock for senate speech on stage reminded me of this.
>be serbian
Kid Rock looks like a methhead. No thanks.
Remember when you ruled over white Muslims and Gypsy Nazis? Now what ya got?
>made in USA
>“All those things that I look for in the big grills, I get in this small portable unit. And I can still cook for 10 or 12 people.”
>— Pitmaster and 6-time Florida BBQ champion Chad Ward
jesus christ. kid rock knows his constituents. he's gonna fuckin win this.
The gas version's $26 more and you still have to buy gas for it?
I got 3 t shirts and 10 bumper stickers.
At this point im just in it for the entertainment and salt, it does reek of idiocracy, but fuck it.
Fuck gas, Charcoal master race!
kid rock is a racist moron who has no business being anywhere near Washington.
You say this with a "confederate" flag.
Antifag out much?
Michifag here. Hell no.
Hell yes. Let's make normies lose their minds a bit more.
the president that obama should have been, but was too much of a communist muslim nigger to be
why does every website force me to create a fucking account just to buy their shit. i just want a senator Rock hat
Lol, i love Hank, but charcoal and wood chips imparts a superior flavor.
why? cause you like that worthless cunt you have now?
Fuck off
How is this even a question?
Lol I didn't read the previous comments but I was the 3rd person to think of President Commancho from Idiocracy. That movie will be a documentary in 50 years.
you'd rather let Stabenow have her fourth term? the fucks wrong with you? she's been a senator for a longer time than some of the people on this board have been alive. she's buddies with pelosi and warren. she's gotta go.
Trips don't lie
Alright, fuck it. Bawwidiba my shit up.
God Senator Kid Rock. Kek wills it.
He's almost as important as Trump, definitely 2nd most important person to meme.
Kid Rock will push the overton window way the fuck to the right and will soak up a ton of fire from every liberal politician/talking head/comedian. They have no clue how to deal with his total lack of filter and will come off as sardonic asses and red pill even more people.
Every polack who isn't willing to meme him as hard as Trump simply doesn't get hexadimensional mongolian chess.
We have been under Republican control at the state level for years. After Trump and the useless state government, Republicans will not win a state wide election for years.
It's too late. This has legs.
anoyne got a coupon code for kid rock store? $23 for shipping+hat. ill do it, but if anyone knows sumfin
You still have to buy the charcoal for the other one.
>We have been under Republican control at the state level for years
and thank god for that. they've managed to reverse most of the damage done by Granholm. with any luck we'll soon have a republican senator too.
All he asks for his for black men to take responsibility for their children and black women make better decisions in picking husbands. No wonder Democrats are so upset, he is asking for black people to be responsible. That's obviously racist!
Look man, we get that you don't like trump but I don't even know what the fucking Democrats stand for anymore, nor is there any viable 3rd party. Quite honestly, I see a coming financial shit storm coming on Trump's watch, not that he caused it but this one is going to be big.
I love kid rock, I am not familiar with any of his music since I listened to the cowboy song in 6th grade, and like trump he is not my moral exemplar, but I love that like trump he doesnt give a fuck about appealing to people's sense of propriety, I hate that.
>there might be a fair few Grab 'em by the pussy curveballs to dodge too tbf
America is past that shit hopefully. The only people with no bad shit in their past have no past (like Obama)
imagine this guy filibustering
Like fucking hell. I've got stacks of old plywood and wire to burn.